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�`�'Ll�i� <br />� . ��'�}� ��'����� , <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTk:D 4JORDS <br />�....�_ ���'TATE J6URN74L CQM1TFANV LiNCOL1�I.N'EB .- .. .:�-- .._. . _� �.�` ..._ _._��—`_� . ..� ... _" _' __ _ —. '"' <br />, .___.__._,.___.____...___. .____.__. ... .. .. ... . ........:_n ... .>_,_..._..,_.__._�...__._..�..t_____.—..— _`=_--.�—�..---�_-_:_.�. _.__'_-. _ _ _. _'_ __ <br /> i STATE OF NF,BR�SItA, <br /> � 3S. `` <br />, � H�.lI Co�,�nty, E�ntered in Nunzericat In- ��` <br /> Robert L.Lester and v�ife <br /> � de„c and fcled for reco7•d %n the R�egister of Deed's off�ice of said ;`�� � <br /> � <br /> TO wDeedty County, the �lst day of October 19 �1, at � <br /> r�Ia t t i e A. L e s t er o'ctock and 2 p minutes, P. .ilf• ; <br /> ����.��.��-� <br /> Register o f�Deeds, <br /> 13� Deputy. <br /> �1�0�1 ��� �Pl� �1� ��jP�P ��P�P�tt�� � <br /> That Robert � L.Lester �.nd Arr�elia Lester (husband and wife) <br /> � of the County of Ha�l , and State of Nebr�,Sk�. , for and in consideration of the sum of ;�; <br /> , <br /> Tw.�er.�ty -t�vo Hundred. & No/7.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> �� ��n h�ancl paid, do hereb� grar�t, bargai�a, sell, conve� a�ad co�afir�n ecnGo I�d,t�19 A.LeS�eT <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , tlie following deseribed real estate situatecl <br /> in in Hall Count�, and State of Nebraska , to-w�it: <br /> ;; <br /> LOT FOUR (4) BLOCK FIFTY (50) PACKE�. AT?D BARR� S SECOND AD�ITION TO <br /> G�.AI�TD ISLAI�TD ' <br /> i <br /> � TO HAVE A�I�D TO HOLD the p�•e�mises above desci�ibed, together• �c•�tlz all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances the7•e- <br /> � ti��yzto belongir�g, unto tlze said Ma�t 1 e A.L e s t�� <br /> ;; <br /> a�ad to r er heirs anr� assiqns, forever. � <br /> � And VV�1e do hereby eovenant with the said Grantee , and i�i�th heT� heirs� and assigns, that � <br /> yye �,r@ lawfully �ized of �aid �7•emises; t7aat the� a7•e f�°ee from. encumbrance �� <br /> that Vve have goocl ��ight a�ad lawful uuthority to sell the same; a7zd We do hereby covenar��t <br /> � to warrant and defend the title to sa�id premises aga�inst the lawful elai7ns of all �ersons whomosever � <br /> And thesaid g1'=�,ntors liereb� �•elinqueshes all <br /> th e l� T 1`'h t and t 1 t 1� - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - Zn and to the above deseribed p�remises. <br /> Signed this Jlgt day of OCtOb2x' , A.. D., 19�1 <br /> In Xl��resenee of <br /> F,J. Cleary Robert L.Lester <br />' Mrs. Robert Lester <br /> &Irs Amelia Lester <br /> State o f NEBRA S KA <br /> ss. <br /> HALL Coticnt�, On tjais '�L day of OC�Ob2T A. D., 19 31 <br /> � <br /> bef or�tlae undersigned. F.J.C1 eary <br /> a Yotary Pa�blic, d2cl� com�mtissioned and qualtified for ar•d residing in �said County, perso�zally came � <br /> Robert L.Lester and Amelia Lester (husba,nd and w�fe) <br /> to me kriown to be the identical person g whose �xame S are affixed to the foregoinq instru- <br /> ment as granto�°g , a�id acknowledged the same to be �heir voluntar� act and deed. <br /> (SEAL) <br /> � � Witness my han�d and Notarial Seal the da� and �ear last above writter. �� <br />� � DI� com�nission e�pir-es the 21 day of OC'�ObeT 19 3�j � <br /> F.J. Cleary <br />' Notary Pubbic. <br /> _ - �-_ -� __ __ �W�_ <br /> _,-:��--- _�._�_____-- <br /> _ �____��_ <br /> _-: �� ; ,___. . _____ _ __ _���_.= __��_ <br /> -� =;..- _ ,,-- � �_-�_ �,.-, - _ <br /> �; <br />, i; <br />