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40� ,� <br /> ��f��� ��������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br />�_._ _.._____.. .... . . . .__...7Z$2��GS4TG10 ..'. . ... „ _'___.. _ ... _.... � .... ....... . . . ... . ... �_.__ ...... . ._...__"'_' _ _ __'.._.-.�_ <br /> r STATE OI+' NEBRr1SgA, ;� <br /> `+ • ss. '� <br /> � � Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- ��,� <br /> ,� <br /> �, <br /> � <br /> � John B.KOCh and t�lfe dex a�ad filed fo�• reco�•d in tlie Register of Deed's offtice of said �� <br /> u <br /> TO Warranty County, the 2� day of October 19�1 , at 9 � <br /> Deed i, <br /> „ <br /> �' Wm.O.Uebe1 & Je�sie Uebel o'clock and 7-5 mtinutes, AbI. � �j <br /> 'Register o�� <br /> �, <br /> B� Deput�. <br /> i� <br /> , <br /> - �� <br /> , <br /> � <br /> i: <br /> �1�D� ���. �P�. �1� ��j��P ��P�P�t�: �i <br /> � That We, John� B.Koch and Etta M.Koch, husb�.nd and wife , ;� <br /> i ! <br /> � ;: <br /> � ,� <br /> i ' <br /> �; of th.e County of HOWcl.rd , and State of NebTa,Ska. , fory• and tin co�tiside��ation of the sum of i� <br /> i ;� <br /> �; <br /> 'I <br /> 'I Thirteen Hundred � 1 00.00) – – – – – – – – – – – – – � – � – – – � – – – – – – DOLLARS, ;! <br /> ;� t� 3 <br /> � i; <br /> ;� in lti�a�tic� pc�icl, do hereby gra��•t, bargain, sell, convey and co�ifia��n u�ito �m.O.Uebe1 and Jessie Uebel ii <br /> ;� <br /> ; � <br /> a <br /> j ; <br /> i; i <br /> i, o tlte Count o York and State o Nebras:ka , the following described real estate situated �� <br /> ;; <br /> f yf , f ; <br /> i!� inGrand Island tin Hall Coz�nty, a�nc� State of Neb�aska , to-�urit: �;�� <br /> � <br /> I: ;I <br /> '�' Lot Number Eight (�) Block Number One (1) , George Loan� s subdivision, Gra.nd Island, (� <br /> ' Nebraska. II <br /> �i <br /> q <br /> ii :i <br /> �i <br /> il �� <br /> 'f <br /> �� ;� <br /> ;! <br /> i, <br /> i� <br /> il <br /> ;; I� <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ' �I <br /> ;I ;',, <br /> ' il <br /> ��'�� TO HAVE dl'D TO HOLD the pre�nises above desc��•ibed, together with all the Tenemer�ts, IIeredi-taments and Appurteraarices tnere- �I <br /> if <br /> � unto belon �,r�� unto the said Wm.O.Uebe1 a,rid Jessie Ueb�l � ' <br /> ` y• 9, ,I <br /> '� i� <br /> and to the1P heirs and assign,s, forever. �� <br /> I' �i <br /> ��, And ypg do hereby eovenant with the sa�id G�'a7titee S , and ticith thEir heirs a�id assigns, that �! <br /> i i� <br /> �� <br /> i <br /> (� ' � <br /> ' ! ppe are � lawf�t.11y s�ized of s�aid pre�2ises; that tlaey a�'e f�'ee from enci�mbra7ice �. �� <br /> ;i <br />� that � yp have ood 7w lit and laz� ul authorit to sell tlae same• a�ad �e �lo I�ereby eovenar��t +G � <br /> i e s � f y � <br /> , r <br /> ,) <br /> ' � <br />� ��,� to wc��o�rant a�nd defe9ad the t�itle to saecl premi�ses against the la2vful clai�ras of all persons whomosever �} <br /> i( <br /> And the said John B.Koch and Et�a NJI.KoCh hereb� relinquishes all j� <br /> I <br /> _ ;� <br /> i <br /> statu�ory alld Other z'l�;hts - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' in and to the above des�eribed premises. I� <br /> �i <br /> Signed thds 21 day of October , A. D., 19 '1 �� <br /> ' I; <br /> i� <br /> � In t�e presenee o f � �i <br /> D.E.Ma�nuson John B.Koch �i <br /> � Etta M.Koch <br />� il <br /> , :i <br /> �S'tate of Nebraska :i <br />� � � ss. � I <br /> Merrick co��nt�, o�c t��tis 21st da� oi October A. D., 1s 31 <br /> � �I <br /> � befo�re�the undersig��iecl. �.E.�Jl�.gri11S021 , �� <br /> I <br /> ;' <br /> � � a Notai�,� P��blic, dicl,y eo�m�7r�ssioned and qualified fo�• ar�•d �•esiding in said County, perso�zally e�me ii <br /> John H.Koch ana Etta 1�.Koch, husband and wife I <br /> �� <br /> to me known to be the identieal persons iuhose nantie8 aTe affixed to the foregoing instr� !� <br /> ; <br /> � � SEAL� ment �as grantor g , and acknowledgecl tlie same to be thef r . voluntary act and deed. � <br /> I <br /> � Witryaess 7ny hccnd� a�id Nota��ial Seal the� day and �ear last c�.boroe ivritter. ��� <br /> ii <br /> DI�� eommission e�pires the 16th da� of OCtOb2r Ig 37 i� <br /> � <br /> �I' D.E.Magnuson <br /> Notary Publia l� <br /> : i <br /> - -- ----__ �--__- — -------- ___ -- i, <br /> ; <br /> � �I <br /> . ��; � � � �� <br />