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4�J 1_ <br /> � <br /> ����� ������� <br /> CONTe1INS 281 PRINTF:D WORDS <br /> .._ .. . . . .._. -57ATE JOURTVA.__. N . . . .. .. . . . . . . _ . ... .... _. _._ _.._ _._'___ - _ ".. .__ __ _ ___ _____..._.___ <br />_,_�._.___ .__-. . __ ...,....__. . _ ._'.. ..._ ...__. _.__.._...,.._.__.._. .. .._�_._ ._..- . - _ <br /> ._. _.._._.__'""__.._.... .�....____ ._....__ .. ._.__ _._..... ..... . ._...._ ._.. .__ .._ ..._.. .._.. ____. .._. .. . ._.... . R, _. . <br /> ;i ST.qTE OP NEBRASIiA, ;I <br /> �; ss. �i <br /> � � � � Hall Co�unty, Dntered in Nunaerical In• � <br /> + <br /> � Harry D.RiCker and wife dex and filed for record in the Reqister of Deed's office of said I <br /> i <br /> �� wDeedt� County, the ?0 da� of October 19 31, at 1 i� <br /> Winni f r e d & George Ho e s o'clock a�id 3� minutes, P• hI. ( j� i� <br /> - \��y�G�c-�iy� �i <br /> Register o f Deeds, �i <br /> By Deput�. i�, <br /> ii <br /> ';I <br /> I� <br /> ' I; <br /> ', ��D� ��� ��1� �1� ��jP�� ��P�P1�t�: �� <br /> ' Tj�at Harry D.Ricker and Ricker , his v�ife, �! <br /> '� �� <br /> I �i <br /> .� ;N <br />� �� of the Cou7zty of �1�,y , and State of NEbraSka , for and ��n cons�ide�•ation of the �um of �� <br /> �I <br /> I <br /> ; THREEHUNDREDSE�TENTY & No/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - voLLARS, i� <br /> ;! <br /> I,� in h�a�ncl pa7d, do tie�°eby gra���t, bargain; sell, convey and eo�vfirm unto Wlririlf�ed H02S c112d CrGOrg@ H06S , �� <br /> II �i ;; <br /> �� ;� <br /> �� <br /> I of the County of Hd,ll , a�ad State of Nebraska , tlze following described �•eal estate situated �� <br /> I <br /> � ��;� in G�'a,rid ISlazld in Ha11 Co�ia�at�, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: ;� <br /> �� <br /> '; i� <br /> � Lot Nine ( 9) , in Block Two (2) , Schimmers Add.ition to Grand Island, �'i <br /> Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. ' <br /> I; <br /> �i <br /> i; �� <br /> '! ;I <br /> �) <br /> �� �� <br /> ;M ,i <br /> ii <br /> I I� <br /> ' i <br /> 7'O HAV� d1�1�D TO HOLD the premises aboze desc�•ibed, toyetleer u.�ith all the Tenenze�zts, Heredi�taments and Appurtenances t'here- ;; � <br /> ,' '� <br /> p, unto bezony2,�y, ��nto the said winni�'red Hoes and George Hoes (I <br /> � <br /> � and to �he�.T heirs a�ad assigns, forever. �� <br />�I %I <br /> A�id ype do hereb� covena�it witlu the said G7•a�ztee , ccnd zvith th�2T liei�•s and ass�yns, that �� <br /> �i 90@ d,rE lawfully sized of s�a�id prenzises; that they are f�'ee f�•om enc2oa�abrance �I <br /> �; ��that qQE have good ��iglzt a7zd la2vful c�uthority to sell the same; n-nd yp@ do hereb� eovenar��t i <br /> %' <br /> I <br /> � to wa�-rant a�id defe7id the t�itle to sa�id prentiises agai�ist tlie lawful elairris of all persons whomosever �{ <br /> ii <br /> II And the said Dollie Rieker her•eby relinquishes all !� <br /> i <br /> � heT maTlt�,l Tlgh�B — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �n and to tlae avove des�eribed p�remises. �� <br /> �; <br /> �, <br /> Si�ned this 13th cla� of �CtobeT , A. D., 1931 !i <br /> ! <br /> ;i <br /> In � p�resenee of � I� <br /> R.A.Byrkit Harry D.Ricker <br /> Dollie Ricker �' <br /> � �+ <br /> i! <br /> - -- �� <br /> State of Nebraska �i <br /> s�. ';� <br /> Qla,p Count�, O�z tliis l�j�h da� of �CtObeT A. D., 19 31. �� <br /> � <br /> '''� ��i <br /> befo�•e�the unclersiqned. R.A.Byrk�t r� <br /> I � (f <br /> � a Nota��y Pubbic, dlcly com�ntissio�aed and qica,lif�ied fo�• c�r�d residing �-n said County, perso�tally came ;i <br /> ' i� <br /> I�' Harry D.�icker and Dollie Ricker '! <br /> ;i <br />� � i <br /> to me k�zou;n to be tlie identical per•so�i B zuhose �zame S aT2 aff��ed to the fo�°egoing instr2c- ;I <br /> � � (s�AL) ;', <br /> �� <br /> ment a,� g�•antor•s , and aeknowledged tltie same to be their vol�cntary aet and deed. !,i <br /> '; !; <br /> �� �[Vitness m� hand and Notarial Seal the da-� and year last above w�i•�itter�. !I <br /> i <br /> i �; <br /> , M� commissiora e�pires the 2�th da� of �T�.1'1LiaT� 19 3� �� <br /> R.A.Byrkit �r <br /> � Notary Public. �f <br /> i <br /> r <br /> ---�,., �_ ----�� �-_'---- — �__ ._—_ - - I <br /> '!� <br /> i� <br /> • t� <br /> . ' ' . - _- .. . u <br />