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�i� <br /> i <br /> � <br /> ������ �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP;D WORDS <br />_ _�_� _.._._�.� ._ �. ______--- --- ----__-___�._ <br />_ _. _ - _ _. _. _._.._._--_ _.,___._..__ .__ ____._ __.____._____._�__._ <br />_,_�� _7782A_STATEJOURNALCOMPANY LINCOLN N�8 <br /> �.__��.— _----�_.�...__....� _�_____.__�____ — ST�1TE OF' 11TEBRASXA, � � <br /> i� <br /> ss. � <br /> � � � H8i,11 Coz�nty, Entered in Numerical In- � <br /> Isaac James �Vilkins and wife de� and filed for �°eco��d iri the Register of Deed's office of said <br /> TO Warranty Count tltie 21 da o �aY 19 �7, at 1 <br /> Deed y� y f <br /> i; <br /> Charles T.Conklin and Vina �detta dclock and 45 �n�nutes, �� <br /> � Gonklin �� � �-�-�-�- ;�� <br /> Register o f Deeds, <br /> � By Deput�. ;�; <br /> I' <br /> ��.o� ��� ��� � �C�j��� �r��P�tt�: <br /> � <br /> That Isaac James i�i2kins and Jean 1�ilkins , his �ife, both of Grand Island,Nebraska, ; <br /> ;,. <br /> o f the County o f Ha11 , and State o f Nebraska , f or and in conside�°ation o f the suni o f <br /> One Dollar, and other good and �uffic�.ent consideration ���,��,g_ '; <br /> , <br /> i�n h;and pa�d, do hereby gr•ar�t, bargain, sell, convey and confir�an zinto Ch8.T1�B `�'.COrik11ri 8,rid V�I18, M2tt�, G017k1�.I1� �.8 ��� <br /> joint tenants with right of survivorship <br /> �� <br /> of the County of Hd.1Z , and State of Nebraska , the following described ��eal estate situated <br /> 2n Grand Island in Ha11 Coicnty, ana state of IJebrask� _ , to-wit: <br /> �� ' <br /> The undivided one-fifth interest of Is�,�c James Wilkins �.s devieee of Lena Wilkins,deceased, ! <br /> in and to Lots Seven (7) and Eight (�) in Block One Fiundred Fifteen (11�) in R�,ilroad Addit��n <br /> to the City of Grand Island, in Hall County, State of Nebraska. '. <br /> !, <br /> � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pre��a,ises above descr�ibed, together 2c,ith all the Tenements, Heredataments and Appurtenances there- <br /> unto beaonq2��y, unto the sa�at Charles T.Conklin and Vina Metta Conklin, �.s joint tenants <br /> and to th e i r heirs and assigns, f orever. <br /> And t�9g do l�ereby covenant Zvith the said Grantee 8 , and �vztlti '�h2�r heirs and assigns, that ' � <br /> � �qg �e lau�fully sized of said premises; that they ccre free from enc�u�rrebranee BXCept 13.f@ e8t8.t@ Of �T�.t�h�?p� <br /> Henry l�ilkins, taxes and special assessments <br /> that ypg have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and We do hereby eovenarct <br /> to warrant and defend the title to sa�id premises against th-e Zaivful cic�i�ns of all perso�as whomosever � <br /> And the said d�e.ri 1��1k�AB hereb� relinquishes all <br /> heT right ,title and interest , ineluding homestead in and to the above described p�remises. ;; <br /> Signed this 20th day of MB,y , A. D,, 19 �jl <br /> In �e presence of ' <br /> A.G.Abbott to both Isa�,e James Wilkins <br /> Jean 1�ilkins <br /> � <br /> ,; <br />� � state of jljebra8ka > � � �� <br /> ss. <br /> Ha.11 Cou�ity, On this 20th da� of �.Y A. D., 19�1 !�' <br /> � �; <br /> bef�re„the undersigned. A.G.Abbatt <br /> a No�t�zr� P�eblic, dzily com�nissioned and qualified f or a�id residing in said County, personall� eame � <br /> _ t� <br /> � <br /> - Isaac James �ilkins and Jean Wilkins, hi� v�ife ' <br /> to me known to be the identieal person6 wliose names d.T� af fixed to the foregoing instru- <br /> nie.nt� , and ach;nowledged the same to be their voluntar� act and deed. _ - <br /> �SEAI�� Wit�ness 7�z� hand a�ad Notarial Seal the day and year last above writteru. <br /> , � 11I� co7nmission expires the �Z�� day of g�p�e�be�" 19 36 � <br /> '� <br /> Arthur G.Abbott ,' <br /> � Notary Public. <br /> �'. <br /> :� <br /> � <br />