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n �0c� , <br /> � �'L� � ���� � ��� � <br /> �_J—l� �J � , <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTb:D WORDS <br /> __—_____�. ------- . .___ _ _ --____ __._._ _�__�_ —.—� <br /> _____�.,�: _. . <br />'�-����" ""� ���� —STATE JOURNAC COb1PANY,�LINCOLN,REB . �� � <br />_ .._ ._. � _. _. __._. . .... __ .__._ _...._____'___...__._—..."_�.__ � <br />_.._._.__�_�._—�.�".-—.__........__.:—. __._.....:-�.._,.__--��.._,. :r:.—_�m-�--�-- � . <br /> STATE Ob' NEBRAS�A, <br /> i <br /> ss. <br /> j�e�,II County, Entered i�i Numerical In- <br /> Anna 3eitz and husband �' <br /> de� and filed for reeo�•d tin the Registea� of Deec�'s office of said ! <br /> TO Warranty �,QUnty, the 12 da� of A�e.y 19 31, at 2 <br /> - Deed <br /> Augusta Baegl o'clock and -�-- minutes, P. 1i3. <br /> �'r�-�--�-� <br /> Register�s, <br /> gy Deputy. <br /> ��.o� ��� ��� � ��je�� �r����t�: <br /> � <br /> Tl�at AY12�a, Seitz and C.J.3eitz, her husband <br /> of the County of �jgll , and Stc�te of Nebraska , for a,nd in eonsideration of the surn of ; <br /> One and no/140 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> in h,and paid, do hereb� gr•ar�t, bargain, sell, eonvey and C012f27'YI2 uYl't0 A11gLtg'�g B�.6g1 <br /> !i <br /> of tt�e county of Laneaster , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate sit,uated <br /> 2n Grand Island �n Hall county, and state of Nebraska , to-wit: � <br /> Lpts One (1) , T�vv (2) , Three (3) , Four (4) , Five (5) , Six (6) , 8even (7) , Eight , (g) , Nine ! <br /> (9 , and Ten (10) , in Block 4ne (1) , and Lots One (1) , Two � (2) , Three(3) ,Four(4 and Five � <br /> (�� in B1d�ck Four (�F) ,East Park Addition to Grand I$1and,Nebr�,ska. <br /> '; <br /> ;� <br /> �� <br /> ,. <br /> TO HAVE AItD TO HOLD the premises above descyibed, together u-itla all tice Teneme��ts, Hereditaments and Appurtenances t3aere- � <br /> � �� unto belongir�g, unto the said At1gtlSttl. BcLeQl �� � � <br /> , <br /> and to hgT hei�•s and ccssigns, fo��ever. <br /> ;� , <br /> 1� <br /> And ype do he�reb� eove�na�at zvith tlie said Grantee , and�with he� heirs and assigns, that <br /> � �trg lawfulty �ized of s�aid premises; that the� are free fro7n encu7nbrance g]�CBp'� L'IICt1Ttlbr�,IIG68 Qf <br /> record, <br /> th�at gPg have good ��ight and lawful authorit� to sell the same; and �g do-hereby covenar�t <br /> ' to warrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful elaims of all persons whomosever <br /> �� Anca thesa�d Anna Seitz �.nd C.J.Sietz, her huaband . �zereb9 rea�nquzshes aat ?' <br /> rZght, title and interest, includin� homestaed �n and to the above described p�remises. <br /> Signed this 12th day of �Q3,Y , A. D., 19 31 <br /> In �ke prese�aee of ,f <br /> k <br /> �.T.Flower Anna 9eit� ;,� <br /> C.J.8eitz ;; <br /> . �; <br /> state of �e�raska '' <br />� ss. �; <br /> Hall County, On this i2th day of �dg3T A. D., 19 31 <br /> ,,.� <br /> befor�tlaeatnclersi�ned. C,.'1'.Flower <br /> r <br /> � a Notary Pz�Lblic, dul� comz�na�%ssioned and qualifaed for ar�d residing in said County, personally eame <br /> " <br /> Anna Seitz and C.J.3eitz, her husband ;; <br /> ;, <br /> to me known to be the d-dentical person8 auhose �zam,e 8 �,T@ af fi�ed to the foregoing instru- ;i <br /> (SEAL) ment as �rantor S , a�ad acknowledged the same to be their voluaitary act and deed. <br /> � Witness nv� hcznd and Nota�•ial Seal the da� and year last above writter. <br /> 3iy commission expi��es the �th day of Sent,ember 19 31 ;'' <br /> C.T.Flower <br /> . NotarJ Public. �I <br /> ;� <br /> � <br /> - --- __ f , <br />