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��0� . <br /> D �1��� ° �������� <br /> � <br /> CONTAINB 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br /> �. _,_ __ _ _�� __ _.__ � � _.._ ___..._�_..�_ � __ -- <br /> ._. . _..- �Z-'IBSB�-�'45IAIE..t�.UENAL.CIIh1PANY LLiICCLL! NE9 � .. ..�..� . . ... . .. ' _._.. ._. . ..._ _ . <br /> _ _"._ _ _ _ ... _ ___ . ..._ ..__.. ._. . .. ._._... _._ _ ..w. <br /> _ �_�___.,--r_._ �__`_.___..._.___ .�°°�°__ STAT� Ob' NEBRAS�A, '! <br /> i� <br /> ss. <br /> H�1,11 County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> James l+d.�mith widower <br /> de� and filed for a•ecord in the Register of Deecl's office of sa�id <br /> TO Warranty County, the O �ay of Apri 1 19 �1, at <br /> Deed 3 � � <br /> Alva 8mith o'clocic and 25 minutes, � <br /> �, <br /> Register o f Deeds, <br /> By Deput�. <br /> �1�0�1 ��� �PI� �1 ��jP�P ��P�P1�t�: <br /> � <br /> That Jame s M.3mi th,wi do�rer, � <br /> of the County of H�,11 , and State of NBbT. , for ancl in eonsideration of tlie sum of <br /> 4ne Dollar and no/200 Dollars and love and affection DOLLARS, <br /> � 4,n l�ancl paid, do hereb� grarat, bargain, sell, convey and confi�•�z un'to A1Va, Sm3.�h � <br /> of the County of H311 , and State of Nebraska , the following deseribed real estate situated <br /> in Grand �sland �n Hall Coicnty, and Stnte of Nebraska , to-w�it: <br /> Lot One (1) Block Seventeen (17} in f3ollege Addi�ion to West Lann in the City oP Grand <br /> Island, as �surveyed,platted and r ecorded. <br /> C <br /> ;' <br /> � <br /> i <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prem�ises ceboze�described, togetlaer with all th�e Tenements, Hereditarnents and Appurtenanees t"here- � <br /> ;; <br /> unto belonqir�q, unto the said AlVa, $mlth <br /> and to h�S heirs and assigns, f orever. ;` <br /> j, <br /> And I do hereby eovenant 2vith the said G�•antee , and uitlo h�8 heirs and assigns, that <br /> I � law f eUlly �zed o f s�a id premises; that tTuey a�•e f ree f rom encumbrance <br /> th-at I have good right and lawful authority to setl the same; and I do hereby covenar��t ' <br /> ;� <br /> ;` <br /> � to zva�n°ant and clefend the title to sa�id prem�ses against the la2vful claims of all persons whomosever � <br /> � And the said � J��eB M.Smith . hereb� relinqu%�shes ccll <br /> my right ,title and interest in and to the above deseribed p�remises. <br /> : <br /> Signed th�as 3��h da� of April , A. D., 19 31 <br /> In t,�,e presenee of <br /> Vernon Rice James I�. .Xis amith <br /> �ark <br /> '' <br /> �Pitness to Mark <br /> state of Nebrasi�a F.L.3covill i' <br /> ss. !� <br /> Hall County, On tlais 30th day of Apr3.1 A. D., 19 3], '; <br /> :t � <br /> ��- <br /> beforerth.e icnder'signed. SJernOTl R1C@ � <br /> ;� <br /> �� a Notary Public, dicly cor�a�mtiissioned and q�zcalifv.ed for a��d residi�ag in said County, pe��sonally can2e � <br /> Jame s �.Smi th z�Pi d.ower, <br /> ��� <br /> to me know�i to bc tice identical person uhose name j,� affixed to the foregoing instrw <br /> (s�,L) <br /> ment as grantor- , and acknowledged the scxme to be hf B voluntary aet and deed. <br /> I <br /> � �itness rn� ha�zd and Zlrotarial Seal the da,� and year last above ivritter. �' � � <br /> �� �I� eomm��ssion e�pires the 10'�h da� of OCt�. .19 35 � <br /> Vernon Rice ! <br /> Notary Public. <br /> �� <br /> _ l? � <br /> I <br />