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i ���� <br />: ��'��� ����'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br /> STATE O�' NEBRAS��, ai <br /> ';� � I <br /> :i ss. ,; <br /> Ha.11 Coztint�, Entered in Numerical In- i; <br /> C.A.Otto and wife � Ij <br /> dE� and filed for reco��d in the Register of Deed's office of 8a2d �� <br /> TO ' <br /> wDeed t� County, the 20 day of April 19 31, at 2 ii <br /> li <br /> Walt er 9.Ashton o'clocic and 30 m�nutes, P._��� �� <br /> � ' <br /> l�egister of b� ;i <br /> b'y Deputy. j! <br /> �I <br /> �� !� <br /> ii <br /> ,. <br /> „ <br /> �� <br /> �1�0� ��� �PI� �1� ��P£�P ��P�Pl�t�: ;i <br /> ;; <br /> That '�e,C.A.O�to and Ali�e D.Otto ,Husband and '�ife 'f <br /> ':i <br /> ;i <br /> ii <br /> ;, <br /> ��i of the Co�unty of Ha.11 , and S�ate of j�jebpa,skg , for and in conside���c�tion of tlae sum of �I <br /> i� ;; <br /> i� ONE DOLLAR and other val.u�eable considerations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — DOLLARS �' <br /> ,�,� , r <br /> �� i <br /> �� I <br /> in h�nd pc�id, do hereb� �r�a���t, barc�cci9z, selt, conroey and confirnti ticnto Walter $.Ashton <br /> r� ii <br /> ii <br /> � � <br /> ;� <br /> I of the County of �lff8,l0 , and State of Nebraska , the following deseribed real estate situated i� <br /> ;i ; <br /> I, <br /> � i; <br /> ' -�i�c in �j�,l� Coi�nty, and State of iQgbTt.�SkB � , to-wit: ; <br /> ,i il <br /> �i <br /> The �outh Half of the 1�'orth East Quarter of Section Twentp two (22) , in Township Nine North�; <br /> R�,nge Eleven,�test of the 6th P.�d. . ;� <br /> Subject to a mort�age of �2004 in fa,vor of Fred �.Ashton rovhich the grantee herein �.grees il <br /> '; <br /> to assume and pay. <br /> ,, <br /> �'; <br /> ,,, <br /> i� <br /> � ',i <br /> �; I <br /> � TO�HAVE �RrD TO HOLD the p��emises above desc7�ibed, together �v�ith all the Te,ne�tients, Zler•edi�tarnents and A_ppurtenunees there- !i <br /> ;I <br /> � �i i.into belongirag, unto the said C.A.OttO a21d A11Ce D,OttO j4 , <br /> ;; ;, <br /> 'i ! <br />' `� and to thG�T heirs a.nd assigns, forever. �� <br /> ; i�, <br /> ��l � I <br /> `; And tD8 da ne�reby covenant 2vith the said C�rantee , and 2c�-t1a h�8 heirs� and assigns, thcct �j <br /> � I'I <br /> i :., <br /> � � �C' d.fi8 � � la�u;fully szzed of s�azd premises; that they a��e free f�•om, eneum�bra��ee BXCEpt fiOTtg3g@ 8.8StiH1@t'� ; <br /> �i <br /> � tha,t ��� have good ��ight and la�vfu�l authority to sell the sarne; and 1�6 do he�reby covenart�t �� �� <br /> �; . <br /> � <br /> to uarrant and defend the title to said prerni�ses against t�ie lawful ciccims of all persons u�laomosever <br /> ,' <br /> � � And thesaid �i.A.��tO a.Tid ��.�CB �.OttO hereby relznquishes all ��; <br /> i, <br /> ' their right ,title and interest — — — — — — — — — — — — in and to the above deseribed p�remises. , �' <br /> r <br /> I' <br /> � ii <br /> Signed this 13th day of April , A. D., 19 31 �i <br /> ;i <br /> In t�cpresenee of C.A.OttO ��j <br /> C.M.Carlson Alice D.Otto �� <br /> Besse G�deon �� <br /> �. <br /> ;,; <br /> ;, <br /> ;, <br /> ,.4tate of Nebraska j; <br /> ss. i� <br /> Hc'�.I1 Coz�nty, On this 13th day of AAril A. D., 19 31 �� <br /> � � �-�-- � � �I <br /> befo7°e,,the unclersigned. C.�. Carlson '! <br /> jl <br /> a Notar�y Puvlic, di�l�y co�n�missioned and qz�c��ified fo�� a���d resicli�ng iaa said County, perso�ially came ��� <br /> i <br /> li <br /> � C.A.Otto and Alice D.Otto,husband and wife ;i <br /> ;� <br /> : to me kn�own to be tice identical perso�ti 8 ivhose name 6 a�r@ af f ixed to the foregoing instru- �i <br /> � <br /> � (S�AL� ment �as g�•antor B , and ack7tiowledged the same to be th�iT voluntary act and deed. , <br /> �I <br /> � W�itness nz� ha7zd and Nota�•ial Seal the da,� and �ear last above writterv. ; <br /> I�� <br /> i� <br /> � � � �� eomrnission e�pir•es the 19th day of JaA. 1935 I� <br /> i <br /> �i <br /> C.M.�aT18$r� ' <br /> otary u lic. �I <br /> ' ;� <br /> _ . _��_____ <br /> j � j <br /> , I� <br /> ` iS� <br />