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<br /> .... . . =STATF�TOU$T'7A4 COMFRNY LiNC6LFt NE0 -. .,.. .. _.,_ .._... .,_.- ...
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<br />���" STATE OI+' NEBRASPA,' ;;
<br /> ss.
<br /> 'I
<br /> H�.11 County, Entered in Numerieal In-
<br /> Ac�elheit Fii2mer et aZ.
<br /> dex and filed f or recoyd in tTtie Register• o f Deed's o f fiee o f saicl
<br /> TO Warranty Count9, tjee 17th dcc� of March 1931 , at 2
<br /> Deed
<br /> o'clocic and �5 minutes, p� DI.
<br /> Ferdina.nd $toltenberg �J��,�
<br /> Register of Deeds,
<br /> g� Deputy.
<br /> �ItO� ��� �PI� �1� ��P�P ��P�PI�t�:
<br /> That Adelheit Hilmer, sir�le, Albert Hilmer ;and Elsie Hilmer, husband and wife, and Harry
<br /> C.Hilmer and Alma Hilmer,husband and �ife,
<br /> of the County of H8,I1 and Howard , and State of Nebraska , for c�nd in consideration of the sum of
<br /> One. �'housand and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS,
<br /> in h;a�zd paid, do hereb� grarct, bargain, sell, convey and confirm iUn`to Ferdinand Stoltenberg
<br /> of the County of H8.11 , and Stc�te of Nebraska , the following deseribed real estate situated
<br /> in �'rand Island in He.1Z Cozanty, and State of Nebraska , to-w�it:
<br /> Lot Six (6) in Block A.Boehm� s Subdivision of Lot 8ixteen {16) of the County Subdivision
<br /> of the �2 SE4 9ection Sixteen (16) ,Township Eleven (IIj Range Nine (9) ,also part vf �orth
<br /> west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NN11P� NE�) Section Twentp-one (21� To�nship Eleven
<br /> (11} Range Nine (9)
<br /> The intention bein� that the said Adelheit Hilmer,A2bert Hi.lmer and Harry C.Hilmer each :
<br /> conveys herein an undivided one-third (1/3) i�terest. �;
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all tlie Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances there-
<br /> unto belongi���g, unto the said Ferdinand Stoltenberg .
<br /> and to h18 heirs and assigns, forever.
<br /> ,
<br /> � And �p@ do he�reb� eove�uznt wath the said Cxrantee , and 2�ritlz h�B heirs and assigns, that
<br /> �'
<br /> q�� lawf�ully �ized of said pre�raises; that they are free fr�om encumbrance � � �
<br /> t,h-at t+v6 have good rigT�t and lazvful a�uthority to sell tice same; and W8 , do I�ereby eovenar��t �j
<br /> to warrc�nt and defend the title to sadd premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomosever �
<br /> And the said �r3,AtOTB hereby relinquishes all
<br /> thei.r right ,title and interest — — — — — — — — — — — in and to the above des�cribed p�remises. �.
<br /> Si,qned this ll�h day of �a.rch , A. D., 19 �1 ,
<br /> 1.Adelhei-G Hilmer
<br /> In thc prese�aee of 2.Albert Hilmer
<br /> Jenssine Ericksen as to 2-3-4-5 �.�lsie Hilmer
<br /> T.P.Boehm as to 1. .Harry C.Hilmex -
<br /> S.Alma Hilmer !'
<br /> �:
<br /> state of Nebraska On this 12" day of March A.D.1931, before me, the undersigned,
<br /> s�• T�eo. P.Boehm, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified :,
<br /> Hall count9, for �.nd re�idin� in -s�:id County, �ersonally catne Ade1.h{ei�t,.Hil�.er�:
<br /> sin�l�,to me known to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instru- '
<br /> ment as. �rantr�r and aeknov�ledged the same to be her vc�luntary act and deed. ;.
<br /> �fitness my hand �.nd Notaxial Seal the day and �ear la.st above written. Theo.P.Boeh� �
<br /> : - tSEAL _ � -: � . � , ; Nota,ry PubZi.c:
<br /> �Iy commission expires the 31" day of August 1935.
<br /> 3TATE OF ATEBRASKA ) On this llth day of �areh A.D.1931, before me, the undersigned
<br />, HO�ARD COUNTY )ss' Jenssine �ricksen,a Notary Public, duly commissioned and quaiified fo�
<br /> and residing in said Coun�y, persdn�.Ily came Albert Hi,�r�er and �ls�e Hilmer,-�usbanc� and u�ife, ,
<br /> and Harry C.Hilmer and A2ma Hilmer ,husband and wife to me known to be the� identical p�rsons .
<br /> �hose names axe affixed to the foregoing i•ns�rumer�� ag _�ran�Gbrs and acknoe�ledged t�e :�same to �
<br /> be their voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> ` S�itness my h�,nd and Rtota,rial $ea3 t�ie. day �and ye�.r l,ast �.bov� !�ri,tten, � �. ;
<br /> � Jenssine Ericksen
<br /> , �S�'AI�) Notary Publ,i c
<br /> ` �!y commi$sion expires the 22nd day of January, 1937.
<br /> ��
<br /> .t ;�
<br />