<br /> D ��� � ��j � W � D
<br /> ���� �..�.������
<br /> �--'—�-_�r...�. .�..�_.�.,._.�___..,��.,�. �.__�_�'—' .. ....
<br /> � STATE OF NF,BRASTiA, !;
<br /> ss.
<br /> � F�811 � C7oa�nty, Entered �in Numerical In- �
<br /> J.N3ebur�er sin�le
<br /> de� and filed f o�• record v�n the Register o f Deed's o f f ice o f said �
<br /> ' TO wDeed t� Coicnty, the c'� da� of Februa,ry 1931 , at 1
<br /> o'clocic and —�----- an-inutes, �„rll.
<br /> The Sfiate o� Nebxaska . ��«� ;'
<br /> Registcr of Deeds,
<br /> By Deputy
<br /> ' �to� ��� ���t � ��jP�� ��P�Pl�t�:
<br /> �
<br /> T��at I, d,l�ieburger, a, eingle peraon
<br /> of the Col.inty of , and State of , for and in conside��ation of tlae sum of
<br /> ' One Huridred 8ixteen ana 73Jloo (�1�6.73� DoLLARS, �
<br /> _ , ,
<br /> in hancl paid, do hereb� gyar��t, burc�ain; sell, conve� and confirm unto '�38 $'�8t@ of Nebraeka
<br /> of the County of , and State of , the following described real estate situated
<br /> in in xg�,l_- Cozc�aty, and State of l�ebra,ska , to-wit:
<br /> ; Heginning at a point on the ou�Gh 1.ine of the south half (9�) o� the southeas�C quarter {91�)
<br /> of the northeast quarter (�J�) o� 9ection 36, Townehip 11 14orth, Raxtg�e 9 weat of the 81ath
<br /> ��; Prinoipal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, 3�4 feet east of the southwest Qorner of the south �'
<br /> ha2i (S�j of the southeaet quart�r (BB�� of the northeast quarter (1�) of said section 36, ,'
<br /> thence ia s northwesterly direction for a distance of 67� feet, thence eaet 23 feet,thence in ;�
<br />�� �, southeaeterly direction for a distanee oF 67ffi feet, thence west on the south line of the so�d±th
<br /> half (�) of the aoutheaet quarter (81�� of the northeast_ quarter (N�) of said Seation 36 to �,.
<br /> the pcint of beginning. All of the above eaid land lies in a strip 22 feet wide and F7ffi feet
<br /> long_ on the �eest eide para�llel to and 33 feet dietant from the centerline of the present higb-;
<br /> way. through� the south half (�) of the southeaet quarter (SE,�) oi the northeast quarter (N�);;
<br /> of Seetion 36, Township 11 Nor h, Range 9 Weet of the 91ath Principal Meridian, Hall Countq, ;;
<br /> ' Nebraska, compriaing .3�F2� of an aare more ar less.
<br /> ' And be iruii _
<br /> g ng a�ain at a point on the south line of the aouth ha7.f (9�,) of the southeast '
<br /> quarter (�E�) of the northeast quarter (�1E�) of Sect3on 36, To�►nship 11 l�orth, R�,nge 9 west of� •
<br /> the 31xth Principal Meridisn, Hall Coun�y, Nebraska, 312 feet eaet of the south�vest ,corner of ;
<br /> the sciuth half (S�) of the eoutheast quarter (SF}�) of the northea�t quarter (1�E�� ot' said sect«-
<br /> ion 36, thence in a northWesterly direction for a distance of 678 feet,thenoe Reat 23 feet, ;;
<br /> thence in a southeasterlq dfrecti.on 67S Yeet, thence east on tbe south line of the south ha2f .
<br /> O of the southeast quarter (SE�� of the northeast quarter (N�) of said s�ct3on 36 to the
<br /> po nt of be�inn�ng. All of the above said land li.�s in a strip 22 �.eet wide and 67ffi feet lon�
<br /> on the weet eide parallel to and 33 feet distant from the centerline of the present highway,
<br /> through the south i�alf (�j of the eioutheast uarter S ) o�f the northeas� �
<br /> q . � � quarter (�'E�) of
<br /> 8ection 36,To�nship 11 North, Range 9 _I�eet of the 9i�th Principal Meridian, Ha11 .Countp, l�eb- `i
<br /> r�,ska, oomprtsing .3�24 of An �.ers morQ n� l�se. � .
<br /> T� AAVE AIQD T4 HOLD the pr�mises above deseribed, to�ether �rith a11 the Tenements, Hereditamez��g
<br /> ' and agpurtenanees thereunto belonging, unto the said The $tate of �febraska and to ite suceesso�e
<br /> and assigns Porever.
<br /> AAd I- do hereby covenant with the said arantee and with its sucQessors and assigris, that I am .
<br /> laRful�p sefzed of safd premises; that they are free froffi ene�mbrance that � have good right ;
<br /> and lawful authoritq to sell the same; and I do berebq coven�,nt to warrant and defend the titl�e
<br /> to said premf.ees againet the lawful cls,ims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> And the ea�.d --- hereby relinquishes e.11 ---- in and to the above de�cri.bed premises.
<br /> Bigned this 30th day of December,A.T1.1934
<br /> In the p��esenee o f �T.�f @bt2Tg'Br �
<br /> A,L.Joaeph
<br /> State of Nebre«ka
<br />� � _ ss. � �
<br /> $AZl County, -O�i tycis 30tY1 daJ of Deaember A. D., 19 30
<br /> _ �-
<br /> be ore tlze understi ned. �.L.J088 �1 � �
<br /> f 9
<br />, P
<br /> a Nol�ar•� P��ablic, dul�_com�missioned and q�i�alifded fo�• ar�d residing in said County, personally came i..;
<br />, � J.�tieburger, a single pereon�
<br /> ;
<br /> to me kno2vn to be the identieal perso7ag whose nameg grB af fimed to the foregoing instru-
<br />� � � ���L� �nent �as granto�g , and acknowledged the same to be Y1�.8 voluntar� act ccnd deed. � �
<br /> Witness Tny hand and Notarial Seal the da-y and �eary• last above writterv.
<br /> . �� commission e�pires the 17t�'t dRjt of 8epte�es r9 33
<br /> A.I,.Joseph j�
<br /> � Notary Public.
<br /> � ;i
<br /> —�—
<br />