<br /> i....
<br /> D����� ��������
<br /> �____.�.__.�..__.�
<br /> "I�IS�.B-STAT6 JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. - �� - �� ���� � ��� ' ��"� ��"�"�� -�" � � � � � � -
<br /> ��� µ � � STATE Ob' NEBRAS�A,
<br /> ss.
<br /> H�.11 Cozint�, Entered in 71TUnzerical In-
<br /> William Davis and wife
<br /> � de� �r,n.d filed for �•ecord i7z the Register^�of Deed's office of said ��
<br /> To wljee�ty count�, the 31st day of J8�.A118�,Ty 19 31 , at 3
<br /> �illlam and Anna R.Da,vis dclocic and ------ minutes, �i.��� �
<br /> ����
<br /> Register of Deed ,
<br /> B� Deputy.
<br /> ��.o.� ��� ���t �� ��jP�� �r����tt�: .
<br /> That Will�i,am Davis and Anna R.Davis, Husband and �fife,
<br /> � of the Count� of Hall , and St�te of NebTaBka, , for and in eons�iderat�ion of the sncm of �
<br />, One Dollar and other valuable consideration —.---------------------------------..__ DOLLARS, �
<br /> in h.and paid, do hereby grar��t, bargain; sell, conve� and co7ifi��ni urito Ailliam Davis and Anna R.Da.v18 Husband a.Tld
<br /> Wife and to the survivor of either
<br /> of the County of ��1 , and Stc�te of I�ebraska , the following described real estate situated
<br /> in Gr8.23d IBland in �aZl Cozant�, and State of NBbTaska. , to-wtit:
<br /> _
<br /> The 3outheast Quarter of the 8outheaet uarter (B� SE�� , . the South half of the l�ortheaet
<br /> Quarter of �he 8outheast Quarter 9� NE� 9E� the Northwest Quarter of the l�ortheaet
<br /> Quarter of the Southeaet uarter �NW NE�t;_ SS�) and the �ast half of the '�orthwest Quarter
<br /> of the 8outheast Quarter gE� l�!'� SE�� and the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter .
<br /> (NW� NE�) and the Ea.et half of the 9outhwest Quarter of the Northeast Qu,a,rter (E� 8�1,� NE�}
<br /> all in Section Twe].ve (12) in Townehip Eleven {11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the bth
<br /> P.�. containing 150 acres more or Iess according to the government surveq tberEOf.
<br />�
<br /> TO HAVE AR�D TO �IOLD the premises above desc�•ibed, together iv�ith all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Ap�urtenan�ces there-
<br /> ' unto beloryzgir�q, unto the sa�d �lilliam Da.vis and Anna R.Davis,Husband and wife and to the survivor
<br /> of either
<br /> and to their heirs and assigns, forever.
<br /> And yqg do h-e��•eb� eovenant witli the said G�'antee , and with their heirs and assigns, that
<br /> � �e ST6 la�u-f2Ully s�zed of s+a�id pr•emises; th,at they are free f�°om enczcmbrance ;
<br /> that �qg lzave good ��ight and la2vful authority to sell th�e same; and �e do hereby covenar��t
<br /> � to u�a��7•aryz�t and defen.d the t,itle to said premises against the law�ul clai�ns of all pea�sons whomosever �� �
<br /> Ancl the said �I3.11�.�C1 DB,V�B and Anna R.Davis - - - - — � — — ~ — — — � — ' hereby �•elinqui,syces all
<br /> the1T Tfght� title and interest — — — — — — — — - — — — Zn and to the above desc�•ibed p��•emises.
<br /> Signed thi.s 24th day of J8.23tlaTp , A. D., 19 3x
<br /> In tltiz presence of
<br /> V.E.Warren Y►iZliam Davis
<br /> Anns, R.Davf.s '
<br /> Sta.te of Neb�aska
<br /> ss.
<br /> H811 County, On this 24th day of `r��nua.ry A. D., I9 31
<br /> beforerthe u�adersigned. V.�.�Parren .
<br /> �� a Notary Pti�bl�ic, dicly eo�nmissioned and qualified f or arcd residing in sitid County, perso�ucll� eame ��� �
<br /> ;
<br /> William Davis and Anna R.Davis,Husband and Wife
<br /> ;;
<br /> `! to me known to be the identieal perso�z8 whose name8 �3.T� affixed to the foregoinq instru- " .
<br /> ���L J ment ccs grantor g , and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. -
<br /> �4Vit�tiess m� ha�zd and Notarial Seal the da� and year last above ivritterc. �
<br /> Diy eomrraission expires the 3Td day of MBTCh 1� �1
<br /> Q.�i.�81.TT�Ti �
<br /> . No'tary Public.
<br />