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<br /> . ' - I KiRIt B.=iR.�Tf?TLL c7UT�?8 R AAbitJHxI,b �I°� �O'�^�`� 100693 0?./]l2/1997 _..._.___ ..--N,-- _
<br /> ., _..'._,_'4�--
<br /> 9. Condannatlon.The procetds of a�ny award or clnim far iian�ages,direct or consequendal, in conneadoa with any ° �_�
<br /> condemnation or other ta6dng af the Property, or part t4ereof, or for couveyance iu lieu of condemnatlan, are liereby ,
<br /> . wasigned ard shall be paid to I.ender,subject eo tGe terms of aay mottgage,deed c►f truse or otlier security ngreemen¢wlth i� •
<br /> I lien wl�icb hass prloriry over this Deed of TruSt.
<br /> 10. Borro'wa' Not Relea+ed; Forbeu4nce By I.ender Not a V�'slver, fixtension of t�e cime for paymenc or
<br /> � modlRcadon af amordradoa of the sums secwed by t�ls Deed of Tnist graiued by Lender to any successor in interest of �
<br /> IHorrowar ahall nut operate ro release, in any noaaner,the lisbWty of the orlginul Borrower aud Boaower's successors in •t. °
<br /> 1 interest. I.ender svaU not be rec�uired ta commence proceedings againsc such successor or refuse to extend time for payment
<br /> or otherwlse modtfy xmord�ntioa o:the sums secured by tLis Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the orlginal .
<br /> Horrowet and Bonower's successors i�►interest. Any forbearance by Lender iu eaercising auy rIght or remedy hereunder, � -
<br /> ..�.. ; or oth�t�vi�affurded by applicabic law.shall not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of nny such right uc icwcly.
<br /> ��� 11.Succesgote wd Assl�tt Boundt Joint and Several UsblUty;Co�st�n�s. 'I'he covenants and agreements berein
<br /> �' ' contained shall bind,and the rights hertunder shaU inure to,tt�e respecdve successors and assigns of Lender and Barrawer,
<br /> subject to the provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. AU covennnts and agreemeats of Borrower shall be joint and s�veral.
<br /> Any B�rrower who co-signs this Deed of Trust,but does not eaecute the Note,(a)is co-signing this Deed of Tmst only to �� , :
<br /> gracu aud convey that Horrower's interest in the Pmperty to Tmstee under the tcrms of this Deed of Trost, (b) is not . • ��' -�•
<br /> p�rsonally liable on the Note or under thia Deed of Trust, and(c)agrees that I..ender and any other Borrower hereunder "��;f'�����*r.
<br /> may a�ree to eatend,modify, forbear,or m�lce any other sccomnaadadons wIth regud to the tezms of th9s Deed of Trust or ___ -
<br /> the Note,wlthout tt�at Borrower's consent and wtthout releasing that Dorrowet or modifying this Deed of Trust as to that ��,•,_�_
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Pcoperry. :�' ��
<br /> 12.Na!lcs. Axoent for any nodce required under appllcable law ta be given in uwther n�uner, (a) aay nodce to ��`
<br /> Dorrower provided for in tble Decd o�Trust shall be�iven by dellvedr�lt or by uniling such notice by certlfied mAil • _-
<br /> nddnssed to Borrower�t tho Propeny�4ddress er at euch other addres9 as Bnrrower may deat�r,ite by notice to Leuder as � _.
<br /> provided hareln, wx�d(b)eny �adce ta Lcnder Fl��ll be glven by certlfted mAil ta Lnxlcr's addreFS stated hereia ar to such ==�--_-
<br /> other�ddrer�iu 1.ender nuy desl��to by aodco to Borrower�s pmvided bereln.Aay aodce pmvided for in this Deed uf ,;-;.^—
<br /> � Tcust stull be deemcd to tu�vc been aiven to Borrower or Lender whea given in thc nwncier deslgnated henin. „ �---
<br /> '" lg,Go�q�nlry i,nw�6evenMllty.T6e su►te and local lawe�ppllcable to thls Deed of Tcuat shxll be the lews of the -: r-,,;XQ���
<br /> '�•,�',,�..i,.
<br /> jurtsdlctton in whlch the Property is located. The foregoiag srntence sbxll not Itmit the applicabllity of Federal law to this .,
<br /> �, Pted of Teust. In the event t6�t any pravislon or clause of this beed of Tcuat or the Note conflicts with applicable law, �.-,,.,tt � �
<br /> such conflict s6a11 aot affat other provisioas of ttils Deed of T�ust or tha Nate w6icb cui be given effect without the
<br /> � conflicdng pmviston, and ro thts e�x1 the pmvisions of this Dad of Tn�st and the Note an declared to b�severable. As
<br /> _ �F ��xl h�nin, 'costs". 'expenses" and "attorneys' fees' include aU s� to the eatent not prohibited by applicable law or
<br /> �— llmital herein. — —-.
<br /> 14.Borrow'er'e Cop'. Horrower ahall be furniahed�conformed copy of the Notc �nd af tlris Deed of Trust at ehe r
<br /> dme of execudon or aRer recordAflon herzof. .
<br /> - iS. Rei�abtlitatton Loan A�reeu�ent. Horrower shall fi�lfill all of Sonower's obligadon5 under any home `.; .,
<br /> rehabilid�don,improvement, rcpair or other loan agrament which Borrower enu�a into with I.ender. Lender,at I.ender's -
<br /> opdon. may raluire Bom�Wer u� execute u�d deliver co Lender, in a form accept�ble to Lender. aa essIgnment of any
<br /> righis, clai�or defenses�vhich Borrower may have wgainst parties who supply labor.maurials or scrvIces in connecdon ; �
<br />- with improvements made to the Pcoperty. �
<br /> ' 16.7'rnnsfa of the Pm�erty or a Beneliclal Interest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest
<br /> im it is sold or tcansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold ar transfemd tnd Borrower is not a natural :
<br /> �� pezson)without Lender's pdor written coasent.I.ender may, at its opdon, requin immedtace paymcnt in full of all sums
<br />:;�".;, ;. .
<br />- • � secured by this Deed of Tn�st.Howover, this opdon s�aU not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pmhibited by federal ��'�'
<br /> ' ` ' � law ns of the d�u of this Dasd of Tcust. ''-�
<br />- ' ''?�'� �. If Lender exeieises this crpdon, Lender shall give Borrower nodce of aaeleradon. The notice shall provide a period �`�
<br /> ' " < - of not less thm�0 days from the dnte the notice is delivcred or mailed within which Borrower must pay ail sums secural ----
<br />_4' , by this Deal of'IYust. If Borcower fails to pay these sumis prior to the expiradou of this perlal. Lender may invoke any —
<br />_��_ , t,cmedies perrnitted by this Decd of Tcust wlthout further notice or domand on Borrower. -�"�
<br />;�� ,•. NON-UNA'ORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender further wvenant and igr�x es foUows: ��"'���
<br />�;.s�'."'.�. 17, Accderatloni Re�nedtes. Eaapt as provtded [n para�rapd Z6 hereo[, u�wn Borrowrr'e breach of any
<br />�;,� co�tnant oe t�rreemsnt of Borrower in thls Deed of Trost� Includin�Bore+ower's faflure to pay, by tLe wd of 10
<br />�T�`::.;,-; �• calwtLr dnys atlta they are due.any sums secured by this Deed of 9'nut, Lender pdor 4a nccderatioo shall�ive �
<br /> _.:"„,, not(ce to Borrowtx�s provided in par��rap4 12 hereof apeclfyla�: (1) the br�ach; (2) t6e cction�+eqolrM to cure =__ _ _
<br /> _ . .,,,, .. auch breach3(3)a t4te,not le�s ttun ZO days t�om the date t6e nc►tice Is malled to Borrower,by wldch euch breac6 ---------- --
<br />_ ' � m�ni be cvnd; and (4)tha2 taUuce to ciu�e such breach on or betore the aate speclfled W the notice may resWt tn ���r
<br /> , acedaxtion of t6e s�aw secured by thls Deed ot TnBt end sale af the Yroperty. The notia s5all furthcr Inform i':,;;,a.�" �7::
<br /> i Borrower of t6e d�ht to reimtate�tter acceleratlon snd the d�ht to brin�a court Adtoa to assett the aonexistcace of -�^'1-� �-='
<br /> � ��i;��?:r;�G .
<br /> • s�ietault or any other defease of Borrower to accelentton and sate.If t6e bracb Is not cured on or bd'ore the date ,�..;.x r{ �
<br /> speclAcd tn the notta.Lenda�•at Lender's option, may declare all of the awn9 secured by thls Deed of Trt�st to be •.�,.�,_�.,"-.,. -<;•,..
<br /> :..�•.::
<br /> � ° lmmedlttdy dut�tnd payable wlthout further danand and may invoke the powcr ot sale and sny other rentedies . :�:;';�::;..�.s•• .
<br />' , . psmittal by appllcable law. La�der s�ail be eatitled to wllect all rasonable casts end eapeases tncurrecl In .; -`; "
<br />- pum�in�the rmiedlea proeided tn thts pnra�rap617,Includin��but not Ifmited Qo,reawnable attorneys'fees. .
<br /> . It the powsr o[sele L�tn�oked�Trustce ehall record a aotice of det'ault In each county in wtileb the Property or ,
<br /> eqne put thereot is loc�ted nnd stwU mall coples of such notice tn the rn�nner prGSCribed by appllcable law to
<br /> ___ �rro..er.nd to the ot6a�persom Prescribed bY aPPUcable law.Aher t6e lapse ot such time es may be requlred by �
<br /> __ - -- -----
<br /> nppl�cable law, Tn�tce ehall�ive publlc noHce oi sale to the persoa�ancl tu the mannu pa�esc�lbed by appltce6te — ��--
<br /> � Isw.1'n�stee,witB�out danand on Borrower,ehW sell ttk Propa�ty�t public euctton to the lil�hest btdder at the tlme
<br /> and pl�ce and under the teims dcst�nated tn the notice uf sale tn o�or�ore parcel+aud in auch oralar As Tn�tee ,
<br /> �y �t�rmine.Tnute�mt�,y nostpor,e sQle ot all or aqy pAC+cel of the Pmpe�iy by publlc announcauent at the time •
<br /> and pltce of anY P►�eviomly scheduled sale.La�der or I.ender's desl�nee may pnrchase the Property at any sale.
<br />- Upon receipt of payme�tt of the prtce bid, Trustee sliall deliver to the pwrchasa Trustee's deed conv�ying the �
<br />- • property sold. The recltnta tn die Trustee's deed s�sll be prtma facie evidrnce of the truth of the statements made
<br />' ` thereln.Tn�stce sha1�apply tt�e Droc�s vf t�ie sale tn the follo�Wn�order: (a)to ali rea3onable costs sud expenses of
<br /> ' the sale,includin�,but not Wnited to,Trustce's tees act�xlly inc�vred o[not more than S;b of the�ross sale price,
<br /> rea�on�ble attorneye' fas and costs of tiUe evidence; (b) to s11 sums securecl by this Deed of Trust; and (c) the
<br /> p�c�ss�if any�to the person or person9 lc�ally ei►dtled thereto.
<br /> Ncon+atu26876-3 t Ir96 Origiasi(Reaordad) Copy(Hranch) Copy(Cu�tomer) Paac 3 ots I �
<br /> �
<br /> .. . _... _.._. . .. . ... .. . . . „-, --_--�,C—. _._.,._. ..,. .—_
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