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<br /> , • „ .. •'�'FIiK=---
<br /> 97�. 1�1433
<br /> _�;,;,;;�• G.ASSIGMVI�ENT OF L�ASES.Upon Lcndcr's requcst, Bonower skal!assign to Lender all lc�ses of the
<br /> ..�,,. Property and aU security deposi�s mado in connecdon with leases of thc Properry. Upon the assig��ment,L.ender
<br /> ` , shall have the right to modify,exund or ceaninate the exlsting Icases and to excxute new leases,in Lender's sole "
<br /> � discrcdon.As used in this para�raph�,tlie word "lease" shnll mcan"sublr,ase"if the Security Instrumcnt is on u
<br /> leasehold. .�, �•,`: :
<br /> Bozrowcr absolutely end uncondioionally esslgns end transfers to Lender all the rents and revenues("Rents")of the ,,,;��;;L—
<br /> - Property,regardless of to whom the Ren�s of thc Propecty arc payable. Borrower authorizes I.ender or Lender's •�n•".-
<br /> .�."."__-.
<br /> • agenls to collect 1he Rents,and stgrees Ihai each tenant of the Property shall pay the Rents to I.endar or L.ender's �•.'�►.:-
<br /> s' agents.However.Borrower shall receive the Rents undl(i)Lender has given Borrower notice of default pwrsuent to � ,c.�„�
<br /> paragraph 21 of ths Security Instrument and(ri)Leudee l�as given nodce to the tcnant(s) thnt the Rcnts are to hr ��'^ti;''�-
<br /> ;`��` ��
<br /> .,�.3t1,. -
<br /> �► paid to Lender or Lcnder's agent. 'Il»s assignment of Rents consdtutes an absolute assignment and not an ,: _;�_�•
<br /> _ .ti•.,:;.�;�.:�::
<br /> asslgnment for ad�itionel securiry only. • �s r�-� •_---
<br /> V Lender gives nouce of breach to Bonower:(i)all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Bonower as . ' �0'.:;=•�.
<br /> v�. �•::..<��••_
<br /> " trustee for the benefit of L.ender only,to be applied to the sums secured by the Security Instrument;(ii)Lender shall `.��+.�.--
<br /> � • � � be entitled w collect and receive aU of the ttents nf the Proparry; (ui) Bonower agrees that each tenent of the ` -:s�� -
<br /> .,.,. _
<br /> . ,�, Propeaty ahtill pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Len�ier's agents upon I.ender's written demand w the
<br /> ; ,�,� tenant; (iv) unles9 applicable law provides otherwise,ull Rents collected by I.ender or Lender's agents shall be ��---
<br /> .�--.r.,..�
<br /> , applled first to the costs of takirtg contml of end menaging thc Propeiry and collecdng the Rents,including,but uot �:� =
<br /> ;,:i limited to,attnmeys' fees,receiver's fees, premiums nn receiver's bonds,repair end maintenence wsts,ins�rance �,�
<br /> �;� premiums,te�ccs,asscssments an�d other charges on thc Ptoperty,and then to the sums secured by ttta Security r
<br /> inswmea�;(vj L�nda.I.u,uri n�a�:�oi nr�y judiciatty ap�,f�:c„d rw„l�rs shr,!!�!!r!s!�so°:sount for�sl;sh� E.�.
<br /> �, Yients acturilly receiveA; end(vi) Lendu chall be endded w havo a recetver appointed w taka possession of and �;
<br /> °. � �'. mar�ago tho Proparty anrl collect the Rents end proflts dedved from the Propesty without any showing ag w!he �
<br /> \ inadequacy of tho Propeny es securlry. --
<br /> If tho Rents of the Ptoperty ere not sufflcient w cove� tha wste of tekin� control of and mar�aging the
<br /> • •� Propaty end of collecdng thc Reata eny funds enpended by Lendu for such purpose9 shall become indebtedncss of
<br /> �"-_A.._.:�. . . Borrowu to Lender socured by the Secudty Instrument pursuant to Unlform Covenant 7.
<br />-.;:.,;;.� . . Borrower cepresents and warrents that Borrowu has not executed any prior essignment of the Rents end has
<br /> �-i:��� u not and will not perform any act that would prcvent Lender from eaercising its rights under this paragraph. -.
<br /> :;:_5 � I.ender,or I.endu's agents or a judicially eppointed receiver,shall not be roquired to enter upon,take control
<br />='''�'�' of or maintain the Propacty before or after giving notice of default to Borrower. However. I.endu, or L.ender's
<br /> ;;;.<, _ .•:
<br /> .. ',.` ." agents or a judicially appoinud recetver,may do so at eny dme when a default occurs. AnY apPllcation of Rents
<br /> �;::;,�k���.�;;� shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lender.'Ihis essignment of Rents of ��
<br /> ,:'��,�.., the Prope�ty shall terminate�vhen all tha sums secured by the Secudty Instmment ure paid in full. a:���
<br /> e_s..
<br />--- -r=�-�� I.CR�SS-DEFAUI.T PROVISION. Borrower s defuult or breach undu any note or agreement in �
<br />-._:;:,�-,.�.. .,.�
<br />__��..�, which Lender tut�an interest shall be a breach under the Securiry Instrument and I.ender may invoke any of the _.
<br /> ;;�;.�'-:r ;:��:.c remedies permitted by tho Security InsitumenG --
<br /> -;�.s,;:��-'�'"'° BY STGIVIIVG BBLOW,Honowereccepts and egrecs w the terms and provisions contttined in this 1�4�amily �'° ---
<br /> ..�... .
<br /> __���'s�;. Ridu. �,:��
<br /> �,::.
<br /> ��;�:�::�J (Z� �5�, �•.�.�� �. P. ,� ps�,, _---
<br /> ;,y;;r,..:;�,<..,..� � ea _
<br /> _, ;,+�b�U���'. R BROWNELL -Horrower DI11NE P BROYJIJBLL •Sortower
<br /> ..�.:�•-.,
<br />.—"_ .-'.L��'•� ^,�' —
<br /> '.�ai.�l`Y_. (S�) �SNil, —"_'
<br /> � -Borrowcr •Bortowar ------
<br /> ' � . i:.���
<br /> ' � x�� .-�.�..
<br /> �i•i__-
<br /> - - �:.x.:cii_:°
<br /> `. ." ° �-b7 eo�oq.ot Pap.2 oe 2 Fo�m 9170 S/9� ��''';=:°��_—
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