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���� <br /> ������ ��' .����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTI�:D WORDS <br /> � �_. ----— <br /> =3TAI'��43�::catRaAA.r_z�catR'�__,_ ^.__w _ _.. �_ _ . _-- <br /> _��� __�_.^.---.._ .__��_____. _ __ ._____� ___.__ -------.�- ------ <br /> '� � STAT� 0�' NEI�RASIiA, !; <br /> '� ss. <br /> � $all Cozant,y, Entered irt Nu�rae�•ical In- �' <br /> Auguat Moeller and wife „ <br /> , � <br /> , de� c�nd filed for recor•d iri tfce Re�ister� of Deed's office of said �� <br /> Warranty i! � <br /> TO Deed Count�, the 13 da� of JLi21e 193� , at 2 <br /> I! <br /> H�z1B Moeller o'cloc7c and 10 minutes, P. . ! <br /> �� <br /> ������� '� <br /> �� Regi-ater of De 8, '�; <br /> By Deput�. i� <br /> ;, <br /> 'I <br /> --- — ;i <br /> f <br /> ��to� ��� Pn � � ��� r����tt�: ;; <br /> � � � � � <br /> Tnat Augu�t Moeller and Auguste �doeller,his wife <br /> ;, <br /> ` <br /> � <br /> 'i <br /> I� <br /> of the Coacnty of �'I8,1]. , and State of Nebraska , for and in eonsi.cleratio�a of the s�cni of � <br /> �, <br /> ;; <br /> i; <br /> � Fifteen Hundred and Beventy Five and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r - - - " DOLLARS, i! <br /> i <br /> � �n Iz,a�id pta�id, do hereb� gr��a��t, bargain, sebl, conv�� and co�afi�•ni unto H�,r18 M0811ET �i <br /> �,i <br /> i <br /> !i <br />. u <br /> , <br /> � <br /> of t1�e Clount� of H311 , and State of NG'bPaBk& , the follo2ving deseribed real estate situated 'i <br /> in C�rand Island in Hall cot�7�t�, anc� st�te of Nebraska , to-wit: �� <br /> �i <br /> !i <br /> Lot Number Eight (�) in Bloek Number Three (3) of Koehler Place in the City of arand Island, ; <br /> i, <br /> Nebraska. ;i <br /> � <br /> � <br /> J <br /> ��� <br /> � � � ��! <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> ;, <br /> i <br /> ,i <br /> ;I <br /> , �'O I�A.V� �l'D TO I�OLD the p��emises��al�ove descr�ibecl, together u>itlz all the Teneme,rzts, Hea•editaments a72-d �ly�pit�°te�aances there- <br /> �,�, <br /> � u�zto belon ir�� zento the said ��,T18 �IO@1.16T - <br />�� <br /> 9 9, <br /> and to hi g heirs c�nd assigns,�f o��ever. !� <br /> ,i <br />� A�ad R�C do Ize�reby covenant 2�ith the said G�'�ntee , and u�ith h�s heirs and assigns, that � <br />� y0@ gTg lawfully �'ized of s�aid pre��vises; �hat they c��•e f�•ee from encuy�tibrance � �i <br /> ii <br /> tjicct qye ha�e gocd ��iyht ancl law�2cl a.uthority to sell the same; a�zd W6 do laer�eby eovenar��t �i � <br /> �; � <br />� �� to ut��^rant and defend the title to said premises against the la2vful claims of all perso�as wh-omosever !� <br /> i� <br />� � �� flnd the said A1�Li8�@ �OE11eT hereb� relinquishes all ��� <br /> , !'� <br /> ! i <br /> h@T righ� and title Of whatsoever nature – – – – – – – in and to the above clescribed p�r•emises. ; ' <br /> � � S�ig�zed t��is 25'�h da� of � � ApT�l , A. D., 1930 �� � ���, <br /> In�tllc� presence of ' ' <br /> O.A.Vieregg �ugust Moeller � <br /> Auguste �doeller � <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> . ,State of Nebraska - ' <br /> ss. <br />� � � � �Ie,ll � County, O�a this � 25t'h day oj ApT��. A. D., 19 30 � <br /> � <br /> � ' ��� beforq�th�e undersign,ed. �•A•�16T8g� _ _ I <br />� a Notar� P�i�blic, draly com�n�ssioned and qualified for a7�d 7�esiding i�a said Co�c7tit�, per•so�za-lly came �� <br /> . ,1 <br /> ;, <br /> Auguat Moeller and Auguate Moeller,his wife i <br /> i <br /> � ; � to me known� to be tfae �clentical p�erso7z B whose na�aze B 8T� affi�ed to the forego�iny instr2c- !� <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> '� �nent �as gra�ztc�rB , and acicno2ruledged the same to be th61T voluntary act and deed. ';C <br /> (sEAL) 'i <br /> T�itness m.� h�a�zcl and Nota��ial Seal the da� a�td year last c�bove 2vritter�, il <br /> �� <br /> � !� <br /> ��Iy conirnission e�pi��es the �.Bt da� of 3eptember »32 <br /> �, <br /> ' � - � O.A.Vieregg ii <br /> ,� <br /> � � Notary Public. '; <br /> � ; <br /> �, <br />