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��� <br /> ��J�J� ������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTI�:D WORDB <br /> _ ._�_______._r �. ___ ._ _ ___._.__.�.�.___.,_�,.�.�., �_� <br /> szez`����151�"'LTHCOL�-AE� —.__.__..__����—� _� <br /> _____ �_ <br />��-�.��_—�—.._---�_�.��__.,�,._r________�.�..��_._._._:�.�_._:_�_r�__._`��- ���=--.p^.��—��.. y <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgA, � <br /> i <br /> � � I� <br /> 33. � ,� <br /> �a,ll County, Entered in Numer'ical In- �; <br /> Hellen B.Kolb and husband <br /> � dea� and filed f or record in the Register o f Deed'8 o f fice o f said "� � <br /> TD WarrantY County, the 12th da� of JLi21C 19 30, at 1 <br /> Deed <br /> o'clock and l�j' minutes, P.hI. , <br /> Cordy b�ysinger �G���a ���e_��, <br /> Register of Deeds, ' <br /> � By Deputy. C <br /> � <br /> �n�� ��� ���. � ��jP�P ��P�Pl�t�: � �� <br /> � <br /> That '�e, biellen B.Kolb and Chaxles Kolb;,wife and husba.�d ;; <br /> ;; <br /> of the County of $all , and State of Nebraeka , fo�• and in consideration of the sunz of <br /> SiateenHundredFiftyandNo/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ DOLLARS, <br /> in l�ancl paid, do hereby grar�t, bargain, sell, convey and confirm un'to Cordq Lysinger <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> of the County of I'�8.11 , and State of Nebraska , the fotlowing descrdbed real estate situated <br /> �I <br /> 212 Gra,nd Island in Hall Coun�y, and State of Nebras�a , to-w�t: ;; <br /> �: <br /> Lots Sia (b) and Seven (7� Bloek 3eventq Nine (79) Wheeler � Bennett's Third Addition in <br /> the City of Grand Island,l�ebraska as platted and recorded. ' <br /> ;I <br /> i <br /> i' <br /> ��. <br /> ,� <br /> � � � {: <br /> ;' <br /> � ; <br /> j' _ <br /> i <br /> � <br /> TO IIAVE A.�M1''D TO HOLD the premises above desc��ibed, together with all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenanees t"here- <br /> j <br /> unto belongir�;g, unto the said Cordp Lysinger - <br /> and to $eT heirs and assigns, forever. (! <br /> � <br /> And � �� do hereby eovenant witic the said (��'antee , and 2vith her � heirs and assigns, that 3a � <br /> �� <br /> qgg &�g la�,vf�.�lly s,�zed of s�aid p�remises; that they are free from encumbrance �T1C11Ntd1llg t8][@B fOr th� �� <br /> i' <br /> year 1929 and previous thereto <br /> that Wg have good �ight and la2vful authority to sell the same; and We' do hereby eovenar�t <br /> � to warrant and defend the title to said premises agc�vns� the lawful claims of all pPrrsons who�noseroer � � <br /> And the said Hell@A B.Kolb and Qharles $O��b hereby relinquishes all � <br /> ij <br /> their homestead TightB in and to the above deseribed p�remises. �! <br /> lf � � <br /> Signed this 23rd da� of I�A,j/ , A, D., 19 3� � <br /> In the presenee of <br /> ' <br /> Adolph Boehm Hellen B.Bolb , <br /> Charlee Kolb <br /> kl <br /> State of Nebraska , <br /> ss. <br /> Ha.11 County, On this 23rd day oj �� ' A. D., i9 3� ''' � <br /> � �: , <br /> � before heundersigned. 'j'hgO.p.B08�1 � � � �� � <br /> , � <br /> � a Notar9 Public, dicly co7nm�issioned and qualified for a��d residin� in said County, personally eccme <br /> ;' <br /> Hellen H.Kolb and Charles Kolb,wife and hueband �- � <br /> �1 ;: <br /> Y � to me known to be the identical person s whose name 8 are af fixed to the foreqoing instru- �� <br /> � <br /> ment as grantorB , and ackno2vledged the same t,o be their voluntar� act and deed. <br /> Witness 7ny hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above writterc. � ' <br /> � (BEAL) i�; <br /> h�� eom�nds�ion expires the 3Zgt da� of ���gt '193�j '� � <br /> � � Theo.P.Boehm '� . <br /> _ ;. <br /> - Notary Public. �; <br /> ---- �_ __- - - _ _.__�_____------- ---�- ______ <br /> , <br />��_�_�.__.�____ -.�___. ._-, _ _.__ _ _ . .,,-._ ______ ___�_ ___.�_ __^��_____��� — <br /> �__ -- -- <br /> , �? <br /> � � . . �. �E.� - <br /> � � �1 <br />