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12�_ <br /> ������ ��������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRI�ITI�:D WOItDS <br /> __—__---�..__._--- �rar��orrn�av. _.----------- ----- --------------------° <br /> iI�14EE�".__�._,,,_ — — — ------ — <br /> � ST�lTE OI�' i�'EBRASIiA,� I.' <br /> �1 � � ss. �� <br /> � HSZZ County, � E��ztei�ed in Nu�7nerical In- ��� � <br /> The Ca.meran Qemetery Association '� <br /> i; <br />� � de� c�rtd fled foz• reco�•d i�z the Registei� of Deecl's offiee of saicl �� <br /> Warranty i! <br /> � TO � Coi�7zty, the � Z�t�lay of �TtlT1e 19 3�, at 11 <br /> Deed <br /> ,. <br /> o'eloelc and 2� min2ctes, �• M. <br /> � <br /> ' Mrs. �P.J.Porter , <br /> �,���c �-��<�, �� <br /> Register of Deeds, �i <br /> ' B� Deput�. ';4 <br /> � „ <br /> — ;; <br /> �; <br /> i <br /> ' ��� ��� �� � � ��� r����t�: ,� <br /> � � � � <br /> That The Cam�ron Cemetery Association of Cameron '�� <br /> 'i <br /> U <br /> � <br /> � '�� <br /> o�f tjae County of Fj�,ll , and State of N@bT86k8.�� , for a7ac� in eonside��at�io7z of the s2Gm of !i <br /> ;; <br /> il <br /> Fortyandandno/10U- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' r — — — DOLLARS, �� <br /> ;! <br /> „ <br /> W J Porter !� <br />_ in hanc� pa2c�, do he�^eb� graa��t, bargain; setl, convey a7zd eotizfirr�ti unto �dTe. . . <br /> ' <br /> ;� <br /> �i <br /> ; <br /> � of the County of N8bT8.Bk8 , and State of , the follo2ving described real estate situated (i <br /> ii <br />� �' � �a6meron in Hall coz�nt�, and state of Nebraska , to-wit: ji <br /> �� <br /> �i ,; <br /> i; <br /> „ <br /> Lat Number Seventp seven (77} in row Number * 11,Second Addition to the Cameron Cemetery. !' <br /> i 8itua.ted an the Southeast Quarter of Seation Twenty Two (22) in Township �leven (11� North <br /> of e Twelve 12 West of the 6th P.M. �' <br /> Rang ( � <br /> These premises shall be used and kept for burial purposes only, and shall be sub�ect to the �' <br /> rules and by laws of said association. ;� <br /> � ,� <br /> ;� <br /> ;; <br /> i'i <br /> i; <br /> ,� <br /> TO FIAVE dATD TO �IOLD the ��•e�raises above describecl, togethe�• u�ith all tlLe Teneme�a.ts, l�e�•ecZ�taments a�tid flppurtenances there- i� ', <br /> �l <br /> � 2ti�ato betongir��g, unto t-he said �T8. '�.e1.POT��r� . �� <br /> �� <br /> ,,� <br /> a�id to 718T heir•s c��td assigns, forever. �i <br /> �t�zd W@ do l�ereby covenant 2cith tlae said Gr'antee , a�zd 2vitlti heT heirs and assigns, that �j �� <br /> _ ,i <br /> � �e lawfully �zed of s�aicl ��•emises; that they cc�•e free from encunzbra.nce � ;i <br /> � <br /> i; <br /> � � thc�t 4Fe liaze c�ocd riyht ancl la2vfu�l uutho�^itJ to sell th�e same; and �� do hereby covenar�.t ;� <br /> � <br /> to ua7•ra�it a�7ad defend the title to said premises agcc�i�nst the la2�vful elaims of all per�sons �cliomosever � �� <br /> '�i <br /> �lnd the said �,a,p18T013 C8ID8t6Ty A88�A Ize�°eby �-elinquish�es all ;i <br /> 'i <br /> &.S BbOVe stated. in and to tlze above desc�•ibed p��•emises. i' <br /> II <br /> � �S'ic�ned this 26 day of � �3� , A. D., 19 3� � i� <br /> i'! <br /> In t,.b�.p�°esence of Wi111 B.P�k8 a8 �� <br /> � Chai�m�aeron��emeteTpdAss'n�:e ; <br /> E. .Pers�on <br /> ��� <br /> ; <br /> �, st�rc of �Tebraska � i <br /> � ss. ; <br /> � � � �8.11 Coz�nty,� O7a this 26t� da� of �'y � A. D., 19 3� �� <br /> � me '� <br /> � , vefore�he z��aicicrsig7ied. E.B.pG'T880I3 • - i <br /> � <br /> ,� ���i <br /> � � a Not,a�r,� Pzablie, dz�i� com���issio�ned a�ul qz�alified f or a���d in said Oou�vt��, pei-so�ially canae <br /> �j ;I <br /> William B.Parks, as Chairman of the Cameron Cemetery Aas�n of !� <br /> Cameron, Nebraska ;; <br /> �� � to me Icnown to be the ide�ttieal �erson S whose na�ne 18 affi�ed to the foregoing instru- j� <br /> ; <br /> �� � � ment �as g��antor• , a�id acknowled�ed the same to be h18 voluntary act and deed. '� <br /> �� (3EAL) ;'I <br /> � ,��%� Wi��ness �az� liard and �l�otarial Seal the da-y and �ea�• lccst above w7-itterc. ;, <br /> �� 6th daz o Febr. �g 32 'i <br /> DI� com7n�ssion expir•es the ,! f i, <br /> ,� <br /> � <br /> �.B.Perason �� <br /> - - ,i <br /> ; Notary Pubbic. �� <br /> ; <br /> � �, <br /> �— ---------- — _ —_-- 'i <br /> ;; ;`, <br /> � _ ii � <br />