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���� <br /> . ����'� ��'����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WOItDS <br /> ------- --- _��. _..______---------___.,�_..__- --_ _.,....._____ _--- ..___ _ _____._ _._.. .___. _. �__- --- -- °-- <br /> _._____._�_�_�__._ -_.--------,--- _..__--__-____�.__�_�_.._,._.---_.---,----- <br /> __.-�,.__ _-�._____.___ ______-- -._.--.__----- i <br /> --- ..____.__--_. ._ __ .__..�.. _ --- <br /> STATE OI+' NEBRAShA, � <br /> i; I; <br /> S3. ij <br /> Ha.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> John Hehnke 8� wif e � i; <br /> � de� a�id fi�ed f or� �•ecor�d in the Register o f Deed's of fice o f said <br /> TO Warranty County, the �'�h day o f J'tul� 19 34 at 2 '; <br /> Deed � <br /> �: <br /> City of Grand Island <br /> o'elock and 15 md�nute�, �•hl� � �� <br /> Reqiater of Uee�s, <br /> �y Deput�. � <br /> i <br /> �,; <br /> , <br /> i! <br /> ��to� �x� �P� �� ��j��� �rP���tt�: � <br /> ' That �TOhA Hehnke and Ella Hehnke,his wife, . �l <br /> � �i <br /> 'i <br /> � ��� <br /> o f the Co2enty o f Ha,ll , and State o f Nebraska , f or and in consaderation o f tl�e s ccm o f ;i <br /> ; , <br /> � <br /> y <br /> � <br /> OA@ B.Tld NO/Z00 - - - - - - •. �• .� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, � <br /> ,i '; <br /> in h,ancl paicl, do he�reby gr•ar��t, barga�in, sell, convey and confi�°�ri un�to C�ty Of (Tirr&.Ad 1818Iid � <br /> I� <br /> , <br /> � <br /> of the County of ��11 , and State of A�bT88kS , the folloiving descr�ibed real estate situated !� <br /> ;, <br /> �n GT�.IId IS18.IId �n �&�1 _�_ Coi�nty, and State of N9bTc"�B�CB � ,.to-wit: ;y <br /> A rectanguiar etrip of land Ei$hty ��0) feet wide be�ween the Eaet and 11est 11nes of Eddq � <br /> $tre�t,eate�nded 3outh in s�raf�ht lines f.rom the 3outh line of Eddy 8tree�, between Louise ; <br /> and John Street, to the North line of John 8treet extended i.n a straight line West fro� � i <br /> Clark Street,for an extension of Eddq 3treet 3ou�3�, to John Streetj aleo a rectangular etrip ,� <br /> of land Forty (40) feet wide between the C�enter and North lines of John 8treet eatended in �! <br /> �traight lines in a �esterly direction for a distance of �j16 feet,from the Center line of .; <br /> :; Gleburn Stree�,extended Southerly� in a strai�ht line,for opening the l�orth half of John Stred�t <br /> from the t7enter line of Cleburn Strtet to the Center line bet�reen Lots 2 and� 3 in Block 3 in ;i <br /> Wiebe�a Addition in arand Island,Nebra�ka, e�tended 8outh . {�r�ntor reBerves improvements I 'I <br /> � � thereon. i� I <br /> , ;i <br /> , <br /> �i <br /> i+ <br /> i i. <br /> � �� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the p��e��zises above desc�•ibecl, together zoith c�ll the Ten�ements, He�•ed�itaments and �Appu�•tenances t"here- !� <br /> �j <br /> unto belo�igi��g, unto the said C�'�y af (�rand Island,Nebraeka i! <br /> i� <br /> �� and to it8 6t1CCe880T8 -yeeer�and assagns, fo�rever. ��; <br /> :� i <br /> its successors •y , �� ! <br /> �'� And I do her•eby covencxnt uith the said C��'antee , and with -l�r.a and assi ns that !� � <br /> ,� <br /> i j g�q lawfully s�zed of said premises; that they are f�•ee fr•om encumbranee <br /> i <br /> � <br /> , � <br /> ' that �j have goQd �^ight and lav,vful authority to sell th�e same; and Z do hereby eovenar��t ',' <br /> ;i � <br /> �i to 2varrant and defend the title to said premi�ses a,gavrist the lawful clai�ms of atl perso�as whomosever � 'i <br /> ��� And the said ��,lg ��h�8 - , hereby relinquishes all ; <br /> i <br /> i <br /> her ri�ht,title and interest �n and to the above desc�•ibed premises. i <br /> ;i � <br /> � <br /> ,�igned this 1kFth day of MarCh , A. D., 19 3� ; <br /> � In-tlz� presenee of John Hehnke <br /> � <br /> � Ella Hehnke ' <br /> ; A.G.Abbott ; <br /> � <br /> State of NE',br88k8 i <br /> ', ss. ��� <br /> ��� Ha.11 Co2�nty, On tjcis ��'�h day of �T�h A. D., 19�0 �� <br /> i i <br /> '! before t7ie unclersic��raed. AT�hUT G.Abb��� 'I <br /> � <br /> a Notary Pzcb�l�ic, dzcl��co�7i�missianed c�nc� qual�fi�ed for ar•d�residing i�z said Clounty, perso�zally came � <br /> ; John Hehnke and Ella Hehnke, his wiFe, <br /> '� to me kno2v�z to be tlze identieal perso�a 8 whose nam68 8r6 ccf fixed to the foregoing instru- �i <br /> '� <br /> ;� <br /> � �" n�ent �as grantor 8 , and acknowledged the same to be th@�T voluntary aet and deed. � <br /> (BEAL) �i <br /> , �ZVitness �n� hand a�aid Notarial Seal the ddy and year last 'above writterv. � <br /> .�� ;j <br /> dl� comnzissio�a expir�es the 11 day of 8eptember ls 3� ,� <br /> Arthur G.Abbctt � <br /> ! Notary Public. �� <br /> il <br /> _ — � < < — ;! <br /> 1 <br /> � ,� <br /> , �� � <br />