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�:o� <br /> D���� �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTb:D WORDS <br /> ..�.^�r -___.-__� ,. _ N_��__._______ _ - _ <br /> .—__._,_ <br /> -` rax�..��t;n1CL�A'NY L[RL�'L73.F1F� � �-` �_--- <br /> __._-���.�..--- ____ _. .:._- -:� - �A -- - ----� -- - - - - <br />__..�_�_.__.......e....._..._,_._��.____.,._e-..W—._.__. _._,. .�. ...__.__.. __.�.___._._.__ :.. - __ _____. <br /> STATE OF NEBRfiSIiA, <br /> ss. i <br /> HSl�. County, Entered in Nu��aericat In- i�� <br /> 3uaie �orensen and husband ;' <br /> � � dex arzd filed f oy record in the Reg�iste�• o f Deed's o f fice o f said 1��� <br /> TO Warranty Coacnt�, the ?6 day of MRj� 193� , at 2 <br /> Deed <br /> � • o'eloek and 3� minutes, p.�f. ; <br /> Paul Berry . �-t-�-��-�- k <br /> Register of De�ds, ; <br /> By Deput�. C <br /> ; <br /> ��0� ��� �Pl� �� ��jP�P ��P�P1�t�: <br /> That 8usie �9orensen and Eveld �.Sorens�n,Wife and husband <br /> � of the Co2�nty of $a,�l , and State of �T6br8.Sk8 � , for and in consideration of th�e sum of <br /> One dollar and other consideration �� '� <br /> � 4n f�ancl pr�id, do h�ereb� grar��t, ba�7°ga,in, sebl, eonvey c�nd confirm un'to �8Li2 Bt��2'j� <br /> _ <br /> of the County of I�Sll , and State of �@bTE�BkB � the following described real estate situated I <br /> �n E�rand Island in Hall co2�nty, and State of Nebraska , to-u�t: ;` <br /> Lot Ten (10) Block T� (2) o�' �3ilbert's Seeond Additioa tv the Clity oP t3rand Island, ; <br /> �'ebraska. • �� <br /> ; <br /> �, <br /> ;, <br /> i <br /> TO HAPE AR�D TO �IOLD the p�•emises above descril�ed, together u^ith all the Tenem�ents, Xeredita�m�ents and Appurtena�nces there- ',�� <br /> unto belongir�g, unto t)ee said p81i1 BBTr� <br /> � � and to �1�,8 hein•s and assigns, forever. j! <br /> And they do hereby covenant �,uith tlie said Gr�antee , and 2+�ith hi� heirs and assigns, that ! <br /> �h@y 8T@ law zclly s`ized of said p�•envis s• th�t the� are_free fro�rz encumbr nce 6JCCCp'� 81, ri10Tt�8,�8 1II fSVOT " <br /> ��nu ���CBo �n the amount of ��400.f� and a mortgage �.n favor of Paul Berry in the ° <br /> p �` <br /> t� L 6� have good riyht and la2vful autliority to sell the same; a.nd �he� do hereby covenarct � <br /> to uar�•a7at and defend tlee t�itle to said premises against tlie lawful ciccims of all perso�as who�n,osever � <br /> And the said �ueie Sorensen and �vald E.Sorensen,wife a,IId h11BbRiid _ hereby relinquishes all j; <br /> right,title,elaim 8Ad 1Ttt@TBSt in and to the above described p�remises. ' <br /> e <br /> Signed this 12 day of ��' , A. D., 1930 <br /> InZ1Ce presence of $t,ig�Q 80�@AS@fl <br /> d E renaen <br /> H rr Q�r�mmi +eT <br /> �val .30 <br /> a <br /> Y � <br /> , , f <br /> Harry Qrimminger , ` <br /> ;. <br /> ��tate of �ebra8k8 � ��, <br /> ;: <br /> S5. j.; <br /> i, <br /> � � �a1� Caz�nty, On this �"� day of KBji A. D., 19 30 �� ' <br /> befo�e�he undersi�ned. �,Trjl ,�.arimminger . . "' <br /> , <br /> i;. <br /> r <br /> a Notar� P2cbZic, d�cly commissioned and qualified f or arcd residing i72 said County, personally can2e <br /> �vald �.3orensen and 8usis 9oreneen,hueband and �vife �; <br /> , � <br /> to me Icnown to be tyee identieal person 8 whose name S_ . . . affixed to the foregoing instr� <br /> P, il <br /> ment as grantor S , and ar,knoz,vledged the same to be their volunta�•y aet and deed. � � <br /> ts�AL) <br /> � Witness my hand and No�ardal Seal the da� and fear last aboroe writteru. �! �, <br /> � h�� comntiission expi7•es the 22 day of Jtil,�'; 19 3� <br /> � <br /> � - Harry B.G�ri�min�er ; ' <br /> otary Public. ��� <br />---�_.�-��-----._-------- __ __ . .- -- ----- . __-�=__--__ _ � ---- - - - <br />- --._.__ --- ---_ _ .. .._ - -- _ _ _---_._ __ -=r._- �__.�_�____.--- -- <br /> I, � <br /> � ,.�_LL-_ .-_�-�- _._ <br /> i' - i; <br />