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��� <br /> �� �j�j� ��j� ��� <br /> _J—J� J..�_J .�J� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTb;D WORDS <br />�__� _.�W...__.._.�___� _ _. . _ __ .____ <br /> ___ zzQmpnivr-titvcotx'tvEa "— � <br /> _ _ _ _ _ �. _ <br /> �_.___ �� . ..__ �'-_ � — - —-� — <br /> - �-._.�.��_..�_.__.._�.._�_.�_._...._��� --.�..�:� __�_.._ — - 'STATP OF NF•BPASTiA, ;; <br /> � ss. ��� <br /> � H�,11 Count�, E�ite�r•ed in Numer�ical In- �� <br /> Au�us�w Schlotfeldt ,�ido� j� <br /> de� and filed for record in the Pegis�er of Deed's� office of said <br /> TO Warranty Count the 2 da o Ma. X9 0 at 2 <br /> Deed y� '� y f y � � <br /> , o'clocic and -" mi?iutes, P. D1. <br /> Jahn Bushm�.n ����,_��",�,��h <br /> Register o f D�ds, �: <br /> By Deputy. ; <br /> �1��� ��� �P�t �1 ��jP�P ��P�P1�t£�: <br /> � <br /> n � � <br /> That I , Augu,s-�U Schl.otf eldt , �, �ric�o�v, of Grand Isl�.�,ne- <br /> � of tlie County of H�,11 , and State of Nebr�,s��. , for and i�n eonsideration of tlue sum of ''� <br /> One (�p1.00) ` Dflllar ��nd oth�r v�Iuable consideration DOLLARS, ' <br /> in� la,ancl paid, do hereby grar��t, barga�in, sell, eonvey and eonfir�z un'to JOhri B1i8h�tia,ri � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> of the County of Ha11 , and State of Nebra ska , the following described real estate situated <br /> iyz in x�22 Coicnty, and State of Nebr�.ska , to-�rit: <br /> Fr<v.ction�,l Lot r�'our (�-) in Hlock Four (4) in Charles '�asmer�s Add.ition to the City of <br /> Gr�n�. I�1�.ncl ,Nebr�,ska, and Wasmer �s Annex to first ad�it�on �o the Ci�y� ai Gr�,nd Isl�.nc�, <br /> Nebr�,sr�a, �.nd cor��lement Fr�ct�onal Lot T.�zo (2) in Block T�aenty-six (26) in B�ker �s <br /> Ad�?ition to the City of Gr�,nc? Islanc� ,Nebrasica,a� surveyec�,°�1�ttEd �n� reeorded. ; <br /> i% <br /> Subject to � mort�;�,;:;e in f�vor of the Ec�uitable Buil�.in� & Loan A��oci�.tion and subject <br /> to the unpa.i�. pa.ving t�,x ag�.inst said J�G�f17.SE',S. ;� � <br /> ;'� <br /> i', <br /> � TO IIAPF A3�D TO XOLD th�e premises avo�ve described, together with c�ll the Teryzenients, Hereditaments and Appurtenances t'here- � � <br /> unto belong�ng, ��nto the said 4T01'1�. Bt1�hTL13ri i <br /> �� � and to h1S � heir�s an�d assigns, forever. I' <br /> �: <br /> And I do hereby covenant �vith the said Gr•antee , and wtith h18 heirs and assigns, that <br /> ii <br /> � j �n law f ully sized o f said premises; the� a re f ree f rom encumbranee EXC e�7� 2�S a.b0 V e 8 t�.'�e d � ,; <br /> - ;: <br /> tyiat I ha2�e good right and lawf�cl authority to sell the same; and I do hereby covenarat ' <br /> i' <br /> � to warrant and defend the title to said preritiises against thE lawful ciccims of all persons wliomosever � � � <br /> :: <br /> i; <br /> �� And the said AU�US��. SChIO�f Eld� � hereb� relinquishes all ' �, <br /> �; � <br /> heT r1.�;ht ,title �.ri.". 7.n.�E�TB�� Of ti"1'n�,�S0�3TeT n,,ture in and to the above desc�•ibed p�remises. <br /> Signed this �Oth day of June , A. D., 19 �7 <br /> In-�te p��esence of Augusta Schlotfeldt `' <br /> �: <br /> B.J.Cunningh�m _ � <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> state of . Nebr^a,s'�a ` <br /> � ss. 1 . <br /> ' Ht2,11 County, On tlais 30th d�y o f June A. D., 19 �7 i' <br /> �� <br /> before�heundersigned. 1�Z'Ch28 G.O�Br�en '' <br /> r <br /> ;� <br /> � a Notary Publtic, dialy commissioned and qua,lified for arcd residing in said County, personally ca�aie �� <br /> i <br /> Au.�usta Schlotfi elc�t , a widow i; <br /> ,_TM- � <br /> , ;: <br /> to me known to be the identical person whose name 18 affl�ed to the foregoing instru- � `�' <br /> ; <br /> °..� <br /> ment ccs grantor , and acknowledged the same to be heT volacntar� act and deed. t <br /> i <br /> � 4Vit�ness my hand and Notarial Seal the�day and year last above writterv. `� <br /> !; <br /> �� (SEAL� �iy commission e�pires the � 3�th da� of Febru�,Ty � 19 3�� <br /> Archie C.O�Brien �; <br /> Notary Public. <br /> _ ,. ,,._ --- ------- <br />---=___--_ ___ __ -.-- _ :-_. ��_�,- ___-_..__�__--- ---- ----— ---,—_���_��_--- - _____«—__=-=_--�-- - <br /> � i� <br /> _ , <br /> ,; <br /> � , <br />