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98 <br /> ������ ��'����� <br /> • CONTAINS 281 PRINTb:D WORDS <br />_._...��_.._.r.�M._�_�_______._._��-_.=...._ _ �__ _�_�� -- <br /> _..� �_.�� <br /> — �_ -- _______.�.�..:�_1'IH�TN�E� �_.�.�_.__�____.. - — — .__. -— - ..� <br />� _ _ _ _.� �. __.._ _..._.__ ______.��.� _ - .�. <br /> STATE OF NEBPf1SIrA, �; <br /> ss. � !` <br /> • La.Vernie Moore and Wlfe �all Count�, Entered 2n Numerical In- <br /> � � de� �znd fclecl f or reco�°d in the Reg�is�sr o f Deed's o f fice o f said � <br /> TO Warranty Cozcnty, the 2I day of �.y 19 30, at � !�i ' <br /> Deed <br /> B.J.Cunningham o'eloe)c and 15 minutes, p•�l. <br /> �- <br /> �ister of Deed , <br /> By Deput�. <br />�� �1�0� ��.�. �P� �1� ��jP�P ��P�Pl�t�: .. <br /> Tnat we , L�.Vernie Moore and Emma R.�oore,husband and wife, <br /> of the County of Hd.11 , and State of Nebra,ska � for a�id in consideration of the sum o�f ' • <br /> ;� <br /> One Dollar (�1.00) and other valuable eonsideration DoLLARS, ii,! <br /> � in I��and pa�ad, do hereb� gr•ar�t, barc�a�in, sell, convey ctnd confir�nz urya��o B.rT.Cun2��righ&,In ; <br /> of the County of H�.11 , and State of Neb-raska , the following described real estate situated <br /> in Grand Island in Hall Co2int�y, and State of NebTa.skc'�, , to-urit: ' <br /> � <br /> Lot Four (4) in Block �-6 of Russell ��heeler �b Addition to Grand Island in H�11 Coun�y, ;; <br /> Nebx�.ska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. '� <br /> P�ssession of the above premises to be given to gra.ntee July 1st ,I930. �� <br /> Subject,however, to a mortgage in favor of the Tecumseh Building & Loan Association in the ; <br /> sum of �2700.00,�avhich mortgage the grantee herein assumes and_ agrees to pay as part of the � <br /> „ <br /> consideration for this deed. � �' <br /> �� <br /> ; � <br /> TO HAVE AiI�D TO HOLD the p�•e�mises above deacr•ibed, together u�ith a,ll th-e Tenements, 13�e�•editaments an�d Appurtenanees t�here- ' <br /> unto belongi�i;q, unto the said B•J•v�rilrigha.221 �' � <br /> i <br /> { <br /> and to his heirs and assigns, forever. �, <br /> � �nd they do her•eby covena�zt with the said CX�•antee , and u,�ith � his heirs and assigns, that � <br /> i' <br /> � th�Y are lawfull� s�lzed of �aid premises; that they are free from �ene�t�mb7•c�nce e�C�pt 8.8 a.bOVe Set f�r�h. ` � <br /> i' <br /> il ;I <br /> ;! tlaat We � have good right and lawf2cl authority to sell the same; and �e do hereby eovenar�� ;� � <br /> to wcar�rant and defend the title to said premises agaanst tFze lawful elaims of all persons ivltiomosever � � j; � <br /> � � � r; <br /> ;; <br /> A.nd the said LaVernie Moore and Emma R.Moore hereby relinquc'shes alt � <br />,ri�ht and title in and to tlie above dese�•ibed p�remises. <br /> Signed this �7t]1 day of �y _ , A. D., 19 �0 <br /> r <br /> 1' <br /> I�i't�Le-presence of ' '�+,, <br /> Archie C. 0�3rien LaVernie Moore ;; ' <br /> . <br /> Etnr��a R.�doore i <br /> �S'tate, of Nebraska ;; <br /> ;� <br /> �. <br /> ss. { <br /> H8,11 County, On this �7�h day of May A. D., 19 3� i' <br /> �; <br /> � <br /> bef ore✓the undersigned. Ar Ch 1 e C.0�3ri en <br /> a Notary P2tiblic, dzcl� com�missioned and qualified fo�• ar�d res�iding in said County, perso�ially came i� � <br /> LaVernie Moore and Ernma R.�oore,husband and wife ;; <br /> ;, <br /> to me I�nown to be the i,dentieal person S wycose name s are affixed to the foreqoing instr2c- � :� <br /> ; <br /> ment as grantorS , c�nd acknowledged the same to be their vol2cntarJ act and deed. . <br /> � � (SEAL� Witness nay hc�nd a�ad Ilrotarial Seal tltie day and Sear last above writterv. � <br /> � ll�� eomrnissioa2 e�pires the 18`th � day of FebTLi�.T� 1933 <br /> : Archie C.O�Brien ;; <br /> r Notary Public. ��' <br /> I; <br /> -_-- --_ =_� __ ___,._ -_ <br /> __ __ _ — --__ - - - --- --- --_- __�_ _ --- -- <br /> ; <br /> �: <br /> � <br /> i: <br /> �, <br /> ! <br /> - _ _ _ -- �I <br />