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�� <br /> �� LJ��JJ � �LIJ J ��0 <br /> �J�� ����J� <br /> CONTr1INS 281 PRINTI�:D�'VORDS <br /> _____.__.�.._...W�. ,____._ ��_,.__ _.__... �. <br />-�_�_ --� ��.- •,-- <br />_._u___.._�=SIJ'IIE..1n RN �..CLIMPA�IYr.11MGaLN..1VEB. :. . .. .. .__�.�.__.'_ _..___ � <br /> --�r�_-.--...e.:.:_._..�._._._.__,.._._..,,_�..w.� _.._._�=__�_.__,.._.__�___._..::�:'..='�=-.�.M.. -,�..._ <br /> STATE Ob' NEBRASgA, �' <br /> i' <br /> � ss. ,'� - <br /> ' Hd,ll Count�, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> ChaT18S N.MB�.d a.rid 9Plfe dem cend filed fo�° reco�•d in the Register of Deed's office of said <br /> TO wDeedt� County, tyce ].5 daJ of �y 19 �Q, at 10 <br /> Farmers State Bank of '�ood River, o'clock and -- minutes, �t. <br /> Neb r. �.��- <br /> Register of Deed� <br /> By Deput�. <br /> ��t�� ��� ��n �� ��j��� ����P�t�: <br /> That we, Char�es N.�iead and Katherine J.�ead,husband and wife , <br /> � of the County of HaI.I , and State of NebTa.Bka. � , for and in eonsicleratio�a of the sum of � <br /> Seventy-three hundred Eighteen and 15/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> in h�ancl paid, do hereb� grar�t, bargain, sell, conve� and confirm �cn'to Farmers State Bank Of Wood River, Nebraska, <br /> a cor�oration, <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated <br /> in in Ha,ll Co2cnt�y, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> Tne North Ha,lf of tn.� South�est Quarter (N�SW�) of Section Four (�-) , Township Nine (9) , <br /> Range Eleven (11� , West of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebras:>a, containing �0 acres , <br /> a little more or less according to the government �s survey thereof, <br /> Subject to the unp�,id balance of a mortgage in favor of the Federal Land Bank of Oma.ha, theF <br /> origin�,l siim oi which was �3�00.00, and subject also to unpaid taxes. <br /> Possession of the above described premises to be given March 1, ].931. <br /> TO H�VE AND TO �IOLD the p��emises above described, together with all t,l�e Tenements, Hereditam-ents and A.ppurtenances t�here- � <br /> unto belong2��y, ��nto the said Farmers State Bank of Wood River, a corporation <br /> i�� <br /> and to f tS heirs and assigns, forever. , <br /> And �e do he�r°eby covenant 2vdth the said G1•antee , and 2�rith ItS heirs and assigns, that <br /> t+Ge 3xe lawf2�bly slzed of s�a�d premises; tlzat the� a�•e f�•ee from enc�umbrance eXCept 8,s d.bOVe Se'G �Or�h. ��� �� <br /> tliat �ge have good right and la2vful authority to sell the same; and VP8 do hereby covenar��t <br /> to wc�r�rant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomosever � ; , <br /> i <br /> Anct the said Charles N.D�ead and Katherine J.Med.d hereby relinquishes all <br /> elaim, right and title in and to the above described p�remises. <br /> i' <br /> S-igned this S�h day of Ma.y , A. D., 19 3� <br /> � In t#ce-�resenee of � <br /> 0.�Q.auackenbush Charles N.�dead <br /> Katherine J.Mead <br /> �S�tate of Neb�aska <br /> ss. <br /> Hall County, O�z tDzis � day of �aY A. D., 19 30 <br /> me • <br /> bef ore�he 2enclersigned. O.M.auaek enbush <br /> ;; <br /> a Notary Pu,blic, duby co�ramissioned and qualified for arcd residing in said County, personally came '� <br /> Charles N.Mead and Katherine J.�dead,husband and wife, <br /> to me known to be the identieal person$ whose name S are affi�ed to the foreqoing instru- <br /> ment as grantor S , and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> (sEAL) <br /> �� "� `` tiV�tness m� hand and Notarial Seal tlie day and year last above writterv. <br /> lliy comnzission expires the ' .; ��eb. 5� 1935 , <br /> 0.hi.c�uackenbush <br /> � , Notary"Public. �� <br /> _=--_�;.„ �.___ �_=��:—__._ � �__ �_=.�---._� _ _ — <br /> i <br /> Ii <br /> I` i <br />