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�� <br /> DD����'� �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRTNTI:D WORDS <br /> _ _ __ � � , ��.v.._ _ <br /> ._.__--- -- <br />_ _____ , ._ _ --- _ _ 'L�tdZ�E�`=roZ`6'" . . _.-- —_ — �._ _—._____._.— __. <br /> r.,_�_ _ _ �� <br />_._____..A _ . ____ . ._. .�--- --� _.��_�__�_._�__�_._^, � <br /> --Y�_�. ...�___ <br /> �_.�__.�._ .__�.. _�._._.�._�_.......__-'----._ �4—�.-_--�=�-�.-----��._ <br /> � � STATE OF NEBRASTtA,' i', <br /> i: <br /> ss. � <br /> � � Hd,ll County, Entered in Numer�ical In- - <br /> F.M.Alderman and a�if e <br /> � de� a7ad filed f o�° reco�•d in tlae Register o f Deed's o f fice o f sai�l <br /> � TO Warranty County, the 9 da.y of M�.y 19 30, at 10 � <br /> Deed <br /> Retta S.�Poodcock o'cloek and '-'° minutes, A• df. <br /> �.�%'��Z�( <br /> Re �ste�ds <br /> J � , <br /> By Deput�. ' <br /> _ _. <br /> , <br /> �1�D�1 ��.�. �CPI� �1 ��jP�P �P�Pl�t�: <br /> � � <br /> ���at F.M.Al�derman and Rosetta Alderman, husband and wife <br /> �� of the Coz�nty of Ha,ll , and State of NgbTa,skd �, fo�• and in consideration of the sum of <br /> Three Hundred and no�100 DOLLARS, <br /> � in h���nct pa�id, do hereb� grar�t, bargain, sell, co�vvey and confirm un�to RG''�t8, S.1�OOdCOCk � � , <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated <br /> in in H8.11 Count��, and S'tate of Nebraska , to-urit: <br /> That part of the north half of �he northeast quarter of seation number twenty four (24) , in' <br /> township number twelve �12) north, range number t�celve (12) west of the Sixth P.�I.that lies; <br /> north of the C.B.& Q. Railroad right of way, that �ould lie west of Berber Street as shown - <br /> on the recorded plat of Cairo , Nebraska, a�ere the west line of the said Berber Street ex- <br /> tended north across the said right of way to the north line of the said section number <br /> twenty four (2�) ,�.nd containing about two and one third acres of land. <br /> F <br /> TO HAti'E A�TD TO FfOLD the premases above described, together 2c�ith all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances there- <br /> unto belongi��+g, unto the said grantee . � <br /> � and to h�B heirs an�d assigns, forever. � � <br /> And W8 do ltiereb� covenant 2vith the said C�rc�ntee , and Zraith h�.$ heirs and assigns, that ;, <br /> � qPe a,Tg Iaufaclly ,�ized�of s�a�cl premises; that they are f��ee from encum�brance � `� <br /> i <br /> that ypg have goocl �ic�lat and lawf2el authority to sell the same; and We do hereby covenar��t ' <br /> � to wa��rant and defe�zd tD�e t�itle to sa�id premises against th�e lawful claims of all persons zvhomosever � � � '� -- � <br /> i; <br /> � And the said GT321'GOTe . hereby relinquishes all �i � � <br /> � '�h@1T C1&3.Tri8 — — — — — — — — — — — �� and to the above des�cribed p�remises. � <br /> Signed this 5th day of �Y , A. D., 19 30 ; <br /> �; i <br /> In-tlt2 prESenee of <br /> G.C.Raven �, <br /> Rosetta Alderman � <br /> . <br /> � State of NebT�.ska, i <br /> ss. � <br /> H8,11 County, On this 5�h day of �Y A. D., 19 '30 <br /> befo�• �te he unders%gned. G.C.Ra.VeII . � <br /> �� a Not�cr� PzLblic, duly com�missioned and qualified f or a��d residing in said County, personull� came , <br /> ! <br /> F.�.Alderman and Rosetta Alderman_ ' <br /> r <br /> to me kn.awn to be the identieal person � whose name S B.TE affixed to the foreyoing instru- '% <br /> �' <br /> (SEAL� ment as grantor S , and acknoivledged the same to be their vol2cntary act and deed. <br /> � �r;� �itness my hand and Notari�al Seal th-e day and fear last above writterv. �� <br /> � <br /> � � �1t�� commission e�pires the 27�� day of JLl,ly �, 1g31-I� <br /> G. C.Raven <br /> Notary Public. <br /> _ ___._ _ __ _,_ . _-:-- . ,.,, .--_ --.-:._ :___--_--_,__=- _�-_- — ___..___---___—._-------- -.--.—__�_�_____ ��— <br /> _.__ --- ---- ---- � � �_�.�_ �.___ <br /> ; <br /> ,! :. <br /> , <br /> �: <br />