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�.7'e_) <br /> ��'��� ����'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTI�;D R ORDS <br /> --- _..._ __._____. <br /> � =�TAT��JT��TIR14..AL-C�MFAR4,LiNCIIL1V�NES__ ..._ _._._ .___... __.___. ___ .. ... .._. . _ . <br /> I ;� ,STATE OIy' i�TEBR�3 SIi�, �j <br /> ,, �� <br /> ss. i; <br />� � $all County, Entered dn NuTnerical Zn- <br /> Hobert L.Blackledge � <br />� � de� and filed for reco�•d in the Re�ister• of Deed's of fice of said <br /> �' TO Warranty Coainty, the �th day of �.y 1930 , at 3 '; <br /> '� � � Deed <br /> Hd,riB I'+ .��Ch�81Tria,riri o'clock and 10 7nti�nutes, P. DT. _ �� <br /> �LC-��„_� ��-�� <br /> Rey�,ster of De� �� <br /> I3 J Depu���. <br /> ; <br /> �i <br /> ;i <br /> �1�0�1 ��� �PI� �1� ��j��P ��P�P�t�: ' <br /> ; Ty�at I , Hobert L.Blackledge, a bachelor, � <br /> � <br /> o� the Cou�z.t�� of Btiff8,l0 , and State of NBbT&SkB. , fot• a�ad in co�isicic�7°atio�z of the s�t�n of <br /> Ten 8e ri0�100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> in hancl pccicl, do hereb� gr-cc��t, bargc�i�z, sell, eonvey and eo�zfi��ni unto �STig F'.�diehelmann <br /> . li <br /> of tjae Cou7at�y of Ha,l], , a��zd State of IQ@1�Ta.8k8 , tyze follouin� clese7•ibed �reab esiate situated i� <br /> � iy+�- � _. � in H�.11- � (�'oz��nt�, u�icZ State�of NEbTd.S�[8. , to-2vit: �! <br /> Lot Ten (10) in Block C, in Park Viev� Subdivision of a paxt of the west half of the northwest �i <br /> (uarter (W�N�P�) of Section Twenty-ei�ht (2�) , and the east half of the northeast quarter !; <br /> E� NE�) -o� Section Twenty-nine (29j ,both in Township Elenen (11) North, Range Nine (9) , �est �� <br /> of the Sixth P.�I. ,as surveyed, platted and recorded, sub�ect however to all restrictions and ;, <br /> � encwnbrances of record on this date, and which the gran�ee herein hereby e�pre�sly assumes �� <br /> ` and agrees to pay, and also sub3ect to the covenants and restrictions contained in the deed � <br /> ' from Frederick Stolley,et a1, to this �;rantor, as more fully shoavn in the deed filed on Page <br /> 203 of Book 6� of the Deed Records of �all County, <br /> � <br />, <br />� � TO af1VE A�"D TO HOLD the p��ena;ises abo�;�e descr�ibed, toget,her u'itlz all the Te�ie��nei�ts, I�ered�ta�rnents and �ppurte�aances there- � <br /> unto belongi�7ey, uiito t)ae said Ha,rig �'.I1��Che1Tri8.riII '. <br /> and to hi8 heirs and assigns, forever. � <br /> And I do hereb� eoven�a�zt �vith the said Gra�ztee , and ui-t1i h�8 liei��s and assigns, that � <br /> ,,� . <br /> j E�,iq la2�full� v'ized of s�Qid pre��zises; t)iat t}ie� a��e f�'ee f��om enci�nab�•ance @SCeptin�BUCh �S &�'8 Of �TeCOTCli <br /> � that 1 have good riyht a�ad lawful u��thorit� to sell �h�e sanie; and 1 do hereb� c�venart�t � <br /> � to �eurru�zt and defe�id the t�itle to said �rem�ises agai�ast the�ul claims of all persons zclao�nosevej• � �� <br /> flnd the said j30ber'� j,i.B1a.C�C�.@C�ge hereb9 reli�z�quishes all ' <br /> of his right , title and interest of whatsoever nature in a�d� to 'tY�e-a�bove� described � <br /> ; premises. ' <br /> Szgned tll�i�s �th day of �da� , �1. D., 19 30 <br /> I�z t32� p��esenee of HObeTt L.B1ctCkledge ' <br /> �� I <br /> L.J.Peterson '� <br /> � state of Nebraska 'j <br /> �� �sso � ��I <br /> ; BLlf f8,10 County,� O�z this 7th day oj M�Y A. D., 19 30 <br />� � vefo�°e✓tlze u.7ider'si�raecl. I+.e1.P8t6T80T1 . <br /> � a 1''ota��•� P���,blie, d��-l�� commissioned and qualif�ied f o�• a��d residing iTZ saad Count�, pe�•so�ially ca�ne ��� <br /> Hobert L.Blackledge,a bachelor <br /> �� <br /> ,� <br /> ; <br /> � to me I��aoic�z to be tlae identical pe��so7a whose na7�ie 1$ affi�ed to the fo�•egoing instru- '! <br /> � � � �� � ment res g�-aryitor , arzd aeknowledged the same to be hl8 volun�a�-� act a�zd deed. �i ��� <br /> (s�AL) <br />� � � ti�itness ���z� lcccr�d a7zd Z��ota��ial tiS'eal tltie day a�ad fea�• last uboze wr•ittera. ;( <br /> � �7� eomnzi��sion e�pir�es the 1$� da� of A'L�L18t � 19 3�j' :� <br /> ' L.J.Peterson ;� <br /> � Notary P�ublic. �i <br /> �— ------ — n <br /> �i <br /> � <br /> ii <br /> ii <br />