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I <br />� �� � � <br /> ��'��� ��������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br />,.����__..r.__...__.__.r,.�_...__..��._.r___--._.__....___�_._.._.�._...�._..______,._._.�� __.__ _� <br />-.-.� _.��._..u�c��-�rw�-���-�-.� <br /> -rT�I� —GTAT - ..ZTA��LN��Jxca�._...__.__.--__._._. � <br />— — —_,� ___ �:.� �v__�.��._._. � � STAT� Ob' NEBI�AS�A, �. <br /> ss. ;: <br /> Hall Coicnt�, Entered in Nunze��ical Zn- _' <br /> Frank J.gemptar and Hazel Kemptar <br /> Husband and �Gife de� c�nd filed fo�• record in the Re�ister of Deed's office of said �; <br /> TO Warranty Count�, the S`th da� of ��.� 19 30, at 9 <br /> Deed <br /> Robert F.`�'homas and Olga E.Thomas o'clock and 45 minutes, A•�. <br /> Husband and wife , �� ��� ; <br /> � Reqister o f eeds, j.� <br /> By Deput�. <br /> ;; <br /> ; <br /> ����� ��to� ��� ����. �� ��jP�� ������t�: <br /> That Frank �'.Kemptar and i�azel Kemptar,husband and wife, ;" <br /> , <br /> o f the County o f H8.11 , and SEate o f Nebraska , f or and ir� consi.deration o f the sum o f <br /> Five Thousand and no/100 ---------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS, <br /> in la�anc� paid, do hereb� �rtcr��t, bargain, sell, conve� ancl confi�•�ia un'to Robert F.ThOmas and Olga E.Thomas,or, ease Of '' <br /> the death of either of them, to the survivor, <br /> of the County of Ha.11 , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated <br /> in in Hall Coacnty, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: � <br /> The north half of the northeast quarter of section number twenty (20) in township number �i <br /> twelve (lZ) north, ra.nge nwnber twelve (12) west of the sixth P.M.containing eighty acres <br /> mare or less , according to government survey. <br /> �; <br /> � i: <br /> ,; <br /> i; <br /> � 7'0 FIAVE AI�D TO HOLD the p7�emises above described, toqether �c�ith all the Tenements, Heredit�m-ents an�l Appurtenances the�re- <br /> � unto belongi���g, un'to the said gTc'�,rit888 � � <br /> � a�nd to ��e j,r izeirs an.d assigns, forever. i' <br /> ;: <br /> � �nd W@ do hereb� covenant with the said C�rantee S , and with tbE�T heirs and asstigns, that � <br /> ��� �P8 3T@ � lawfully si,zecl of s�aid preniises; tTiat tliey are free from enc�urrtibrance eXCept a,Il 03.1 1@8.8� '�O; th8 <br /> Texas Produetion Co,which lease, so far as it affects this land, is herebp �������� ��r��i��� <br /> that We have good right and lawful authority to sell the same; and We o ere y covenar��t` <br /> {. <br /> �� to �,va��rant and defend tyie t�itle to said premises against tl�e lawful clainas of all persons whomosever � <br /> Elnd the said gTd,AtOTB hereb� relinquishes all <br /> th21T C131ID8 � in and to the above deseribed prem-ises. '� <br /> Signed this (�� da� of May , A. D., 19 3� � <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> ' In�1�-p�•esenee of : Fra.nk J.Kemptar '' <br /> ; <br /> G.C.Ra,ven Hazel Kemptar ' � <br /> State of Nebra.ska <br /> � <br /> ss. i' <br /> Ha�l Count,y; On this 6� da� of �,�T A. D., i9 30 ;�' <br /> � '�, <br /> before�the undersig�zed. G.C.Raven ;+ <br /> ;; <br /> �� a Nota�ry P��cblic, dul�_coanmissioned and qualified for art�d residing in sa�id County, personally eame !� <br /> Frank J.Kemptar and Hazel Kemptar '; <br /> ;; <br /> to me lcn.oivn to be the identieal perso�a S 2vhose nanae B aTG affixed to the foregoing instru- <br /> � (SEAL� y. `_,, me,nt �as grantor� S , an,d acknowledged the same to be th81T volun�tary act and deed. j�� � <br /> � �. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and fear last above 2uritter�. �; � <br /> F� <br /> � � �I� comnzissio�n e�pires the 27u dccy of �1�,tly 19 3� �' <br /> „' <br /> � G.C.Raven � � <br /> Notary Public. <br />