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�1� <br /> ��'��� ���'����� <br /> CONT�INS 281 PRINT7�:D R ORDS <br />_ __._�.,____..._.. _.____...�___----- � _.__ _._ -.--- --- _ � . _._ _—.__�____ --- <br /> - -.__ �� _�.... =',YAYE'I�IIHOgL:�tSF�_�rv-7„I�CaCa �tES:----.. _",�__ �__ _______---.__ � _---- --____ _ _.____ .__ ____---,_ __. _._ ---_ _____ �- ----,- -- -- <br /> i� ST�T� OI{' i�'EBRASIiA, I� <br /> �, <br /> ss. if <br /> � �8.1�. Count�, E�z�tered a:�i Nu�nerical In- �' <br /> Thomas F.Lyons,single ;; <br /> �; <br /> 'i de� and filed fo�• record i�n t3ie Reg�ste�° of Deed's office of said ;� <br />� TO � Warranty 0 1 �� <br /> Deed Co2c�zty, the 3d da� of �ay 19 3 , at i� <br /> �illiam Z,�:onard.,et als � 5 P. , <br /> o cloc)e ancl � m2nutes, JI. ji <br /> ����a�C ,; <br /> �i <br /> � R�egister of De ds, `�' <br /> i� <br /> g� Deputy. i; <br /> �� ���to� �z� ��n �� �����P ������t�: <br /> � <br /> ; T�zat I , T'homas F.Lyons , a single ma.n, of Ely,Nevada, _ � <br /> ; <br /> �i <br /> „ <br /> of tlae Count�r of @�11'�6 P�ri@ , and State of �e�a� , for• a�zd i7ti eo7asicle7•atio�z of the s�m of �j <br /> 1 <br /> �ne (�1.00) and other valuable consideration -------------------------------a�"- DOLLARS, ;� <br /> �; <br /> �n h.ccnd paid, do he�•eb� gr•c�rct, bargain, sell, convey and confi�•m �into �ill�� I+e021&TC1�JE�.TrieB Lt'OIIB.rd B,IIC� EUgeIlB �� <br /> ,i <br /> �i Leonard '` <br /> ' of tlee County of A��.1 , and State of �ebTa$Ka' , the following descr�ibe�l �real estate situated �� <br /> i�t in H8,11. Co2cnt�, artd Stccte of �BbT&81�8 , to-wit: ;i <br /> � The Northeast Qua.rter of the Northeast Quarter (NE�NE�) of Section Ten (10) ,Township Ten (10;� <br /> Ra.nge Twelve (12) ,West of the 6th P.2�. in Ha11 County,Nebraska. �� <br /> - <br /> � <br /> ;; <br /> i <br /> .,� 1 <br /> . <br /> ; <br /> ' III <br /> I <br /> TO 1Zf1VE' rll'1� TO �ZOLD t7ae p�'e»iisES abo2�e descr�ibed, tot�etjaer 2cith all the Te�neme��ts, Heredi�talne�nts and ���i�7•te�ta��aces �there- � <br /> i 1 <br /> z��zto betoy2�z���, u�2�o t��� sat�z �il].iam Leonard,James Leo�ard and Eugene Leonard ; <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> cc�id to ��1@�T heirs anc� assig��2s, forever. �� <br /> � �nd � 1 do yaer�eby eovena7it with the said G�'a�ntee 8 , �nd u-ith theiT he�i��s a��d assiyns, that <br /> j a,tTi la2vfull� sized of s�aid pr•enzises; tlzat tTiey a�'e fr�ee fro�n e�ncunzb7•ance � � ! <br /> that I Izave �ood yiglat and la2vful author�at�� �o sell the sccnie; and 1 do hereb� cove�aar��t � <br /> to 2c-ar•ra�zt arad clefend the title to scc�id premises agai�zst the lazvful cleei�ns of c�bl pe�so�as u;homose,ve�• <br /> �7ad the said �'h02T18,S F.L�OIIB he7•eby �°elinquishes all <br /> � C],8,j,2Ti�T j,g�lt �,11d- t��18 � in and to tlie above des�eribed p�re�mises. , <br /> � �S'igned this 23Td day of �PTil , 9.. D., 19 �� � <br /> � I��z i� p�•esenee o f �� <br /> �.J.McFadden Thos. F.Lpone <br /> ; Jay E.Brinton <br /> stccte of Nevada <br /> ss. I <br /> '(�li�g Pi21e Co2�nty, O�z this 23Td daJ of Anrf 1 A. D., 19 � 3� �! <br /> �, � �i <br /> � !i <br /> befcre�the2indersigned. �jg,p L.BTlrit013 - <br /> ; <br /> ! <br /> a IlTOtccry Pzablic, dzr-ly commissioned c��nd qualified f or• c�r�d re,siding i�z said County, q�erso�iall� ca��ze <br /> `. <br /> ' Thomas F.Lyons ,a single man, '; <br /> � <br /> f4, j <br /> to me I�izo2��z to be tTae iclentical perso�i wycose �aa7ne ig aff��ed to the for-egoing instru- <br /> � � 7�ient as �r�c��a,tor , a�zd acicnowtedged tTae sa�nze to be hig vol�cntary act and deed. � <br /> �� <br /> �� �s�A�'� � lV�i��ness 7n� ha�zcl and �l'otarial Sec�l the da,y a�vd �eccr lccst above w�•itter. <br /> ' �1I� cor�znz�ission e�pires t�he �9 ���J �f � �'� �� 19 �� ��� <br /> 'i <br /> - Jay �.Brinton ;..' <br /> � Nota�°y P�ublic. ;� <br /> ; <br /> ii <br />