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�� <br /> D�� ���� � ��j J � � W <br /> _��� ������� <br /> CONTAINS 2S1 PRINTED WORDS <br />_ ._�...._.�.___�____w_ ___._ _ —�..-..._--_�___._.__�_._. <br />—��."- cn�a—e�&Y"t.Tii�GLFI t�t€S . ��._�.�—__.__ <br /> T„���.S,TATF �fliliiNAl. .� .`���-__-- - <br />�-- -�_�_�._�_.� __.�__.___._.___.._._.____._.__.___..__.____.__ � _ _�_- STATE OF NF.BRAS�A, <br /> ss. <br /> HBTy�A OgdBri� S�rig16 xa�� Count�, Eaatered tin Numerieal In- � � <br /> de� c�nd filed for• reco�•d i�z the Re�ister of Deed's office of sa�.d <br /> TO Warranty Count tl�e 1�� da o �Y 19 3�, at 2 <br /> Deed y� � f <br /> ' Fannie Ogden ' o'clock and 40 minutes, �'���� ��,c—e! <br /> � � <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> By Deput�. <br /> ;i <br />' ��t��1 ��� Pl� �1 � P�P �P�P1�t�: ��� <br /> � � � <br /> � <br /> Tt�at Herv�n Ogden, a single man, of Grand Island, . <br /> �� of the Count�y of HaZL , and Stc�te of ����ask3� , for an�d in conside7•ation of the s�im of � <br /> One and no/100ths ------------------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS, ,'; <br /> ;, <br /> � d�n I��a7icl pa�id, do hereb� g�•ar��t, bargain, sell, eonvey and confir��ti un�to F�firi�e OgdG'ri� Of GTa.Tld �81a,Ad <br /> of the County of Ha,ll , and State of l�ebraska , tlie following described real estate situated <br /> in Grand Island zn Hall coicnty, ancl state of �ebraska , to-wit: ;' <br /> Lot 9ix (6) ,in Block Seven (7) ,in George Loan's Subdivision, located on the West Half of the !; <br /> Northwest Quarter (�f�NGI�) of Section Ten (10) , in �'ownship Eleven (11) , North, of Range Nine �`.- <br /> (9) ,9Gest of the 6th P.�d. _ ` <br /> i; <br /> . , <br /> ;'; <br /> ', <br /> � TO fIAVE AND TO HOLD the premises avove�deseribed, togetltier witfa all the Tenements, Hereditaments and Appurtenances there- � <br /> unt,o belongti�r�q, unto the said F�,T1A�G OgdBri - <br /> and to heT heirs and assigns, forever. � <br /> And � I do he�reby covenant with the said G�rantee , and iv�ith heT heirs� and assigns, that i; <br /> i; <br /> �� <br /> j a,g1 lcczvfull� sized of s+rcid premises; that t9aey are free from encumbranee I! <br /> th�ct I have good ��igh-t and dawful authority to sell the sanae; and 1 do hereby covenarct ' <br /> ��� to warrant and defend the title t�o said premises against the lawf�cl etaims of all perso�as whomosever � E� <br /> "zi�td'�3'tt2iZ' �ecre�ir,�re�e�ui,s�kes-r�l�- �'. <br /> -i�rt-c�+t�-to-tke-e�ietse-�cr'tb�p�ynises:- <br /> S�-gned this f irst day of �a,Y , A. D., 19 3� ', <br /> I <br /> In t�k9 p�•ese�aee of � � i` �! <br /> . ,; <br /> A.G.Abbott Hervin Ogden <br /> � i� <br /> ,State of Nebraska <br /> ' ; � <br /> ss. <br /> H3.11 County, Orc this first day of �.y A. D., 19 3� ; <br /> me <br /> befo7•enthe u�adersigned. Arthur G.Abbott <br /> � � a Nota�-� P2�blic, d�cl�� com�zissioned_and qualified for ar�d residing in said County, personally came <br /> �; <br /> Hervin Ogden,a single man � <br /> to me 1c�a.o2vn to be the identical persoya wtcose name 3.6 af fi�ed to the foregoing instru- <br /> menf� , and acknowledged the sc�me to be h�8 volicntary act and deed. <br /> (SEAL) <br /> Z�i��ness my hand and Notarial Seal_the da� and �ear last above writter�. <br /> �31� co�nn�ission e�pir�es the llth da,y of September Ig 30 ' <br /> _ Arthur G.Abbott <br /> �� Notary Public. <br /> _-:-,_ :,. _--, - �.._- .___�_--______�_-� �.=---------__=--------- -- _____ — _ � ._--�-- <br /> ,; <br /> �. <br /> � i; <br />