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�� <br /> � > > � � J � � � � <br /> �J�� ��J�J'�J��►.��� <br /> CONTAINS 2ffi PRINTb.D WORDS <br />_.._.___ __.__,__.,�____�..__. _ _M A�_.._ ���_ <br /> --— ggt�o�iorrmay��rrcaLx Tr� � — -- — - �._ <br />������._ — ,�.���.r__�____---=--�::_.__..:����:__��_ � __�—�____--- ---- - _.__�.- <br /> STATE OI+'�NEBRASKA, ;; <br /> ss. �' <br /> � � � H�.11 Coiint�, Ente���ed in Numerical In- � <br /> �dorgan B.Travis <br /> �� � dex an�l filed f or record in the Register o f Deed's o f fice o f sa�id <br /> TO wDeed�� Count�, the 2� day of ApT21 19 34, at 1 <br /> o'clocic and 3� minutes, DI. � <br /> �Pilliam H.Robison <br /> Reqister o f Dee s, <br /> By Deput�. ,., <br /> ���to� �r� ���t �� ?��j��� �r��P�tt�: <br /> Ty�at I, l�ox�an B.Travis, single, of Alda� �Tebraska, <br /> � of tl�e County of ��1 , and State of �ebra"$k8' � � , for and in eons�iderattion of the s�um of <br /> �eventy-f ive (�75.�JO)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> in I�ancl paid, do hereby grar��t, bar�ain, sell, convey aaid confirnti unto �filliam H.Robison <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the follou�ing described real estate situated ' <br /> Ha,ll Nebraska <br /> in Al� in County, and State of , to-wit: <br /> � � �, <br /> Lot Nwnbered Four (�) in Bloek Twelve (12), of Clarkson's First Addit3.on to Alda, <br /> Idebraska, as surveyed, platt�d and recorded. <br /> Subject to the taxes for 1929• <br /> t; <br /> �a <br /> � <br /> �; <br /> � TO FfAVE �ND 7'0 HOLD the premises above desc�r^ibed, together wtth all tlae Tenements, IIereditaments and Appurtenati2ees there- <br /> �anto belongir�y, unto the said ��111&.�Tl H.Robison <br /> � a�ad to h�B heirs and assigns, forever. ��. <br /> � And � do hereby covenant �vit,h the said G�•antee , and urith h3.8 hevrs and assigns, that � � <br /> �. � <br /> � j a,IIl lawfull� sazed of s�aid p7•emises; that they are f�•ee from -encu�mb�•ance � �, <br /> thc�t I have good 7�ight and lawful authority to sell the same; and I do hereb� eovenar��t ; <br /> ;; <br /> �to avarrant and defend tlze title to sa�id premises against tice lawful elaims of all persons wliomosever � � <br /> And the said Mor�a� �.TT34i8 herebJ 7•elinquishes all <br /> elaim,ri�ht and title zn and to the above des�cribed p�r•emises. <br /> stqned ty��s 21st aa� of February , A. D., 1� 30 � <br /> In t� presenee of <br /> B.J.Cunningham Morgan B.Travis , <br /> state of Nebra�ka <br /> s�. <br /> Hall County, On this 21 day of Februarq A. D., 19 3� <br /> � ; <br /> before�the unclersigned. BBri�,�.(;t].IIri�23g1ri8,Tl3 j` _ <br /> . <br /> a Notary P2�bl�ic, dzUly�commissioned a7id quali fied f or arcd residing i�z said Clount�, perso�ially came � � <br /> �dorgan B.Travis, a single n�an ' <br /> r <br /> ..,� <br /> , <br /> to me lcnown to be the identical person whose name is af fixed to the fo7•egoing instru- , '}. <br /> �r'� <br /> (SEAL) <br /> ment as g�•antor , and acknowledged the same to be �i$ voluntary a-et and deed. �'{ <br /> � Witness my hand a7id Notarial Seal the da� ccnd �ear last aboroe writterv. � <br /> � D1y eom��2ission exp�ires the �3 day of �� � � 1935 '` <br />� Beaj. J.Cunningham <br /> ; <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ;: <br /> � <br />. __.. i: <br />