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. Qt� <br /> ��'���� ��'����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br /> ---� —_ —_.. <br /> �="�BT�ATE�J7UftNAL�-C�T7PANYi2`1NC6Lla,NEH.__ .._.._ .. ___. _._ __. . _ ._._._ .. _. ..._.__. __�_. ___'�_�____. _�._,..—__^_ <br /> i; STdTIJ OZ+' �EBRASIi�, �} <br /> �� :, <br /> t ss. i <br /> �� � �� � �811 Count�, Entered in 1%2�n�e��ical I�a- II <br /> Bertha 1�.Jonea,widow, , ;i <br /> dex ccyzd fcled for reco��c� in the Register of Deed s offiee of said ,i <br /> '` Warranty 'i <br />� ��� Deed County, the 23 day of April 19j0 , at 8f � <br /> !� <br /> � rT.Tr�Oy'Cl �1��8t10ti8� o'clocic and ���- minutes, .11I. ;I <br /> �`.��-L��c ��-� ', <br /> � Register of Dee �s, ;� <br /> By Deput�. <br /> ;I <br /> — ',i <br /> 'i <br /> ���� . NO'�� �� � �Y/ i��i� ��/V���/V♦ �I <br /> � � � � <br /> �'i <br /> z�hat I ,Bertha b�.Jones, a widow <br /> �i <br /> ;� <br /> ii <br />� of the County of K�Y1g , and State of �8$h�TlgtOTT � , for alzd in conside��c�tion of the s�um of �� <br /> � <br /> ThreeTnousand - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -DOLLARS, � <br /> ��a yz�arad paid, do he�reb� �r�a��t, barc�ai�a; sell, eo�n�ze�,� and co�if�irm 2irzto J.LZOjTd �Y1i��r10Lt88 <br /> i <br /> � of lyee Cozanty of HF�.1.1 , aryid State of �BbT8�k8 , the follo2cing desc;•�ived r�eal cstccte situated �� <br /> in YEI,�'t1A '�'OW11$h1� in HRY1 Coi��at�, a�acl State of �BbT8.8k8. , to-wit: �i <br /> !� <br /> ; The undivided one fifth of the northwest quarter and the north half of the southwest quarter '�,i <br /> of eection tAenty five , town nin�e ,north,range elev�n west oF the siath principal meridian. '� <br /> ' Bub�ect to the one fifth part of the mortgage upon a part of said Iand, for one thoueand ':� <br /> ' dollars, upon which there has been three hundred and forty sia dollars of principal a,nd �� <br />' the interest to Yaroh 20th, 1930; which one fifth part the_ said J.Lloyd �fhitehouse hereby ; <br /> � asauraes and agrees to pay. , <br /> �i <br /> � <br /> ,' <br /> '� ;! <br /> �� <br /> TO �IAVL+' t�l�D TO HOLD the 1���e�mises avove des�r�ibed, togethe�� 2c�ith all tjie Tene�ne�ats, I�ereditc�rne�zt,s and rippu�•tenances there- ' <br /> � <br /> unto belong�i���g, u�ito tlze sa�id �j.jil0yd, �hit�hQt186 <br /> I <br /> �� � a7zct to jlig 1iei�•s and assigns, forever. <br /> i <br /> E17id �� �&3-Tz�r•eby eovenant u;ith the said C�r•a�ztee , a�ncl with �118 heirs� und assigns, that �,; <br /> ; <br /> y �� <br /> j 8� lawfacl�� ss�ized of saicl pre��zises; tltiat they a�•e f��ee fro�n enci��ribrance ��C(3�p� said mortgage ! <br /> i ; <br /> � that I have good rdght and la2vf2cl autho�-ity to sell tlze sccr�ze; and 1 do hereb� eo�;enar�t ;� <br /> i <br /> i <br /> to �ra;r��r•ra7zt and defenc�� tlie title to said p�•e�nises aga�irtist the la�vful cleci»zs of 2ll perso�zs wlzo»2osevel� � �� <br /> � Ancl the said � �",ra.TltO'TB - Iaereby relin.quishea all � � <br /> � T�gZlt ���t�.@ c133d 1A'�6T68� �V@St6Cl OT QOTit121g8T1t in and �o the above described p�rcmises. ! <br /> i; <br /> � <br /> � S�igned this �.'rj day o f �A,pT3.1 , A.. D., 19 30 � �! <br /> In�tlte-�resence of � I <br /> Bertha �i.Jones I <br /> � � � . ; � <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> � <br /> State of Rashington <br />� ss. � , <br />'� - ��.Ag Coi��zt;�, On tla�is Z� day of I�prf1 A. D., 1930 �i <br /> �� <br /> � befo��•�.e�arzdersic�ned. F.M.Bf Td � � i <br /> a Not�ar� Pt�bl�c, dz�l� cornmiss�io�zecl and qualified fo��• a��d residing i�z said Count�, pe��so�ially came <br /> H�rtha M.Jones,a vridow, ' <br />��4� � to me Jcnozc�i to be tlie identical perso�rt u�laose name �8 c�ff�i�ed to tjie foregoi�ay 'eOF148�— <br /> � <br />'� e�eGution f the ' <br /> �gE�,�� a,710E3 as granto�• , a�nd ack��zowledged the�a�rze �o be het volu7ztary act a�ad deecl. i � <br />� T�it7zess �n� hcc�T.d cr�7zd Il�ota�•�ia�l Seal the cla� and ��a7� last above ivritte�v. ���� <br /> �, � . � <br /> I <br /> DI� con2missiorz expires ��a• 1��1931 � - <br /> F.M.�ird '; <br /> otar� Public. � <br /> -- -- --- � <br />� �� <br /> i <br /> � �I ' <br /> ,� <br />