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V� <br /> ��'��� ��'����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTF.D WORDS <br /> __ __ w _ -- . _ »�:��:�--- - <br />-----._..� _�_._ <br /> _.�_� �_. <br />---- __ ��'fTC�Ci�� - __ __-- __ _ — <br /> _____.� "'�"sraTe ._ _—_—_-----�_ �__��.r---- — — — <br /> _.�.__:...__�___..s___�.� ..��..___�__. _:�___ ,_.,_�.._—_'--_�_�__..—��:��.r.—�— _��.v_ ._. <br /> STATE Ob' N�BRASTLA, <br /> ss. <br /> � � � � ��1 County, E7zte•red in Numerical In- <br /> �tartha Daberkorr et aI. <br />� �� ' de� and filed for reco�•d in the Register of Deecl's offiee of said <br /> TO Warranty Countz the �9 da o A ril <br /> Deed ✓, � f P 193� , at I1 <br /> o'elQVk and ---- m�n2�tes, _ • ,�t', ' <br /> �iar t ha Ot t o � �-�-���-=� <br /> l�eqi8ter o f 17"eeds, , <br /> 13y Deputy. <br /> ����1 ��� �Pl� �1� ��jP�P ��P�Pl�t�: � <br /> That Ma,ry Daberkow and Artbur Daberko�► (her husba.nd) Augusi�.D�.rling and Ciuy �arling har husbar�d <br /> Dora Fechtner and Nilliam Feahtner (her hueband Martha Brannan and Earl Brannan �her husbarid3 <br /> Anna Blauhorn and �il2iam Blauhorn (her husband; Clara Bitner an unmarried woman <br /> �. <br /> � <br /> of tlae Count� of , and State of , for anc� in eonsideration of the s�cm of ;' <br /> l)t16 thousand - - - - - , - - � _ -' " r - - - - - - - "' ! - - - ' - - - - - ' - - DOLLARS, <br /> ; <br /> in h;ancl paid, do hereb� grar�t, bargain, sell, conve� and confirn2 unto MaTtha �t'�p <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of �tebraeka , tlze following described real estate situated � <br /> in (�rand reland i�ti �&11 County, and State of Nebraeka , to-wit: <br /> Our undivided intexest in and to Lct Three (3) in Hloa� One hundred twenty nine(l�) in <br /> Union Paaifia Railway Oompany' s 2" Addition to the Oity of arand Island. <br /> The grantors are the heirs at lar� and aII the �ieirs at Iaw of Ril2iam 4tto deoeased,esoepting <br /> hax2es 4tto who has conve ed his interest in aaid premises to grantors and grantee hes�ei� <br /> C ( Y <br /> and Yartha Otto grantor herein. <br /> TO HAVE AND T0. HOLD the premises above descr�ibed, together ��>ith all the Tenemen�ts, Hereditam�ents and �ppurtenances there- '' <br /> unto belongirvg, unto the said Martha OttO <br /> � and to ��r hei7•s a�ad assign.s, forever. � <br /> And �e do hereby covencant with the said Gra�ntee � , and urith h8T heirs�and assigns, that E� � <br /> �p@ �g lawfully �iized of s!aid premises; that the� are free from encumbrance � �� <br /> that 1►8 have good 7^ight and lawful authority to sell the same; and R8 do hereby eovenar��t <br /> to wa�•rant and defend the title to said premises a,gainst the lawful elain2s of all persons whomoseuer <br /> (�Arthur Daberkow,Guq Darling,Ailliam Fechtner ,Earl Brannan and <br /> Ancl the sai Nilliam Blauhorn - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - " " - " � - - - hereb� relinquishes all <br /> � � � th��T 1"��t;ht6 �� in and� to the avove desc7•ibed p�remises. <br /> Si-gned this 12 M day o f ApT i l , A. D., rs 3p ! <br /> Mrs. Yary Daberkow Arthur Daberkow <br /> rn c�-prese�2�e of Augusta Darling Giuy Darling <br /> Arthur O.Mayer Dara F'echtner R�.11iam l�eehtner <br /> as to aIl Yartha Brannan Earl Brannan <br /> Anna Blauhorn Ai111am Hlauhorn ;. <br /> Clara Bitner <br /> State of l�ebraeka � <br /> ss. <br /> � He,I I Count�, Orc tlais 12� dccy o f �Pr�1 A. D. 13 30 � <br /> , <br /> before the undersigrzed. ATtY]11T C.�a.yer , <br /> a Notary P2�Ulic, c�2UZy comvmissioned and qualif��ed for cc��d residing i�i said County, personally came <br /> �dary Daberkow and Arthur Daberkow, her i�ueband, ,�ugusta Darling and <br /> Quy Darling,her husband, Dora Feohtner and �ill.iam Fechtner,her husb�.nd, <br /> ��rt a Bra nan an � rI r nan,y�� r husband ,�nn lauhorn and Ril2i�m <br /> �t����i�t�rth�����p�'��g���h�'s�''i2ti�8r a�r�n�ar���e� to��ee�dregoing instru- : <br /> �nent as grantor 8 , a�ad acicnowledged the sa�ne to be th81T voLuntary act and deed. <br /> (SE.AL) <br /> �� ��,��`�� Witness my fzaryid and ��otiarial Seal the da� and �ear last above writterv. <br /> �17� comrnission ex�ires the II� day of Jt1ri8 19 3�j <br /> Arthur C.Ma�er <br /> No ary Public. <br /> .-_-- .�- ,-- ::--,. - „ _ �.<.. ,-_. . - —- -- - -- <br /> --- '` <br /> _ ,-__. __. _.�-��__ ,.-_ �..._ _ �._.. _.�-::=--�._._..,_�_—.:_�__ _ —=�----- �—_:---- <br /> �i <br />