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V� <br /> D����� �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTB:D WORDS. <br /> __ �� _�.�..�__._ _ _ � _ — - <br /> � �1�E'-��srr�atT��FAfi`�I14��-N,N�?f :.: — — -._ �_ �_�_ __ � <br /> --�_�_.��.._.��__^e_.�.��._:_._.--.�.___�...__ ___._�_�..�w_—===._...�-_�._'��— �..._��__�____�� <br />�y STATE OF 11TEBRASTiA, ;; � <br /> _ i <br /> ,, <br /> ss. �, <br /> aeorge �1.BLtTi�00d Srid wife Hall Count�, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> � dex a�td filed f or record in� the R�gister o f Deed's o f f�iee o f said 1! <br /> TO Warranty Cou�at� the 1$ day o f Apx i I ls 34 at 9 <br /> Deed �� <br /> Minnie A.Bur�aood v'clocic and ""'�� ntiinutes, ��1. � <br /> �� <br /> ; <br /> Register o D, : <br /> By Deput�. <br /> ��.�to� �z� ���t � ��jP�P �r����tt�: <br /> � <br /> That aeorge �.Burmood and Fa.nnie 0.Burmoo,d, husband and Xife, <br /> of the Count� of �j�,l], , and State of �ebraeka , for a�id in consic�eration of the se�m of <br /> 9iaThousand eight hundredandno/140 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � " DOLLARS, <br /> in l�ancl paid, ulo herel�� c��•ar�t,; sell, convey and confirm unto Yinnie J�.Burmood � <br />� <br /> of the County of HR11 , and State of l�ebraska , the following described real estate situated �' <br /> in in F�,21 Co2cnty, and State of Nebraeka , to-a.tyit: ; <br /> The l�orthea.�t quarter (NE�) of the Northeast quarter (NE) and A11 of Lot one {1) ezoept a , <br /> etrip of land 30 feet wide along the south side of eaid Lot one , being along the river bank , �' <br /> in $ectiAn tvrenty t�o (22) , alI in to*nship nine (9j north, Range tWelve ( 12) west of the <br /> sixth principal meri�3lan. <br /> , <br /> �': <br /> 7'0 HAVE A���D TO HOLD the premises a,bove dese��becl, toqether u�itfz all tyee Tenements, Hereditaments aytd Appurtenances there- � <br /> unto belongi���g, unto the said l[innie A.BL1TtllOad <br /> and to h�8 hei�•s a�nd assigns, forever. <br /> And W@ do hereby eovenant zvith the said (�r'antee , and 2vith hi� heirs and assigns, that ' <br /> �e a�@ lawfully aized of st�id prernises; that they are free from eneumbrance �'h8.t�808V@T. ����� <br /> i. <br /> that yyg haze good ri,glit and lawful authority to setl tla-e same; and �e do hereby eovenar��t �, <br /> �� to zcc�rra�at and-defe�id the title to said p�°emises agai�ast the lawful elaims of all persoryas whomosever �� � <br /> And the said Cieor�e 1I�.Bur�nood and Fannie 0.Bk1�q104d, hereby relinquisyLes all i <br /> rfght � tltle and interest Zn and to tyee avove desc�•ibed p�re�mises. <br /> Signed this Zg�h day of � �TCh� , A. D., 19 30 � � ;! <br /> In #he-g�resenee of <br /> GFeorge 11.eurmood <br /> Q.S.Hoekstra Fannfe O.Burmood ; <br /> � Stat,e of �ebT�.8k8 i': <br /> ss. <br /> I38I1 Co2cnty, On tlais t�$�tY1 day of MSTCh A. D., 19 �0 <br /> �. <br /> befo�the ugi.dersignecl. �i�s,Hoekstra, <br /> � a No�tary Public, duly com�missioned and qualified fo�� arcd residing in said Count�, personally eame <br /> ;: <br /> George W.Burmoad,and Fannie O.Burmood,hueband and Rife <br /> to me k�ioivn to be the identieal person g whose name e Sr8 af f i�ed to the foregoing instru- <br /> � l th sam o l <br /> � s ra�aztor n,�id acknow ed ed e e t be vo untar� <br /> me t a act a <br /> n nd dee . <br /> � d <br /> 8 <br /> .A t e i <br /> ( 9E L) g � g h r � , <br />� <br />� '� es m� hand a Nota�•ial Seal the da-i and z ear last abov writter� <br /> tiVatn s � nd ,/ f e o. <br />, � � � �I� eommission e�pires the P`:�h da� of �lL"igtig,t 19 31 �� � <br /> ' <br /> ' C.�.HOekBtTa, <br /> Notar� Pubbic. <br /> (� <br /> _. _. ,, . �-- �_.�___-_ _._ __��:____-_—._��—__--__.—_V— _.—�----' ,_�_ <br />—.- -----�=_-_ _..�_ - :._;_. _ _ --.- _ _ :-,,:_ _.. <br /> i. <br /> � <br /> li <br />