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8� <br /> � ��L�J� �������� <br /> � � <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRTNTN:D WORDS <br /> — ---__ _. __ __� __. . W__ ----- <br /> --.--�--_.__...��.TXS2i8=S�6YE..1rS.LF�IA2Z'aNfP:4NP:t"iat�rr.r .. .__ .___ .._ _- . __. ... .._.. __. .. .. . . . <br />_ -- ZIE@.. _ _ __'___ __ ___- _ __ _ ____ _ ' <br /> ;� STATE OF Iti EBRASTA, ':,� <br /> ,i <br /> ; ss. �! <br /> ; .TOSCpI"l Cf,lCatth�RB 8md 1►1�8 H8.11 County, Entered in Nu�nerical In- '; <br /> i <br /> ,, <br /> � dex and filed for �•eeord tin the Registe�- o� Deed's office of said ;� <br /> �Varranty '' <br /> TO Deed County, the Ib da�j of �pr1� 19�Q , at 4 �I <br /> _ !i <br /> �I <br /> �� � j$1m�T Z,.y[g$t�8�18 ' o'clock and 30 minutes, !I <br /> ��� �� �;! <br /> Register of Deeds, �I <br /> � � Deput�. i; <br /> '� <br /> ;� <br /> �� <br /> � �� � � �.�to�� ��� ���t � ��j��P � r����tt�: �� <br /> � � <br /> �� <br /> ' Tnat we, Joeeph C.3iatthewe a,r�d Martba �.Matthew$ , huebar�d and wiie <br /> i <br /> ,i <br /> �� of the Cozcnty of �gl� , and State of Aj@�jTggg�, , fo��� and in eonsideration of the su�m of '��! <br /> '; <br /> � <br /> i One Dollar ($1.00� aad other valua.ble �oAaideratior� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, ;' <br /> ; <br /> �� i�n h�c7zcl pa�id, do hereb� grar�t, ba��gain, sell, eo�nvey a�zd eo�zfirm un.^to Elrn@T �,,.MB.�t$@W8 <br /> i <br /> '! <br /> i <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> � of tlae Cou��zty of �j81�1 , and State of j�jgbrg,gj�g , the follouwvng deseribed �-eal estate situated �� <br /> , � <br /> � to-u�it: � <br /> � �'�z �T�1C1 �81�,T�C� 2�n gjgj,� � Coitnty, and State of ag'�jTSB$8 ' i <br /> ;, <br /> , <br /> I <br /> Lot Ten (IO) in Block Sevea (7) of Bo�gie Brae Additior� to the Oity of araAd Yslaad, ia <br /> I3aIi Cflur�ty, Nebra�ska. ' <br />. �; <br /> ; Sub�ect , however, to reeordad encu�nbranaes. � ' <br /> �I <br /> � � <br /> �� <br /> i� <br /> � <br /> i <br /> ; <br /> ,i <br /> � TO FIAVE A�l'D TO HOLD thc �remises cabove des�c�•ibed, together with all the Te�zeme7zts, IIe�°editaments and Appu�•tenanees there- ,� <br /> „ unto betongi��g, u�i�o the sa-id FItn9T T;,.YBr�t�t81/Q � � � ' „ <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> �� and to jai� - � heirs an.d assigns, f orever. <br /> . li <br /> hei�°s and assi ns that �� <br /> fi�zd A�@ do he�°eby covenant with the said (�rantee , a�xd �ith h�s 9 , <br /> _ <br /> ���� <br /> 1kC �l.T@ uiwfubly �zec� of said premises; that they are free from e7i�iumbranee except R8 8,1�OVE! d@t �DTLb. � I <br /> �I <br /> ' tha-t we have good yiyht and lawful cvuthority to sell the aame; and 1►9 do hereby covenar��t ;t <br /> i <br /> � � to warrant and defe�id the title ta� said prem�ises agai7tist tlze la2vful clai��ns of ccll persons whomosever � i� <br /> 'I <br /> � <br /> And_the�said J088p�1 �.I�BLthe1I�8 aAd �IST�hS I�.�d8��h61►8 hereb� relinqwishes all ii <br /> �� <br /> C18�11t� T1ght a11d titl@ in and to the above deseribed pre�mises. �I <br /> � <br /> Signed t7vi�s 16th day of � Apr11�A.D. 1930. � A-�- � ��;i <br /> ii <br /> ; In.�3+e presence of '� <br /> �oseph O.Ma�theAS ji <br /> �3azelle B.Mor�eon ,i <br /> Martha �.Matthe�ra ,; <br /> ���1 <br /> ' State of Nebrs�ka � <br /> �ss. �� <br /> 1 <br /> A, D., 19 � !! <br /> - �ia,Il County, On t7tiis I(tb day of April 3 ;I <br /> before`�tQce uncle�rsigned. BC1t� . �".Cunnir�gbara jl <br /> � <br /> � � a Notar� P�ttiblic d��12 commissioned and ual�i ��ed or a��d residin in said Count ersonall� came � � <br /> y , J q f� f g y, p y <br /> Jo�epb C.Ma,tthewe� and Yartha �.Itattbewe,huabar�d a�d wife, <br /> � ' <br /> to me know�n to be the identical perso�i$ wl�ose nccme6 RT8 af f'i�ed to the foregoing ins'Eru- j� <br /> i <br /> I� <br /> � ment �as g7•antor � , a�nd ccek�2owbedged the same to be th�iT volacntary a�et and deed. <br /> (3l�AL) «-� ,I <br /> ti�i��ness �n� jaand a��acl �"ota��•ia� Seal the da� and year last above writterc. <br /> ! <br /> � t1I� eonzrr2iss�ion e�pires the 5t�1 da� of A�u�� � 19 35� i� <br /> � i� <br /> Ben j. J. Cunninghar� <br /> Notary Public. ii <br /> �` <br /> — ------v__�� _ � — _ - — 4 <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> ii <br /> il <br />