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80 � <br /> � ������ ���� ���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br />___._.=�. ._°_ ___ _._._ �. _ ____ _ ______ _�;____._ — - — � <br /> _����._.._ _ <br /> _____� .. --srn-re-aovtrn�xc.'—"-'�i3�"'pscm�"t�r 3L#�£ff' - _ <br />_____—.��__'�`� _ _ � � _ ---.�__��__ �_,—____. �._ —-- <br />—�—��_:v..�—_------=-=<���==_..:'______.__._:_=__�._.._:��-<---���-..����-- �� <br /> � STATF OF NEBRASKA,' <br /> ss. <br /> � Mount P].ea.s�,nt Oemetery Association � Hall Co2inty, Entered �n Nume7�2cai zn- �����: <br /> of C�,1T0 , Nebr. de� and f�led for record in tyee Re�ister of Deed's office of said <br /> TO Warrsnty County, the Iy day af April 19 30, at 2 <br /> Desd <br /> Elmer E.Veeder p'c�ocic and ---- m�nute�, � <br /> ��������� <br /> RegBster nf eeds, <br /> 13y Deput�. <br /> �; <br /> �1�0�1 ��� �Pl� �� ��jP�� ��P�Pl�t�: <br /> 4 <br /> T�,at �dount �Pleasant Cemetery Associ�tion of Cairo , <br /> ; <br /> of the Cou7zty of H�,11 , and State of Nebr. , for and �-n co�zsideration of tlie suna of <br /> �15.00— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DOLLARS, <br />� i�n h�and paid, r�o h�ereb� gra��t, bargain, sell, convey and co�if�i7•m unto E1t�28T E.VeG'd6T , Of C8,1P0 , � <br /> I of the Count� of H311 , and State of Nebr. , the following described real estate situated , <br /> in in Coianty, and State o f , to-wit: <br /> .�;,' <br /> Lot 2, in Block 41. " <br /> � TO HAVE A�'D TO gOLD the premi,ses above described,, together with c�ll the Teneme��ts, Heredi�tam�ents an� Appurtenan�ees t'here- <br /> unto belongii�g, unto the said E1mex E.�eeder " <br /> I. <br /> � �� ccnd to hi S he�irs and assigns, forever. � <br /> i <br /> � And thP,y do he�reby eovenan� ivith the said G�'c�ntee , and 2vith h28 hevrs and assigns, that <br /> �� they aT2 lawfully sized of s+aid pren�ises; th�a-t tTaey are free from encumbranee i�� � <br /> ii <br /> that th�Y have good 7-iglit and lawful authority to sell the same; and t�eY do hereby covenar��t �' <br /> � � to zvarrant and defend the title to saicl premises agai�ist the law�ful clai�ms of all persons whomosever <br /> ' And the said � �t . CertlBtery ABSOC'lat 'lori � hereb� rel�inqu�ishes all ',�, <br /> r�gh�s in and to the above described p�remises. <br /> � Signed this 1b day o f � JaM. , A. D., 19 19 � i�� <br /> i. <br /> In t�e-g�resence of VGm. Stoeger , Pres. <br /> �.H.Vant Geo. W. ��Pingert , Tres . � <br /> � Al2en Lowry , Sect . �; <br /> �: <br /> ;. <br /> ;. <br /> state of Nebra.ska : <br /> ; <br /> S�. �' <br /> C <br /> H�11 County, O�z this 16 day o f .T�.Ti. A. D., 19 l� <br /> i <br /> ;�. <br /> before the 2cndersigned. C*.H.Vant ;; <br /> . <br /> a i�rotary Publie, di�l� eom�missioned and qualtified f or arcd resid�ing in said County, personally eame i; � <br /> �Pm. Stoeger , Allen Lowry and Geo. �.Wingert I' <br /> � � to m-e knozvn to be the identical person 6 wliose name� 8,T6 af fi�ed to the foregoing instru- �� <br /> ;' <br /> �,.0, <br /> ment as granto�•B , and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> (sEaL) <br /> � W�.tness m� hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above 2aritteru. <br /> �11� com�nission e�pires � � Sept. 6 ,192.�. ` <br /> r <br /> G.H.Vant ' <br /> � Notary Public. <br />�1==__— _ _.:=�.. --- ..-._ _---- , <br /> r <br />��'� � ';I <br />�I � '.. � � i: <br />