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7� <br /> � � � > >� <br /> D D � D <br /> ���� ������0 <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br /> _.__._ ._._ .�._ . _. ..-TAT,E_�IIftNPCC:¢OMPR .`tTNCOY1P�Ft ..... . ,. __,-. ....._.. . .. . .... ._... ._ .. . ._,._ .. . ... ... .. , , _._.. ...___�. . .._ ._ .__ .. ._�_ ...__�._,.._'_'____. <br /> _..__.�_...,__"" . .___.__._.._.... '_.___..�3_...._._.�_4.�..3._ <br /> ..�_...__._.�.. ..._.____._.__ , .. ._.__.._..... ........ ...._..... _.. ........ ......_.. .... .. ..__.___ _..__..__.,._.._...__._._........._.....».._,___.__..�....� .. ___ <br /> , STATl7 OF �EB&AST�A, j� <br /> r� <br /> !� � es. �i <br /> �nna Brand, widaw and VPalter A.& Hall County, E�atered in Numerical In- 'j <br /> �; <br />� M��bel Brarid, hu8b3nd & Wlfe de� a�ad filed fo�• �•eco��d in the Register of Deed's office of said �� <br /> � ��i <br /> TO warranty County, th,e 12 day of April 19 3C) at 2 !' <br /> Deed <br /> ii <br /> i <br /> Rach�l McCauley o'clock and -------minutes, P �y-� <br /> ������ �1�-= <br /> � � Regi�ter of Deed��s�I� <br />� � By Deput�. s <br /> ;i <br /> �ii� <br /> ;, <br /> �I <br /> i <br /> ��� �1�.��1 ��� �Pl�. �1 � P�P �P�Pl�t�: �i <br /> �� � � � <br /> That Anna Brand, a widow, and Walter A.Brand and Mab�l Bra.n�i,husband and wife , alI of Gr�nd <br /> � <br /> Island , in H�11 County , State of Ncbrask�., ; <br /> , <br /> ;� <br /> o f-t�he�'aunt��f , a3td"�'t�'t�'a�— , f or and in consideration o f the sum o f <br /> �� <br /> an �xchange of lande ��t�rz�s, '; <br /> �� ��a ha�zd paid, do he7°eb� gr•arct, bargain, sell, eonvey and Go�ifi��•�rz unto �Ch�l l�CCrBUley O$ A�k�T180r1 , ; <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> of tlie Caunt� of HOIt , and State of NEbTB,Sk�B, , the following clese7•ibed real estate situated �� <br /> �i <br /> ii <br />� � �nGTa.�13 Island in Hall Co��nty, anct Stc�te of N�bra,ska , to-wit: <br /> , <br /> i <br /> ,; The Southerly One Third ( 9. 1/3) of Lot Four (�+) ,Block Sixt een ( lb) , in the or igin�,l t own, now ,� <br /> �i City of Gr�.nd Island, Nebraska, being a rectangular piece of ground h�ving a ��Yesterly frontag� <br /> ; of Fort;�-four (�+�+) feet an �alnut Strcet , a depth of sixty-six ( b6) f�et and bounded on the !� <br /> South by tne alley in said Block , sub�ect to a.n e�.sement of right of way for sewer connectionj <br /> ''+ in the alley through and acrosa said lan3 provided t�e same �oes not damaoe grantors herein , ; <br /> their heirs and assi�ns , in favor of and reserved to the ownexs of the remaining two tnirds o�i <br /> een 1 � <br /> ' , said B1 ck Sixt 6 <br /> sa.i� Lot F,�ur � in o ( ) <br /> � ) � ; <br /> ; <br /> i <br /> , � <br /> TO HA.tiE A_1'D TO HOLD the preniises abo�;e c�escr•ibed, togetlaer u^ith all the TenemPnts, Hereditaments and �.p�urtenances there- � <br /> ; <br /> 1 <br /> unto belonyir��, u�ito tltie sccid Rfl,ChP,l MCCaL118�„ <br /> � and to h�r hei�°s a�id assigns, forever. , <br /> ' �nd Rfe do �hereby eovena,nt witlz tice said ((.��'a�ztee ` , and wityc heT heirs and assig7as, that • <br /> � WE la2�fully s�'zed of s�aid p�remiaes; that they a7•e free from encumbrance e���°p� salC� 88V�CT eSBeCCterit � <br /> ; <br /> t�hat W� have good ��ight and lazvful wtcthority to sell the sa�ne; and � �C do hereby eovenarat � <br /> t <br /> to wa�ma�zt and defe�ncl the tdtle to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomosever � <br /> � And the said MabFI BTd,T1d � hereb� relinquishes adl ���;� � <br /> ht',T Tlght , t�tl�' an3 interest — — — — 2n and to the above dese�•ibed p�remises. 'i <br /> Si�ned this f 1 T st day o f M�r ch , A. D., 19 30 <br /> i <br />� In—�ke�presenee of � � � <br /> Anna Br�.nd <br /> A.G.Abbott , to all �alter A.Bra.nd � <br /> M�,bel Brand <br /> , <br /> � <br /> State of Nebraska i <br /> ss. '� <br />� � Ha11 Count�, On this t�21th clay of MaTCh A. D., 19 30 ;I � <br /> , <br /> 'i <br /> before the undersiy�zed. ATthuT G.AbbOtt ,� <br />� . . . . �i <br /> . . <br />� �� � ���d res�din xn saad Count� erso�aall ea�7ae <br /> i i e �nd ual2 zed or ar� <br /> a Nota7•� P�cblic duli conz7n ss on d a �, p y <br />. <br /> .� , <br /> � <br /> � f f g <br /> Anna Brand, �, widow, �'alter A.Brand and D�a.bel Brand ' <br /> ( <br /> `:i <br /> �` to ryne k�tiown to be the identieal perso7i8 2vhose na7ne 8 STC af fi�ed to the foregoing znstr� �! <br /> '�� �I <br /> � � SEAI,� ment as gi°antor• 8 , and acicnowledged the same to be th�'1T voluntary act and deed. �� <br /> �i <br /> tiVit7zess �n� hand and �l'otar�iad Seal the duy and �ec�r lcest above w�-itter. � � !i <br /> . j " <br /> � �� ll�� commiss2o�i e�pires the llth day of SeptembCr 19 30 ,'� <br /> Ax�laur G.Abt>ott;i <br />� �, Notary Public. ;� <br /> --- -- —��. � �� <br /> �� <br /> ii <br /> , � i� <br /> � ;� <br />