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5a <br /> �l W�J�j� ���J�-y�i�� . <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTkD WORDS <br /> _...a __.�_.__ _. <br /> � ��__,�_��_B�STATE.IOURNALCOMPANY,LINCOLN,NEH. � � -� � ��� � �� - --- � �--- -- �-���---- � -� - � <br /> .-'".. ._. __�_�.-� �. . . <br /> ' � STATF OI�' NEBRASKA,' ! <br /> 3S. j� . <br /> °Charles Collins 3.rid wife j�a,ll County, " Ente7•ed in N2cnzerical In- 4� <br /> ; � dex and filed f or reco�•d in the Pe�is�er o f Deed's o f fice o f saic� �` � <br /> Warranty i� <br /> TD Deed County, the 10 da� of March 193�, at 3 <br /> i; <br /> Barney J. & E�runa Hann dclock and 30 minutes, , 11i. '�' <br /> � � <br /> Register o f eeds, <br /> � ' � BJ DeputJ. �' <br /> i' . <br /> ;� <br /> ,I <br /> ��t��1 ��� �PI� �1� ��jP�� ��P�Pl�t�: . " <br /> � � �,� <br /> T��at �harles Collins and Thressa Collins , each in their own right and �,s husband and �rife "i <br /> !� <br /> � of th.e County of Hall , and State o� �TebTa,Bka , for and in cons�ideration of the si�m of ��i <br /> One �ollarandExchange of .property — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — DOLLARS, <br /> in l�a�icl pa�d, do hereb� gr•ar�t, bargai�z, sell, convey and confirm 2�nto Barney J.Hann and Emma Fiann , and the SUrv1V0�; <br /> t��ereaf <br /> ,; <br /> of the Co2cnt� of Ha.11 , and State of Nebraska , thc following described real estate situated <br />� i�z � in � Ha�l Co2�nt��, a�id State of �N@bra.Bkd, � , to-2ait �' <br /> ; A part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter pf Section Thirty-three (33) Townshi�,; <br /> ; Eleven (11) North , Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.��. ,same being a rectangular plot of ground;, <br /> ' containing 1. 50 (Qne �.nd one-ha.lf) Acres a little more or less , and mare particularly descri.b+�d <br />; ; a.s follows: Com;nencing a,t a point 932.0 �Nine Hundred Thirty-two and six tenths) Feet due �, <br /> �; west from tne Northeast corner af said section, a,nd on said secti�n line , thence in a Westerly�" <br /> ? direction 399•3 �Three Hundxed Ninety-nine and three tenths} feet ,and para,ilel with the North �� � <br /> �iline of said Section; t��ence in a s�utherly direction 163. 6 ( Cne Hundred Sixty-three and six <br /> '� tenths Feet; tb.ence in an easterly direction and parallel with the North line of said section;i! <br /> ii 9g.� (�Three Hundred Vinety-nine and three tenths) feet ; thence in a Nortnerly direction 163. 6(� <br /> ;i �One Hundred Sixty-t��ree and six tentns) feet to the place of beginning,containing 1. 50 (One 'i <br /> �, and one-ha,If) Acres ,more or less �' ' <br /> ;` ;' <br /> ; <br /> TO HAVE ANI� TO HOLD the p�-emises above descr�i�Led,�together with all t�e Tenements, Heredatam.ents and Appicrtenances there- f� � � <br /> i <br /> i u�zto belongi�ag, unto tf�e sazd Barney J.Hann and Emma Hann,and the survivor thereof �; <br /> � i: <br /> , <br /> and to their heirs and assigns, forever. i� �� <br /> ��' And ppe do I�ereby covenant with the said G�°antee S , and urith their heirs� and assigns, that �, <br /> i� <br /> � fl <br /> y�e �,rg tcczvfz�lly s�yzed of said premises; that tlze� are free fr•om eneumbranee �h&.t802V@T � <br /> �i <br /> +; . <br /> thcct w8 have goocl right and lawful authority to sell th.e same; and �e do hereby covenar�t ;j <br /> I � �� <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premises aga�nst the �la�vful elairyns of all persons whomosever � � <br /> � ii <br /> ''i i! <br /> �! And the said l7harles Collins and Thressa Collins hereb� reazn uishes all �? • <br /> , <br /> � � ;t <br />� ; , - <br /> �! tne estate ,rigiit ,title ,interest ,alaim or demand wnatsoever; including dower ,courtesy and ;� <br /> �iomeste�,d — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — in. and to the above dese�•ibed p�remises. �; <br /> Signed this 21 st da� �f February , A. D., 19 3� � , <br /> � <br /> In �Jae p�•esence o f 4' <br /> �; A.L.Joseph Charles Oollins 3' <br /> Thressa Oollins <br /> State of I�ebr�ska <br /> ss. ; <br /> Ha.11 Cozcnty, Un �his �1st day of February , A. D., 19 30 �� <br /> :� <br /> before the ia7idersigned. A. L.�T08eph <br /> t ;, <br /> ; <br /> > <br /> i�! a Nota��•� P2.ablic, clu,ly commissioned and qicalified fo�r� ar�d residi�zg in sa�id County, per•sonall� eame ��� � � <br /> �, <br /> Charles Oollins and Thressa Collins, each in their own right and as ;+, <br /> husband and wife �' � <br /> ;, � <br /> to me knoivn to be tlze identical �erson 8 ivhose name $ �re af fi�ed to the foregoing instru- '; � <br /> i' <br />' nzent as grantor S , �nd acknowledged the sc�me to be their voluntary act and deed. ! <br /> ,, <br /> ( 9EAL) d �`� `� <br /> ��� � Witn-ess m�y hand and Not�rial Seal the da� and year last above writterv. �i � <br /> , <br /> hfy comtinission e�pires the 17�Y1 day of Sept ernber j9 33 <br /> A.L.Joseph ; <br /> �' Notary Public. <br /> fj . . <br /> �1 M I� <br /> , <br /> „ i' � <br />