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4� <br /> � ���� � � � � � � � <br /> �_ � ������Sb <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br />'". . -STATE JOURNAL COMPANY�LINCOLN�NEB. � . .. . ... . _ .. _ ..._ _....,.______. _ . .... . . .._. . . .._ . .. ..... ..... <br /> -___-.,_'_"'�.:......v.. - . ., " .��: � <br /> �� STAT� OI+' NEBRASKA, '� <br /> �( <br /> ss. �! <br /> Phillip R. Stradley Hall Cou�nty, E�itered in 1lrumerical In- i�;_ � <br /> 3� <br /> �� de� and filed for reco��°d in the Register of Deed's office of said i� <br /> ' To wDeed tp county, t��e 5 day of March 19 34 at 10 <br /> o'clock and ---- min.utes, A.�1. ;� <br /> The Farmers $tate Bank of Cairo ��,-��C � I <br /> Register of Dee s, ;� <br /> � Ry Deput�. !I <br /> — !i . <br /> , <br /> i, , <br /> ��O�t1 ��� �PI� �1� ��jP�P ��P�PI�t�: <br /> That Phillip R. Stradley ,A sin�e m�.n <br /> , of the County of Ha,ll , a�ad State of Nebraska , for and in eonside�•ation of the sum of <br /> Five Hundred and no/100 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, �; <br /> 91 <br /> in l�and add do hereb2 r•ar�t ar ' ll o The FaTmers $tate Bank of Cairo +� <br /> b t a2n se convei arytd co7t irnz unt <br /> p , J9 , J � , J f , <br />� I� <br /> ;; �, <br /> i <br /> of the Co2�nty of H�,11 , and State of Nebraska , the following described �-eal estate situated <br /> in in Hall County, a,nd Stc�te of l�ebra.ska , to-wit: �' <br /> ' Lc�t s Number pne ( 1) and Two (2} , in Block number dne ( 1) in Robinsons Ad��.it ion to the To�rn of ;'�; <br /> Cairo ,as ahown by the recorded plat thereof. � <br /> ��' <br /> Tnis deed is �iven and accepted subject to a ��F50. mortgage lien upon the premises,payable� to�, <br /> G�. C.Raven �; �� <br /> ;� <br /> s <br /> �� <br /> ; <br /> �� �� <br /> ;, �, <br /> „ <br /> 'E <br /> TO I��VE A.A�D TO IfOLD tl�e prenaises above descri8ed, togetlier u�itlz all the Te�ze�nents, Heredi�taments ccnd Appurtenances there �� � �� <br /> unto belongv�vg, 2c��`to the sctid gr�.nt ee �� <br /> � ccnd to 1 t S heirs and�assigns, forever ��� � <br /> ;; <br /> And I do he�r•eb� covenant with the said G��'antee , and with h� he�irs� and assigns, that ii <br /> ;� <br /> I 3ri1 lawfully sized of said premises; that the� a7'e free from encurn,bry•anee , eXCept �S S�ated �.bOVe � ;i <br /> th-ut I have good rigfct and lawful autho�•it� to sell tlr,e same; and I do Iaereby eovenar�t i; <br />' to wa���•ant and defend the title to said p�°emises against the lawf2cl ciccims of all persons whomvsever � ,! <br />� � '1 <br /> i; <br /> Anc� th,e said Phillip R. Stradley hereb� relinquishes all ' <br /> h18 Cl�,lrri8 zn and to the above dese�•ibed p�r•emises. <br /> Signed this 6t h da� o f � FebTUSTy , A. D., l9.�6 � ,; <br /> In the p��esence of Phillip R. Btradley <br /> �. E. Sorensen i` <br /> ��'tate of Nebr�ska ` <br /> s�. <br /> �� Hall Cou�zty, On tlzis 6th , da9 o f FebTt�B,ry A. D., 19 26 <br /> ii <br /> before the undersigned. W. E. 80TeriS2ri �� <br /> ,; � <br /> �? <br /> a Notar� Public, di�lJ co�nm�-issioned and qualified for a��d residing in said Count�, personally came �! <br /> Phillip R. Stradley !1 <br /> �, ;� <br /> f� to me lc�nozvn�to be tTie identical�perso�z whose name i8 affi�ed to the fo�-egoing instru- ; �s� <br /> _: <br /> ment as rantor� c�nd ackno2vled ed the sa�ne to be ni� '' <br /> g , g voluntar� act and deed. ' <br /> � 3EAL� �it7aess �aa,� lcand and Notarial Seal the da,y and �eccr last above w�•itterv. `` <br /> ,; <br /> tlf� contmission e�pi��es the 20th da� o f July 1931 � <br /> �t. E. Sorensen <br /> 'i <br /> Notary PubLic. <br />--�--- -- – <br /> ; <br /> I� <br /> i; <br /> �� <br /> ; <br />— � : � _ fi � <br />