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4� <br /> � ���� ��J�'���� <br /> � � <br /> CONTAINS 281 PI�INTr:D WORDS <br /> �_ . ..�......-.�. ..s..�..��Il1iRNAi'_�_,..�._....�_.�._. ......�..._.... . . ___��._..����..e�.. ...._._���....�_�___.�.r�.� .. ,._..�__.��.�.....�.._ � <br />�_.�__�.._�.._.._�.._._ �_ " _'3I4T,E r.nnnc+.At�IY MEII.____�—_..-...V. .._.�._.__�y�.�__..__.�,.�'"__ _s�__..._'__�—'_ <br /> STf1TE Ob' NEBRfLS�A,' � <br /> � <br /> '1 ss. I <br /> i� ' <br /> Ha,Il Count�y, Entered i-n 71%�cmerical In- �j <br /> ! Glenn T.Marsh and wife � <br />� � de� and filed'for reco�•d in the Register of Deed's office of said ij <br /> !� f <br /> T� Warranty Coacnt the 1 day of March 19 30 , at 11 � <br /> '' Deed y� <br /> • io <br /> ;� !, <br /> �� 1�111�21.TII H.MarBh dclock and -- minutes, �i. D7. I <br /> i� � � <br /> �� i; <br /> �� ��^�d.ster of Deeds ",� <br /> E+ <br /> ;` gy Deput�. I; <br /> � <br /> �� ' �I <br /> i' II <br /> ; <br /> �I iI <br /> i� �1�0�1 ��.�. ��1� �1� �i�P�P ��P�Pl�t�: �i <br /> ,; <br /> �' �nat (�lenn T.l�arsh and Edith P.Ya.rsh,His �ife 1 <br />. �i <br /> ,� I, <br /> i� ' <br /> � of tlae Count��of $2t11 , a�ad State� of 1�Te�bTcL8k8. , for a�ad in eonsides�a,tion of the sunti of <br /> i i <br /> I� � <br /> , <br /> ; <br /> �i TEN THt?USANT� & N��I00 — ------------------------------------------------------ DOLLARS, �) <br /> i <br /> � �� �i�ra Te�r,nd �c�id, do her•ev� gr�a��•t, barga�in, sell, conve,y c�nd confir•��ti u�i�to ��ZI12�,Yri H.M3rBh , � <br /> i� � <br /> �� � � <br />� of tice Coicnty of $311 , and State of �6bT. , tlze folloiaing desc�°ibed rea,l estate situated �� <br /> i, <br /> �� i7t in Ha11 Co2��aty, a�zd Stc�te of �QbT38k8 , to-wit: � � <br /> �� <br /> �IThe East Half of the South—�Pest Quarter (E�B�I,�) Section �leven ( 11) ,Township Nine (9� ,North, <br /> Ra,nge Nine (9) '�est of the 9ixth P.M.Ha11 Lounty , Nebraska <br /> I i <br /> ! <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> I; . <br /> I <br /> j� <br />. � , <br /> � i <br /> I <br />� � � � <br /> �� TO HAVE A3�D TO HOL7� the ��•emises aboze described, together u,ith all the Tenemen-i:s, Heredi�ta,�nent,s and itpp�urte�aa�ices tlaere- � <br />� � � unto belo�a i��� unto tlze said ��Zliaril H.MarBh � � � �� <br /> 9 9, � , <br /> I � � 'I <br /> �� und to H18 heirs a�ad ass�.gns, fo�•ever. � � <br /> � � <br />� � �An�d � �We do her•eb�y covenant with tlie sadd C7�•aryztee , and ti��ith biQ laeirs�and ccssigns, that <br />� � <br />� � � <br />� �� �g � lawfully s�.zed of s�c�id p7•e�rzises; that they ar•e f�°ee fi•om e�tic�ci7�brance ° � ' <br /> . �I <br /> � thc�t ' We laave gocd riyht and lawf�ul az�tho�•ity to sell the same; an�d Ne do hereby covenartt <br /> I <br /> to uaa�rant and defend tfie title to said premises against the la�,vful cl��ims of all �erso�zs uho�nosever <br />���� An�z the sa�d (�Ienn T.�Sarsh & Edith P.Marsh,hie wife hereby �•ea�nq�utishes aaa � <br />'' � <br />; If y <br /> �j their I'lght ,tf tle and interest —'-----------'— — 2n and to tf�e above described p�•e7nises. <br /> i� . <br /> � �� Si.gned this 2$th day of � Febr. , A. D., 1930 � � <br /> � j� � � � i, <br /> � � �� i I�ti the presenee of � � i � <br /> �� <br /> Glenn T.Marsh <br /> � Besse L.Gideon Edith P.Marsh � <br /> C.�.Carlson <br /> � <br /> � State of Nebraska i <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> _ ji ss. <br /> � � H811 County, - O�a this 2g� dccy of Febr• �. D., 19 3� <br /> bsfore tlae u�zders�igned. HQ88Q Z,.�r�t�@Ori <br /> I i <br /> � a Notary P��bli�, d��cl� eommissi-oneel and q�uabified f o�• a��d �residing i�z said County, perso�tall� eanze j <br /> I <br /> Glenn T.Marah and Edith P.Marsh,his wife <br /> � I <br /> � ' � � to me lcrzow�a to be t7ze identical perso�t g whose narne $ are af fi:�ed to the fo�•egoing instru- <br /> � ji �. � ment �as g�•antor 8 , and acknoicledged the sa�ne to be th81T voluntar� act a�zd c�eed. <br /> - ( s�aL) , <br /> � � � Z��it�iess 7��i� ha�id ancl Notarial Seal ttae da� and year lccst avove wr2tter�. � <br /> � D�[� eo�nmi�si.on expi�•es the 3 daJ of� �eC• � 1�3� � <br /> � � <br /> ` . � Besse L.Gideon <br /> _ ' Notary Public. <br /> i • <br /> � <br /> I I . , _ <br />