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3� <br /> ��j�j� ���j����� <br /> CONTAIN$281 PRINTb:D WORDS <br />_�.._ <br /> �I'IH�.B—STATB JOURNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB��_ .. -... . .. - .._._.... _ _.. ._.._ _ _ - _ _. . ._ ._.._.. .. -. .. <br /> � STATE OI+' NEBR�SKA, , ;; <br /> ss. !' <br /> H8,11 County, Entered in Nume7�ical In ` � <br /> Annie Heesch,wife <br /> dex and filed f or record irz the Register o f Deecl's o f fice o f said <br /> TO Warranty Count the 18` da o ebruar 1- 0 � <br /> Deed '�� y fF Y g� , at IO <br /> �Pilhelm Heesch ,husbaTld o'clock and 20 miyiutes, A D1. � <br /> : ���� '��`�� <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> B� Deput�. <br /> �►.�.o� ��� ���t � ��jP�� r����tt�: � �� <br /> � � <br /> That I , Annie Heesch, wife af the gxan�ee herein of 9an Franciaco , <br /> of the County of , and State of �alifornia , f�r nnd in consideration of the svecm of <br /> ' pne Dollar (�1.00� �.nd other consideration voLLARs <br /> , <br /> � i�n h�a-nd paid, do he�°eb� gr•ar�t, bar�ain, sell, conve� and confirna u�^to '�f1Ihe1D1 H6eHCh,hu8b3.rid Of �Y1e gTa,�1tOT h@T@iri� `,; <br /> of 9an Francisco <br /> of the County of , and State of Califor nia , the following described �•ea-1 estate situc�ted � <br /> �; <br /> in in Co2�nt�, a7zd State of Nebraska , to-wit: ', <br /> The Northea�t Quarter of the �toxtheast Quarter (NE�NE�) of 9ection Thirty-gix (36� , and the ,; <br /> North�est Quartex of the Northeast Quarter (NqP�-NE�) of Section Thirty-si� (36) ,all in Township?: <br /> �leven (11� ,Ran�e Nine (9) ,�est af the 6th F.M. in Hall Oounty , Nebraska. �� <br /> i; <br /> ', AlBO the follo�in� described property located in Merrick t7ounty , Nebraska: Lota One (1) and <br /> Two (2) of Section Thirty-one t31) ,Townahip Eleven (I1) ,Range Eight (�) . <br /> i; <br /> �i <br /> t: <br /> i� <br /> �i �1 <br /> TO HAVE A�'D TO HOL.D the premi�ses above described, together u-ith all the 4'enements, Heredatame�zts and Appurtenances there �� <br /> unto belongir��g, �,cn'to tfie said Wi2helm Heesch <br /> �ti <br /> . and to hi8 heirs and assigns, forever. _ <br /> li . <br /> � And I do h�e�°eb� eovenunt 2vith the said G7'antee , and u�itla �ig heirs a,nd assigns, that , <br /> � I 31ri lawfully sized of �aid prentiises; t�hcct they are f7•ee from eneumbranee � � � r� � <br /> tltiut j have good right and lawful authority to sell th�e same; and j do hereb� eoroenar�t � <br /> ;! <br />� � to warra�nt and defend the title to sc��d prerr�ises against the lawful claims of �all perso7as whomosever � <br /> �; <br /> And the said A2121i6 HBESCh hereby relinquishes all � <br /> i� <br /> QZ�,�1�l�Tight �23d �I.t16 � �n and to tlie avove dese�•ibed premises. E' <br /> �; <br /> � Signed th�is 1 jth day of � Je.TiliBr�t , A. D., 19 30 ��� ;,� <br /> ;� <br /> ' �� <br /> In the presence of � <br /> Ar�nie Heesoh ;; <br /> " State of aalifornia <br /> ss. <br /> City and Oounty of $�1 On t1�2s 19th aa� oi. Janua.ry A. D., 1930 '� <br /> Francisco <br /> bef oree�the unclersigned. EdWe,rd P.MeAul i f f e <br /> � a Notary Pzablic, dzr,ly commissioned and qualified f or a��d a°esiding in said County, personall� ca�ne <br /> jl <br /> g.: <br /> Annie Heesoh,wffe of the grantee herein, <br /> ;!, <br /> to me Ic7zown to be the identical person8 wltiose name i8 affi�ed to the foreqoinq instru- <br /> :; <br /> �' ment�as grantor , and acknowledyed the same to be hBT voluntar� act and deed. �7 � <br /> ( s�aL) �' <br /> F <br />� Witness m� hand and Notarial Seal the da,y and �ear last above w�ittera. :; .,�,�.� <br /> � <br /> �I� commission e�pires the 31 day of Deeember Ig 30 ;; <br /> � <br /> EdWard P.�cAuliffe �?; <br /> , � � � Notary Public. ;.� ,� <br /> � � li <br /> �� <br /> �I <br /> i �; <br />