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3� <br />� ����� ������� <br /> CONTr1INS 281 PRIDITI:D WORDS <br /> _, __ _. __ _ � ___.� . __.:.. ._,..� . _ .._.__ _.___ .__. _�__. ___ ��_____ _� <br />_�__.__ . _ B—Sf'nT�.14UR2tAL"�iiM��:4D1Y.�1C�1�8LiY.'ri�3.:. _ ' " .__._ __ . ._- .._.__ _ . _ . .. _ _. . . _ _ .__ _.__ __.__ _..._ __- - --_. ...__----._� ___._ _. __, -- <br /> ( STAT� OI+' NEBIZASIiA,' � <br /> '� ss. ' <br /> r ': <br /> � Dell Thompson arid wife Hall County, E�ate��ed in Nun2e�'ical In- i� <br /> (� � de� aazd �led for 7•eco�°d i�a t�he Pegiste�� of l�eed's office of said �� <br /> i! � <br /> �� TO Warranty 0 j� I <br /> Deed county, t7ae ��1 day of I''ebTUaTy lg 3 , at <br /> �� ', <br /> '!1 Iiat t ie F'+ .ThOt71p8oTL v'clocic and 15 �ninutes, �C�� <br /> ti ' <br /> Ij <br /> j� � Registe�° of Deeds, ; <br /> �I � By Deput�. ; <br /> !a - — 1± <br /> �! i� <br /> fI;, � <br /> il <br /> ��! �i��� ��� �Pi� �� ��jP�P ��P�P�tt�: i <br /> _ ,, <br /> '�' T3�at De11 Thomyson a.nd Hattie F.Thompeon,husband and wi�'e i <br /> j� i <br /> i� ;� <br /> �� ; <br /> ;� i <br /> j� o� t}ae County of Hall , and State of 1VebTaska � , fo�• and tin eonsidera,tion of the sacm of ' � <br /> ,� . � <br /> . ij - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - II <br /> ; One dollar �nd other valuable c�nsiderati�n DOLLA�S, � <br /> ;� � <br /> ;; I <br /> j� in l��ancb paid, do lie�reby �r-ci��t, bargain; sEll, co�vve� and co�tif i�•na i�n�to Hd,t��e F.ThOtTI��Ori �� <br /> li � <br /> � i <br /> !� �� <br /> � of the Coi�nt� of H8,11 , and Stc�te of �Nebragka , t7ae'followi�aq described real estate situated I <br /> �� ;: j <br /> B - <br /> I <br /> ia in ��,1T0 in Hall Coi���,t�, a�nd State of Nebra ka , to 2v�t: <br /> ;,f <br /> �� i <br /> � I <br /> Lot numbered fifteen ( 15) ,in bloek ten ( 10} in the village of C�,iro ,Nebr. as same appears I <br /> on the recorded pl�,t thereof. . ; <br /> , ; <br /> I <br /> � <br /> � " <br /> ;I <br /> ij I <br /> ;i � <br /> �! � <br /> I� � <br /> fTO I�AVE di�D TO HOLD the prem�ses avove described, tnyety�er 2cith all the Te7zentients, Hereditc�ments a�2d A�purte�zances the�•e- i <br /> u�zto belongi���g, u7ito tlae said HB.���e �'+ .1'h0�1p80Yi � <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � � � a�nd to heT heirs and assigns, foreve�r. �I <br /> ' Ci � <br /> ��ad they do yeereby covenant 2vith the said C;rczntee , and �;itya her heirs and assigns, that <br /> � (, <br /> i <br /> � they a,Te la2vfu.11� s�yzed of s�ai,d prenai,ses; that tTzey c�z•e f�°ee from encun2b�•ance � � � <br /> i� I��-;� thnt they have good 7-iyht and la�wful autlzo�°�ity to sell th-e sa�me; and �heY � do hereby covenar��t � <br /> I� <br /> � �� to u,arrc���zt ancl defeyzcl the title to said �re�nises against the lawf2�l elai��.s of all pe��so�zs wlzo��nosever � � � <br /> li I <br /> ` �( �nd the said Hat t ie F.ThO�1p80T1 hereby relinquishes all <br /> ri rhts of every r'ia�ure , �.bsolute anct eontingent , includin$ .dower ,courtesy,Homestead �r�d � <br /> �, <br /> 1ri�8r1t�riC8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - zn and to tice above des�eribed p�rernises. � <br /> i� I <br /> (� Signecl tyeis �tlj day of � F'ebT. � , A. D., 19 �� � I <br /> I <br /> �� � In tice p��esence of � � <br /> Dell Thompeon I <br /> !� S.R.Benton Hatt ie F.Thompeon ;, <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> �; i <br /> �i state of Nebraska � � ' <br /> ss. i <br /> ! i <br /> �� Fja,l�. Co2cnty, On tlais �th day o� Febru�.ry A. D., 19 3� I� <br /> ,� �1e i � <br /> ;� before�the zcndersignecl. $.R.B8rit021 <br /> ;I � <br /> � a Nota�ry Pic7�lic, dicly con2missioned and qualified f or• a��d res�iding i�z said County, perso�ially came � <br /> I) � <br />� ' e . h m son husba.nd and wife � <br /> w . I Dell Thompson and Hatti F T o p , <br />,�'.� , <br />���'' !� to m,e kraawrya to be tje-e identical perso�z g whose �zame B � af fixed to the foregoi��ag in�tru- <br />,�, ,1 <br /> 0 <br /> � �E 7�tient��q�e�� , and ack7iowledged the same to be th�iT voluntary act and deed. <br /> "'' (SEAL) � i <br /> �; <br /> �' �tiVitness m� h�ncl a�n.d �'otar�ial Seab the day and �ear lr�st above 2vritterv. I <br /> � ��; <br /> �� <br /> ,� � � bI� eomniissi�on e�pir•es the 1 gt day o f Fe bP. � 19 �j 5 � <br /> I <br /> �� <br /> '� S.R.Be Notar� Publi . � <br /> �i J � �I <br /> 'I i <br /> I <br /> I ___ <br />