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3(� <br /> ������ �������� <br /> CONTAINS 231 PRINTF:D WQRDS <br /> 1 <br />_ �T�TS� -STATEJOURItlA MPANY,LINCOLIV,NEC. ' ' � � ' ' " �� �--- � --�� ��- � � � -��- <br /> . . .. . ..., .. . ..... ,._.._. <br />� � STATE OF NF,BPASIIA, _ _ _ 'I <br /> ;� <br /> ss. ;; <br /> �`�' Dell ThOmpsori 8,nd v�life H��Z Coa�nty, Entered -an Nume���ical In- ;j-. <br /> �: <br /> ;l de� and filed for reeo�°d in the Register of Deed's office of sart.d <br /> i� <br /> TO wDeed t� County, tlae I1 day of February 1930 , at �} ` <br /> ! Hat t ie F'.Thomp6o�1 o'clocic ancl 1� minutes, .�1. � <br /> �: <br /> Register of Dee s, <br /> By Deput�. <br /> �.�.o� ��� ���t � � ��� r��P�t�: ; <br /> � � � <br /> '" That �ell Tho�mpson and Hattie F. Th�mpson,husband and wife <br /> ;� <br /> ,3 <br /> . <br /> of the County of Ha.],1 , and State of 1�Tebr�ska , , for ancl in consideration of the sum of ' <br /> � <br /> j One dollar and other va.luable consideration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, ' <br /> � 3i <br /> '� in l�,and pa1d, do hereby grar��t, barc�a,in, sell, eonvey c�nd eo-nfirm un�to H2i.t"�le F.ThOtY1p80rT�. <br /> ;' <br /> ; <br /> Y <br /> of tyUe County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , tice following described real estate situated <br /> , � <br /> ;; <br /> ;; in in Hal� Co2cnty, and Stccte of Nebraska , to-2vit: <br /> �i <br /> �' The South H�.lf of The North West Quarter and The North Half of the South West Quarter Section `i <br /> : nu�mber Eleven in Township Number Twelve North , of Ra.nge number Eleven (lI) We�t of The 8ixth �; <br /> ; P.�.Hall County , Nebraska and The Northeast Quarter of Section Ten ( IO) ,Township Twelve (12) <br /> ': Noxth , Range Twelve ( 12) v�est of tne sixth P.M. Hall County , Nebraska. <br /> , <br /> ;. <br /> � � �, <br /> � <br /> ,; <br /> ; <br /> ,; , <br /> ; <br /> � TO IIAVl+7 AND TO HOLD the premises above desc�•ibed, together zvitfi atl the Tenemen�ts, Hered�itaments and Appurtena,nces there- �` <br /> yi <br /> r <br /> 2cnto belongir�g, u7Lto the said Hci.t't 1 e �+'.ThOTripBpII ,i <br /> �: <br /> � � 4; <br /> � � �. � and to �gr heirs and assigns, forever. ;i � <br /> _ f; <br /> And they do Izereby covenant with the said G?•antee , and with her heirs and assigns, that i� <br /> i <br /> i VS�e �' S <br /> ' �,r� lawfully s�2zed of s�aid prerynises; that the� a7•e ree from eneu�rabrance exeept a mortgage Of T�Tl � <br /> thousand dollars favor I .R.Alters due �ay 20� ,I�31. <br /> that they have good right a-nd la2vful autlaority to sell tlze same; and they do hereby eovenarat � - <br /> '; <br /> to uarrant an.d defend th,e title to said premises agai��st the lawful claims of all perso�is zvhomosever <br /> And the said Hatt ie F.ThOt'ripSOri hereb� relinquishes all '' <br /> ;j <br /> ` rights of whatsoever kirid. in arid to the a,bove described p�remises. <br /> Signed this 5tY1 da� of F2bT. , A. D., 19 30 <br /> i; <br /> In the presence of �' <br /> S.R.Bentorr. Dell Thompson ;! <br /> Hattie F.Thompson ! <br /> f <br /> State of Nebra ska '` <br /> ss. <br /> � H8�1 Clounty, On this �th day of j+'ebr. A. D., 19 30 ;; <br /> �e :, <br /> before^lae uazdersigned. S.R.Bentan �� <br /> �` <br /> � a Notary P�t.�blic, diel� co��zmisaioned and qualified f or ard�residing i�i said Count�y, personally ea�ne ;! <br /> Dell Thompson �nd Hattie F.Thompson,husband and wife �' <br /> �; <br /> i� '�;, <br /> to me knoun to be the identical�erson B ¢vhose na��ze 8 af fi�ed to the foregoing instr� �� '{ <br /> �� �? <br /> r, � ment, �as gra��ator-S , aryid acknowledged the same to be th61r vol�cntary act and deed. j; � <br /> ''� ( s��L) � jl <br /> i � Wit;rzess my lzand a7ad Notaraal Seal th-e da� and year last c�bove writter. <br /> ! i� <br /> ��` +��. Ilf� commissio�n e�pires the 1�� day of Febr. 19 35 ;�r <br /> s.R.Benton "�i <br /> � , Notary Public. ;�; <br /> i <br /> il <br /> i <br />, } �i <br /> , <br /> �� ' IM <br />� li --- __ __ _ <br />