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� <br /> � ��'��� ������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTI�:D WORDS - <br />�....... . . . � �.B-STATE JOLRNAL COMPANY.LINCOLN.NEB_�� ". .. .. . . . -. --- , -..--.._,�.. _.._._,,.. ...._._...�....._ . <br /> ��'��� � —��� STAT� OF N�BRf1SIir1,' `� <br /> i! <br /> ss. � <br /> H�,11 Count�, Entered i�z Nunierical In �i � <br /> V7illiam 0. Foote and Ada E. Foote <br /> � HLiBb�.rid a,ri3 �Pife de� and filed�fo�• reco7•d 4�i th�e Register• of Deed's office of saicl �j <br /> � TD wTj��t� Co��nty, t��e 2 day of Janu�.ry .rsj0 , at 11 '�! � <br /> �Ta,mES R, �T1d Ida I.Blake o'clocic and 30 ��tiinittes, p,�f. ' <br /> � C���� Of� �� , <br /> Register Deeds, <br /> By Deput�. 'i <br /> ��t�� ��� ��n �� �'C�j��� �r��P�tt�: <br /> Tnat William O.Foote and Ada E. Foote ,husband and wife <br /> o f the Co2Gnty o f , and State o f .. Cal i f 0 ri�2�. � , f or am,d in consideration o f the s2am o f <br /> Fi ft een and no�100 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _DOLLARS, <br /> l �n fUC�7zc1, pa:id, do hcreb� grar��t, bargain, sell, convey and confirm 2cnto James R.Blr�,ke arid IdB. I.Blake. It being tile <br /> intention of all parties nereto , that in tne event of the death of either of said grantees , <br /> � ti�e entire fee simple title to the real estate deseribed herein vest in the surviving grante�'. <br /> of the County of HS11 , and State of 1Vebraska , the followin-g deseribed real estate situated <br /> ' zn cemetery in Hail Coza�zty, and State of Nebraska , to-urit: ' <br /> ; The �Nest one—half of Lot 1�+6 in the Wood River Cemetery located in Section Twenty ,Township ; <br /> Ten North of Range Eleven,Hall county , Nebraska. <br /> ii <br /> �? <br /> ; i; <br /> ' � <br /> TO I�AVE Al'D TO FIOLD the p��•emi�ses above clescrfibed, together zvith all the Tenements, Hereditnnaents and Appurtenances t�yeere �� <br /> ' 'i <br /> G unto beaonqv�Vq, unto t��e sa��z Ja�es R.Bla�e and Ida I .Blake �; <br /> �', <br /> � and to tj�@fT Izeirs and assigns, forever. �; <br /> E17zd �e do her•eby covenant �v�th the said G�'antee , and with �hglr heirs and assigns, that '� <br /> � t�eY lawfully sized of s�aid prenzises; t�hat the� aT�e free from encumbrance , ,! <br /> � <br /> thcct �e have good ��i�f�t a�ad lawful autlzority to sell the same; and tNe do hereby eovenar�t <br /> ; <br /> � to �;arrant and defend the title to said p�•emises agatinst tlae lawfzcl clavrrts of ull perso�tis wliomosever � j; <br /> ;. <br /> :i <br /> And the said �illlaril 0.FOO�e arid hereby reLinquishes all y; <br /> their rights in and to the above described p�re�nises. � <br /> �s <br /> i! <br /> � Signed this �� day of ��cemb�r , A.. D., 1929 � ��� jj <br /> ii <br /> In the presene,e of qYlll��,t�l 0. Foote i�; <br /> Geraldine Smiley Ada E. Foote �' <br /> Carrie B.P�urray �' <br /> !: <br /> �' State of California <br /> ,�; <br /> ss. <br /> �� S�.nta Cruz count�, on t,�z�s 26�h day o� December� �. �., 19 29 '� <br /> ,; <br /> << <br /> before the unde�•signed. H�.TTy E.�11TT�y �i <br /> � a Notczry P�.�blic, d��cly co7nmissioned and qualified for ar�d residing i-n said County, pe�°so�2all� came �� � <br /> VYilliam O. Foote and Ada �. Foote ,His �ife i; <br /> �. <br /> �i <br /> r <br /> to me known to be tlze identical person8 whose na�ies are affi�ed to the foregoing instrw i; <br /> i; <br /> � s '�AL� ment a.s grantor• S , and acknowled�ed the same to be their volunta�•y aet and deed. <br /> � l�itness m� hand� a-nd l�'otarial Seal tyae dc�� and year last avoroe zuritterv: <br /> �f� coyn�nission e�pi��es the 15th day of �y 19 32 <br /> h��,, � Harry E.Murxay ji <br /> � �� Notary Public. ;i <br /> i <br /> ;; <br /> E� <br /> ;i I� <br /> ., �� <br />