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� <br /> ��'���� �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRNTP;D WORDS <br /> � I STAT� OP NE�3RASIi�, � � <br /> � ss. f <br /> ;i Ferdinand Ueckert and wife Hall County, Entered �n �%umerical In- � <br /> � <br /> I dea� a�zd filcd for� recoa�d in the Register of Deed's office of said <br /> �� i <br /> �� Warranty i <br /> r� �' �� Deed Coatnt�, tlie 17 day of Deeember 19 �9, at � i <br /> ..x fi I <br /> ��� o'clock a7zd 3� minutes, 1kt. � � <br /> i; Arehie C.0' Brien , <br /> '� Regz:ster o f Dee s, ; r` <br /> � i � gy Depu�ty. ' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �� — � <br /> ! <br /> ;; <br /> �i �, <br /> �{� ��D� ��.� PI� �1 � P�P �P�Pl�t�: ; <br /> ,; � � � � <br /> " ;�i6 TjLat we ,F�rdina.fld Ueckert and Minnie Ueckert ,husband and wi fe i <br /> �; � � <br /> '; { <br /> i; ' <br /> �� of tY�e Coa�nt� of Hall , a�ad State of Lij@bra,g]�a, , fo�• and in eonside�•atio�2 of tltie sum of � <br /> . i' i <br /> ! One Dollar (�1.00) and other valuable consideration - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - DOLLARS, � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � �i in h���ancZ aicl do he�rebi rar�t ba�• a,in sell conve� and co�z i�•�nz unto � j <br /> 2� � � � � � > > � f' Archie C.0 Brien <br /> ii �� <br /> ,� :i <br /> � <br /> � ! of the County of H31I , a�nd State of IQ�bT&,8ke. , the follow�ing described real estate s�ituated � <br /> i I <br /> � in H8.11 7t� Coulat�, an.d State of �ebx38kS , to-w'�t: � <br /> ; _ <br /> �) <br /> The East 9ix ( 6) aeres of the West 17 acres of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeaet <br /> � Quarter �9E�SE�) of section' Eleven (11) , Township Eleven ( 11), North, of Range Nine (9) , <br /> � �fest of the 6th P. �. ,more p�,rticularly described as follows: <br /> � �j Cocnmencin� at a poin� Twenty-two (22) rods East of the 9outhweet corner of the Southeast <br /> Quarter (SE�) of the 9outheast Quarter (SE�) of 9ection Eleven (11) , in To�nshi Eleven (11) ,� <br /> North, of Range Nine (9� , West af the 6th P.M. running thence due North Eighty ��0� rods, <br /> , thence East Twe2ve(12) rods,thence 8outh Ei ghty (�0) rods and thenee 1Pest Twelve (12) rods <br />� to the place of be�inning,containing six ( 6) acres,be the same more or less. <br /> i <br /> �j i <br /> , <br /> � <br /> � <br />�� � i� TO HAVE A�l"D TO HOLD tTa�e premises at�o2�e described,��togetlaer uith all the Tenements, Heredi�taments and fippu�•tena:ices there- <br /> uozto belongi���g, u7zto ty�e said I�r��l� �i.�����el'� � � <br /> � �i and to h18 heios and assigns, forever. <br /> �� 4nd �Pe do fae�reby eovenant wtith tlie said G1•antee , and �vith h�8 hea��s and assigns, tliat <br /> � <br /> � W@ 8,T@ ! lawfu-lly sized of saic� p��errzises; that t7ae� a�•e free from encu��rabrance � ` <br /> � that �►e have good ��ight a�id lau;ful authority to sell tlze same; and W8 do her•eby eovenarct � � <br /> �� <br /> , <br /> to 2ea�7-ant and defefad tla,e title to sa�id premises ac�ai�nst the la2vf2�1 clai��7zs of all pe�°soaas u,homosever <br /> ';i <br /> � And t�ze sa2a Ferdinand Ueokert and Minnie Ueekert hereay �•ei2nqu2shes aai <br /> s, C 18.1ri'1,T 1�ht r'l..rid '�f t I e i�a a�nd to the above dese�•ibed p�remises. <br /> I <br /> �� S�gned this 16th � day of DeCeCribBT , A. D., 19 �9 � <br /> � <br /> ' Zn tlze presence of <br /> �� Ferdinand Ueckert <br /> �j B.J.OunniAgharn � Minnie �Jeekert i� <br /> ; <br /> {` i <br /> j� St�zte of NebraBka �� <br /> i� <br /> i ss. i <br /> � Ha.11 , Cozcnty, On this 16th day o f 13ECeri1bBT A. D., 19 �9 � <br /> I <br /> I �� befo�°e the undersig7ied. B.;J.Ounningham <br /> � � �� � a Nota�i•y Pa�ablic, dz�l�� eom:missi.o�ned and qual�,fied f or a7�d residing in sa�id County, 7�ersonally eame <br /> ��� � � �� � � <br /> k 1 , I <br /> Ferdinand Ueckert and Minnie Ueckert ,husband and wife <br /> � , ,'�� � to me k�io2cn to be the ic�entieal pe��son Q 2ihose na��ze 8 aFe af f�ixed to the foregoing instru- <br /> � _. I <br /> • � �� +� �neyit as g7•antorg , c�nd aek�iowledgecl tlz�e sanae to be the1T volu�atary act and deed. <br /> . '� (s�AL) <br /> � � � Witness 7n� hard a�icl 1'ot,arial Seal the da.y and yecc�r last a�iove writter�. � <br /> � � �t� commission e�pi�•es the 5 da� of ,Allg. 19 3�j R <br /> �� B.J.Cunningham <br /> ;' Notary Public. <br /> f <br /> . <br /> ( ' <br />