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' . <br /> �eea ' <br /> ------ - ---------- -- -------���-�`---,-----.--- � <br /> _.__ _ . . __. <br /> � � � Register o Deeds, ; � � � <br /> -�------------�--�.inice__I��eyen---------- -------_..-------- ------------- <br /> B3l---------------------------------------------------- ---------------� !�' <br /> "'`� � Depitt�. ii <br /> --�-------�-----------------------�----------�---�- ---- --- -- -- -- --- ---------- � <br /> ���t � �t� �ert � c� �e�� x����ert��: <br /> � � � � � � � <br /> ;; <br /> TSAT___.__...Frec�__W,.A_shton_ and__C�,rrie R.A$hton,husbanc� ana w?Pe;and _Arthur �ayer and Elizabeth ;; <br /> --------- ----------r '� <br /> -----._Ma;�.er,.hus.�And---ar�_�._.wi�'e-�-- ----------------- ----� - ------------ - - ---------------------------- ----------- -- ---- ------------�------------------------�------------..._....-----...._ �; <br /> NE?�JT'AS�Fi�------- --------� - - - - -- - -- - --- ----Gra�ztoy'--$-------, Zn consideration � <br /> of the CountJ °f----------------�&17.---,-----.and State of-------------.-- - - - <br /> ; <br /> of the sum of_ One and no,ll00 ----- -- -- -- - - - - - �---�--- - - . -' -�-- - -- - --�--- --- --- ---- --- ------DOLLAR � <br /> ;', <br /> ------- --------------------- --- -- -- - " S ,i <br /> in hand pazd, do_____.._____..hereL� GI��NT, BfiPGAIIT, SELL, AND CONVFY 2cry�to __.___Eunice_.A�1_e�en_____________ ___ i! <br /> --- - - - ---- -�-------- ---- ------ !� <br /> ii <br /> i <br /> -�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------•---------------------------- -------------------- -------------------�------------------------------------------------------- �I <br /> - , <br /> I�T ebraska <br /> of the County �f--------- ------- H.A.II.. -- - -----and State of---- ---- --------- ---------------------------------- ------- �---- - -------� Grantee-------_...., the following <br /> �; <br /> �, <br /> described premises, siticated in the Count� of__________________________.________HAlI__._,________________..________________..'and State of Neb�•aslca, to-wit: i; <br /> ;� <br /> --------- -- , <br /> ----.Th�±---l�.eet�xly---�.1---�'-�-e�---s��--�he---�a�terl�y--2�£�__f'_eet---oP..Fractiona]:---B7._ock.-TwPnt_Y.-one, (2Z-)-.---°--f---Ba,��r�a i <br /> ` � - - - - � � -�---�- ,� <br /> - -------------- ----------------------�--------------------------- <br />'� __._Addl_�inn.__t_t�____tt��._.�_�_tJ.._Q�'_..Grand_.�sland .be�.n a._tract___oP___gr�un_____v�h_ieh,_taken w3th Fractlonal <br /> , ____Lot_._Five___(_�_�_._.ln__BlorY Fourteen _(Z�) oP A�ht�n place,an addi tion to thP city af Grand Is?and, ;i <br /> - -------------- ---�--------.�-�-------------------._.- - -- --- ----------------- - �- -�- -- -�- <br /> ----------- -.._ ...---------------------- <br /> ---------- ;� <br /> ____a►ou1,3,_May.e.__a_re_etangul_:ar._�ract._,oP___�rotznd__havin� a Prontage of �l Peet on 9econd Street and <br /> - - ----- ---- ---------------- --------- --� ------ ;: <br /> - ------- � <br /> _. __extending in_ a SoutheasterZy directSon 1�40 fset. �', <br /> - -- ------------ --------------�------------ ----�- - ---------------- --- -- --- � - ------�- --- --�----------�----------...---- ----�----- �; <br /> �� <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------..------------�----------...-----�------------ 'i <br /> I <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--- ------------------------ ----------------._._..------�-------------------------------------------�- <br /> ----------------�---------------------------------......------------ �', <br /> ,� <br /> �� <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -�------------------�------------------------�------�---------------------�-------�-------------------- <br /> -----------------------------------�---------------------- 'i <br /> � <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------� li <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------�------------- <br /> � !i <br /> Together wi�h all the tenenients, hereditaments, and appzcrtenunces, thereunto belonging, arid all the Estate, Right, Title, I�ite�°est, Do2ve�, ;; <br /> �� Curtesy, Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Graz�tor_8____,��d-e�e'r�I�er-o�tke��eTOf, i,n or to the same, o�° an� part ther�eof. 1 � <br /> ,; <br /> - �; <br /> (�1 D ��ttP Mtt� #0 '�0�� the above describecl premises, witla the appurtena�aces, u�zto the said G7•antee_.______.___and to___.__._________________________heirs ;i <br /> and assigns forever. And.__.._�!�__..____.he�•eb� covenant________ivit�c the said Grantee____.______that____________________w� � <br /> -----------liolcl-------said p�•eniises b� �i <br /> �' good and perfect title; that._._________�_�7e__________.__l�a'��____youod r�iyht cend lawful autho�-it� to sell ancl eon.vey the sc�me; that they c��•e free and ',���� <br /> elear of all liens and incumbr�ances whatsoeve�•.---- ------- -- - - --- -__ --------------- -- ----- - - - - - ------------------ - --- -- - -- -----_.- --- ---.... -- - ----- �i <br /> !i <br /> ' ----------------...------------ -------------�-------------------------- ------------------- -� ---------- -----------�-------- - ----------------- -- -- ------------�--------------- ----------- ;'� <br /> � <br /> , And________............._.__,_�__YirE-_______ ____..________.___ ___ covenant_._.___._.._to uarrant anc� defend the sc�id premises agai�zst the lawful claims of a.11 per- �! <br /> i'i <br /> i ' sons whomsoever ----- -- - --- -------- -------- - --- -- ---------------------------- -- --- --- -�-------...------ - - --- ---- ' <br /> --- -- --------- - --- -- -------------------- ---------------------------------�- <br /> ----------- <br /> ,� <br /> ii <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------ -- -----------�------- - - ------ ---- -- -- -_..._ - ---------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------. ±': <br /> -------------------------------------------�- - --- ----------------- ----------- -�---------�------------------------ --- ---- ------ - - ------._._...---- -------------------�-- ------ - -�-------...----- -- - ----------------- 'I <br />; Dated the ---- -------------- -4------- - -��J �f-------- -- --------------- ----- -R�Iay'--- - ------ ------ -- 23 �� <br /> --- ------- -- ---------- ----- -- ---- --- - �-----�1.. D. 19------ -----• �, <br />, tivzTN��ss; ---------------------------Fred__W.Ash�on �i <br /> -• - ---- -- - - ----------�------------- ---- -- � j <br /> � ;, <br /> _ ------------------------C�a.rr i e_,R.A sht o n---- --------------------------- ;i <br /> Edward F.Hannon -- -- -- -- . . <br /> --------------------�----------------------------------------------------------- --------�----------- � 'I <br /> -----------------�---------Ar ttiur_..0.May er------------------------------------ � <br /> ` ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.....--------- <br /> ---------------------------Eli_zabeth__C_._Mayer---------- !�' <br /> ------�----------� `; <br />� ��� STATE OF NEBR�Sl�fl, ;I <br /> �ss. On this.---- --- �---- -- ------�aJ �f-----.....------R781y----------------------- ---- ----------�. D. 19__2� f �� <br /> , � � __.__, be ore me, ( <br /> --------------------- A,..I.---------------CountJ� ;j <br />', the undersigned, a Notar� Public................_.____.______.____..._._._witlzin and for said County, personcrll� came.___.__.___Fr�d__�C_,_�,�hton___and____________ iI <br /> �i <br /> --_----_Car.rie--A.ABht�vn,_huahand__and._w�tx-;-and._Ar..thur_-C..�gayer__and---ELi2abeth _ ' <br /> � <br /> - ---- �`'�g:�er,huaband__and_ a�iPe------ - ---- . .. -- - �� <br /> - -� - � ----- -�---- i <br /> ----- -- -- -- --- ---- . <br /> - ------- - - , <br /> ; <br /> �� to me pe��so�zally kno�un ��o be the identical per•so�z8___.._.wfzose name_�._ _ _____ F� �� � <br /> ------ 61Z'e----- -- .--- -----affi�ed to tlie �� ` . <br /> ii - � <br /> above inst7�untieazt as grantors__._____, and________tkl�y_____________severally acicnowiecl�ed t,lze same to be___.��18_1X'_. � <br /> � � �F�1'� volunta,��y act a�ad deed for t)ze pa�rpose tfaereira e�pressed. � ��� <br /> il <br /> Ll7 ZVIT��%ESS tiVFlEREOP, I Ieave he�°eunto subscribed m� name and uffi�ed my offdcial seal at_________________ _� <br /> __Grr�nd__S_a?ar.�s�,_�.�___�i��..d___G_4Lir1�;_x._.__on the date last above written. �! <br /> � Edward F.Hannon � 1 <br /> --�----------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------- <br /> � Notary Public. ��� <br /> M2commission ex ires-----�----'�-f� t-�-�.-�'�.�- ` ----------------------�------�------------------------------------------19------------ �I <br /> J p �-- ��.,'�.._._...- -- ---- <br />=��—�. �._.:�.-:� ._ . ...... ...- .�-.= __ _ ._, ...<._ . ..`,. _. ---. .. .;.;_� ._ . <br /> !i <br /> . .:�._-:__ _.. _.. _c._ _.. . ._ �_.:-:._..-:.__—�.--.__�.__�..:�. .�.. -..�:�,..-..Y.-::...��__..__..�:.��:._—..i:---_.�.—� <br /> � -=� �� � — <br /> � <br /> . ._ _.._ .. . . ._ . . �I <br />