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D. 19---.�2---� at--�-�--- ------ -7._7�.•_QQ_ --- --------_o'clock. _A.•..M. � II <br /> ------------------------------------�-- -- ---- - - --- ---- ------------ --- ------ �arrantp , <br /> �eea ' <br /> TO � ���*-d � s` � <br /> -�--- --- ----- - -------- -- - ------ - -- -----------�---------------- ; <br /> - --- - - <br /> Regzster of Deeds, �'� <br /> ----..F��----&---Ray...E_..�r�.t.ti.n-----�--------------- ! <br /> 8�-------�-----------------------------�-----�------------------------------- `' <br /> �' Deputy. �'� <br /> ------------------------------�-------------------------------------� - --- -�-- ---�---� ,,. <br /> !1 <br /> , <br />� ��C�t�r�r �tX� ��r� b� c� �e��e x����e�t��: �� <br /> . � � � „ <br /> THAT_..�a�.n_�.�i---J.Brittin,- -a-.widow, - -- - -- - -- --�---- ._ _ � �� <br /> - ---------- - - -� --- -- --------------------- ------ -�---- --�-------- --- -_._.------- , <br /> -------�------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------�- ----------------------- -- ------- -----------------------..--------� <br /> , <br /> ------------�------------�--- ----------------------------------�---------------------------- '+ <br /> of the County of_____.__Hall___________________._and State of.____..___NebraSka. _______Grantor.__________, in consideratio;n 'j <br /> - - - ------------- ----------- --- -- -- -- --._..-- -- - - --__.. <br /> � <br /> ---- ------------ -------------------------�------------I)OLLAPS '•) <br /> , of the sum of----------One.--&--n.Q.L100-,---and---lo.Ye--and_,_aff'P_�t�o�-,-------------------------------- , <br /> ,; <br /> in laand paid, do_.____..____...hereb� GP�NT, BARGI�IN, SELL, �iNll CONVEY unto _Ed11&_L.Brit_t_in__&. Ray E, Brit_t_in________. __. _.__.__ � <br /> --------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------- - ---�-------------------------------------------��------------------.....----------------------------- ., <br /> , of the CountJ �f------- ---I'Iez'ri�k- -- - -- ----and State of--------�----- --�--N_�1?r'_c'�._�k.�,---- - - ---- ---------------- ----� Gra�atee---S------, the followiyag i� <br /> !i <br /> described p7•emises, siticated in tlee Coicnt� of_______________Hall___..__..______:__________________.._...___.____.______.___._ancl Sta,te of Nebr•as1�u, to-wit: � <br /> , <br /> �� <br /> -------L-o-�---lZT---�ar�d_.t�h.e---Ea�t�'�---o-�---Lo.Z_._11-,----�-n__B1nck_1�.-�----�-n---�h.e�--Uni-on---Paci-P-�-�---Ra.i.lwa�----�---------------------- i, <br /> -------C_am�any.'.s---.F'irs_t._.,Ads��.'�i.on----'��----the---�o.wn---of._Wo_o_d._xiYer_-,----N�br._askas---------------------------- _ ili <br /> ------------------------�----------------------- <br /> ;; <br /> - --------------------------�----------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._...---------------------------------------- ----------�---- --------------�--------------------------------------- ;i <br /> �� <br /> -------------------------- ---------�-------�---------.___..--------------------------�------------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------�------------------ �' <br /> -----------------------------�--------- ' <br /> ,, <br /> �I <br /> -------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------�------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------�-------�-----�--------- �� <br /> �i <br />, -----�--------------------------------------�--------�-----�-------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------------,-------------�------�------------------------------------------ <br /> ;; <br /> --------------------------------------- <br /> -------- ; <br /> ,i <br /> �� <br /> ----- -----------------------�----------------------------�--------------------------------�----------�---------------------�-------------------------- ----�--------------�--------------------------- i; <br /> ------------ -----------------------------------�--------- <br /> ---------------------------------------�----------------...------------�------------------ ----------------------------- ---------------------------- ----_._.------------�--------------�-----------------------------------�-------.._---------�------------- I, <br /> , <br /> i� <br />, - -- ---------------------------------------------------�--------------.-------------------- --------------------- -----------------------------------------.------------------------ ------,,---------------------------------------------�---------------------- !i <br /> ���� Together with all the tenements, yae�red�tanients, and appzcrtenccness, thereunto belong�ng, aryid all the Lstate, Right, Title, I7aterest, Dowe�•, �� � <br /> r <br /> ��� Curtesy, (7laim and Demand wPta�tsoever• of tjze sr�id Grantor_.__..__,�.nd.�f.-P,at.icea=e�-#�ke,r�,-of, in or to the saa�ie, or any part thereof, i� � <br /> i' <br /> � , �� '�MUF �ri�i #tt ��(� the above described p7•emises, witla the appurtenances, u�zto tyae said Grantee_.&_____...a�id to__th�iT'.________..__heirs i� <br /> �i � <br /> and ccssigns forever. And_____I________________hereb� covenant�._____2�ith tlie said Gran�ee__..___.__that_.__._._____�..._......_______._.._.____Jaold______._saic� p�°e��aises by i <br /> � �� good and perfect title; that__________I._.____________.______ha_.Y�__..�ood a�i�ht and lawficl azethorit� to sell and eon,vey the same; that t7ie� are free and �) <br /> ' c�ear of all liens ay2d incunabrances whatsoever---,----------------------------------.-,------------,--------------------------------._..---------- �;. <br /> --------��---- - --- ----------- - -- ----- -------- -- I <br /> � <br /> -------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----- - ------------------ - - - ---- --- -- ---------------------- ---------- --- - � <br /> --- --------- --- ..._-�---------------------------------------------- - ---- ------ � <br /> ;' <br /> --------------------------._...-------------- ------------------ � ------------- <br /> --------- ------ --------- --- - <br /> -- ------------ --- -- ---------.. <br /> ------------------- -�--------- <br /> ------------------------- ---- ----- ;i <br /> And._..__._____I.__._______._________________ ______________._._______.. eovenant..__.__..__to warrant a�zd defencl the scaid p7�enaises against the lawful elaims of all per- ii <br /> ,l <br />� ��� sons whomsoever � �`� � � <br /> -- ------------ -- - - -- --- - ------�----------- - <br /> - -- ------- - - -- -- ----.._.._----. .. . <br />'. ------ -- -- -------------- - ------- -------------------------------�------------------------------- <br /> �I <br /> ------------------------------------------------- --------- --- -- �-------- -- ------------ �-------- -- ------- -------- -- -----:- ------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -----------� li <br /> I, --------------�--------------------------------------- -- ----------�-- -------�-- - - <br /> ..-----��---------- -- -- ---- --- - ------------ - - - -- ----------------------------------------------- ---�-----------�----------- -----.__._ i� <br /> Dated - ------------ ---------�aJ �f-- - ---- �----------------�----- -----Aug.tt8'G--------------- --,..---- ---A.. D. 19---3Q----• i� <br /> �i <br /> WITNESS �-----------------------------------H�nnah__�T...�3r_it_tin--------- �- ---__ .. i. <br /> -- --------------------------------------------�----------------:-------------------------------------- ; <br /> --------------------------�..�I_._Hs_nsnn----�--------------------- ------------------- . <br /> r: <br /> �------------------------------------------------ 'i <br /> --------------�---------------------------------------- � <br /> I �----------------------------------------------------------------------....---------- -- ------------- ':i <br /> � �----------------------------------------------�-----------------�-----------�- �f � <br /> -----------------------� <br /> ;� <br /> STATE OF NEl3RASgA, ,I <br /> ss. O�x this--- - --20'th------day �f-----_ '� . <br /> ---�'u��-�-t-------�--- ------ - --------A. D. 19-�-0_-----, before me, li <br /> ------Ha,Z�------- - --- - --- -------�`ount�, i <br />', tlee icndersigned, a Notary Public__.____________________________________ ___�vithin and for said County, personally eame_____.___.________..__..________..._.__. i <br /> - ----- -- � - ----- <br /> -- -----� -Hannah_J,Britt_in-�-- -a-4aidow,----------------- ------- --� --- ----------------------- --- ------------- i, <br /> �--------- �� <br /> ,; �, <br /> - -- - -- - -- ------- , . ----- , <br /> � <br /> � ----- -- ----- -----_. .. ----- �I ' <br /> to me ersonalle knoz�n to be the identical ers��a_ .____._uhose nanae..__. __.___ _____.__.._affa�ed to tlae i � ' <br /> 2� J p ��----- --------- <br /> � above insGruntent as �rantor_________, a7ad..____ __h88________ _______sez�ey°all� acl�yiozvlec��ed tlie same to be___ _..___ � �� � <br /> volwratccry act and deed for the purpose there�i�i ex�ressed. � �� <br /> ( SEAL) I�V tiVIT1VESS tiV1�TRE0F, I have ycereunto subscribed my name and uffixed m� official seal at...Gr&rid. � I <br /> I sl�.nd, in said Cpurity� _ _ on the date last above written. �� <br /> � ;; � <br /> Harold A.PrinCe.._.._.._ � <br /> ---------------------�-----------�------------ ----------------------------- I <br /> 1Votary 1'uLlic. � <br /> nIy conimission e�pires----- --M�.r.Ch---15�_ --1-9-3.�----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------19------------ i" <br />_______ _.�_ �._ _ -- --- - --_, - -- -- _____– <br /> _ _._� _..___ _ <br /> __�__ ___��_ _ _� _ _ _ . __ _ _ _._ —�__. .._: _. ,___-._ _� � __ _�___._ �_�_ __ _.__ �� <br />