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��c� <br /> ��j�j� ��J���� ���� ��J <br /> �_�__�._� _ _._.___�__��._�.=�v _ __.__�..__._._�.__.�_._ <br /> .�.__.__ --- ----. .----_ <br /> � � --STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LiNCOLN,NEB. � - � :-� � � �- - -� -- � � <br /> �� � FRO.M � I hereb� certify that thi�s i�istr�unient was entered on Nume�°ical Inde� and � <br /> ai <br />, ...............Ann�.._.P,�Mu�.len_,..�i-??-gl-�---et..a1------ f�ed for reco�°d this-- ----- ------2-g---------------=-----------�aJ �f----------July---�- --=------------- '' <br /> � �4arrantp �. D. 1�_41--- ., at.------. --- _1�.-3-Q-- -- ------ -------o��ao�k-----.a�.�r. ., , <br /> ------- ----- ------------------------- ---- --- - - - _ - ---- - <br /> - - --- -- <br /> To �eea � ;�` <br /> ��- ,� �; ,�. <br /> ' <br /> ------ ----------------.__.._.��1 - <br /> � -------------------------------------------------- --- - - . <br /> �«� -- - -- - <br /> . <br /> � ; Regzster of Deeds, ; <br /> ----uni.on---Cen��e---------- <br /> ,; <br /> IB3✓---------�--------------------------------------- ---•-------�-••---------• '! <br />,, ----Company.------------------ --- -----_.....-------- --------- ------� Deput�. <br /> ;; <br /> � 'i <br /> i: <br /> ����� ��� ��� � � � �; <br /> �� ����1� • <br /> � � � <br /> ��. ,, <br /> � <br /> THAT______Anna---P_Mu11e.n,__singl�,_.Sarah..Mu.7�1.en,.a__w�.-�low_,_W�..�,liam__P_.Mtzll�n...and__Ann__ G,Mul�..en,_hi s_wif��; <br /> - -- --- ------------------------ --�--- ------ - --- - ----------------------------...------�-----------�----------�------------ j <br /> , <br /> ,: , <br /> of the Count,J �f---- - -- H��.l-- -- -- - ..and State �f-- --- - - ebz'BS..5,---------. ---------- ------ - ---- ---- -- --Ga°antor--S- -----� in consideration '; <br /> i <br /> oj the s2cm of-------One--AQ11ar_---(_��..00�--and--otner---val,uabl-e---consi_aeratio-n------- -- -- - --- -------- -------------------------------�O�b�-R�9;—'I <br /> in hand paid, do___.._ __ __._hereby GP�iNT, 73A.RG�IN, SELL, AND CONVEY u7�to _Un3.can___Ce_nt_�al�___Lif e_.Insurance__Company__ ___ 'i� <br /> _�.f---�jn�inna_�i_,----Qka.i.o-,----a--�-prpQr�:tion--------------------------------------------------------- --------------�---------------- i', <br /> , <br /> ------------------------------��----�-------------------�----------�----- '� <br /> �� <br /> i; <br /> o� tlie Count�J �f---- - -- ----- - -- - ---------- - ------and State of----------..._..Q��.S2-- - -------------------- -------- - --- --- - ------� G��antce------------, the following ;; <br /> described pr�emises, situated in tlae County of ____________________I'��.11_..___.._________...:___._._____________a�ad State of lTeb�•aslca, to-wit: �! <br /> J <br /> ;, <br /> ----Th�---.�ast---�.�v�n:�.y.�_�,ive.---G-�S-)---Ac�-�-�---o-f----th�---�or_th_.�I�a1f---�f-- the_.Nar�hea.st_._Quar..t_er---���'N��----Q-�----------------- ;; <br /> �� <br /> ----�3e_c_�ian.._5ix_.._�_6-1-r---T.n�rnshi�---Nine----�-91__Nar.'�h,R�,�g�---�w�1v�---�-1�-)---we�-�---4�'--th�---6th__P.��----in__Hall------------- ', <br /> ----Co-�-�Y-�---N-ekzras_k�.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------��------------------------------------------------- - ------- -----------------...--------�------------------------------ ;� . <br /> ----------------------------- -------------------------�--------------�----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> . . . ;i <br /> --------------------------------�------------------�--------�----------------------------�----------------�---------------------....-------------�-----------------------... , -------�----------------------------- -----------------...--------------- --�---------- �� <br /> � � ,i <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...------------------------------------�--------- ", <br /> ;; <br /> ---- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------�----�----------------�-------------- ;i <br /> ;; <br /> ---------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- �i <br /> �; <br /> ------------------------ ----------------------- -- ---------------- - ------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------�----------------------------------------------- <br /> ;; <br /> ---------------------------------------- ------- ;� <br /> i; <br /> Together with all the tene7nents, hereditame�zts, and app��rtenances, th ereunto belonging, aryad all the Estate; Right, Title, Iryiterest, Dower, '! <br /> Curtesy, Cbaim and Deniand whatsoeve7• of the said Grantor_S..___, ct�-cz�-�ee�#,�ke��f-�,�e�, of, in or to the sa7ne, oa° any part thereof. � <br /> " � <br /> �� �MUP Mlt� #A '�0�� the above descr•ibed premzses, witla the appurtenances, unto the said Grantee._.___..____and to___._�t_S_._..__.____..___heirs (; <br /> I' <br /> and assiyns forever. And______b�B_____________hereb� coZenant_______icith the said Grantee_.__.__.__tliat..____._____._j,rt�____.._____..____..._______lcold.__.____sadd premises b� !i <br /> �. <br /> � good and pe��•fect title; that_______W_�____________________Jac�tT_e----_-yood r•ight and lawful a�u�ho��it� to sell and con,ve� the same; that t1ieJ a�•e fre,e and j� • <br /> elea�� of all liens and ineumbrances i�hatsoever---�X�e_p�.._�t1�CUmbs'an.C.2---D-f---Y'_e_��r-d------------_----------------------------------------------.. ;I <br /> - -..------- �� <br /> ,� <br /> �------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------ ---- ----- - ---- --- --------------- -------- - --- --- ---�----------- ------------- -----------------=- 1i <br /> ---------�--------------- ------------- ° <br /> . <br /> -- �------------------ ----_.--- --------------------------._._....-- ----------------- --- --- ---- - -- -- --- ---- --- - __ ----------------- ------- ----- i <br /> .._------------------------------------ -------- i, <br /> i' <br />''� And._._.______.___...__...,.___..___TnrP_________________.__.___________. warrant and defend tl�e said p�°emise�s against the la�vful claims of all per- ij <br /> � <br /> .. <br /> sons whomsoever --._.ex�-e��- -�,5- -abov�.._not.�d.------------ - ---- - -.... --�------ ----- ------- ---------- --- ------------ --------------------- ----------- -- - �--------------- '� <br /> li <br /> -----------------�---�---------------------- -- ------ ------------ -- -- -------------------------------- ------ --- -- --- ---- -- -------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.._.. ;j <br /> ii <br /> •-•—-------------------—•---——--——----. _- ————- -- — -—-———— ———————-—--—--—-------—— ------——-—-—-- <br /> ----—-- -—---—-- -—- — -—-—-- — — --- - -—-----—-—-----—-——----———-—----—-------—--— —-_-——------ -—————-—------—- --—-------- �� <br /> Dated the- -- ---------2Q�r1_-- -- -------- ----- -------- ------daJ �f----- -- ----------�'�bx'u.�x'y----- - -- ------- - --------- -----�1.. D. 19---�1----• �� <br /> li <br /> tiVITNL+'S�S -------------------------------------A1�.Yl.a..__P._N�S:�.�.-�-�n--------- - -----...._ i <br /> ------------ ----------------�ara:h.Mul�.en . �_ - -- � <br />� �lera Kouba �-- -- -----�--� �� <br /> I� ----- -------- -------- - -- -------------- ------------------ - ----- ...--- -- . . <br /> ---� <br /> �ill_iam P.Mullen <br />' Avig E. Col1et� -- ------------� ----------�----------- __--._..._.._�.� --------------- --------- i, <br />' ------------------------=�e�mar�---F-:-�ue��w------------ - --- -- ----- Ann ,.C,Mulle� , - -------- h <br /> , <br /> -- - -------------------------------- ------ - ----- ------- -------------- - <br /> STATE OF NEBR�iS1��, On this 20th da.;� of Februasy, A. D. 19�1, before me, tne undersigne�l, <br /> ss. <br /> ' ____:Do_uglas___ _._____ ..._..._.County, a �ptary Public within and for said County, per�onally-came Anna � ; <br /> P.Mullen, �ingle, and Sarah Mu11en, a widow, to me personally i� <br /> ��nown to be the id�entieal persons whose names are affixed to the above instrument as Gr-an'�ors !I <br /> and tney several7_y acknowledged the same to be their volunt�.ry act and deed for the z�urnose , �� <br /> . ._ . . . <br /> therein expressed. _ _ , <br /> TN WITIdFSS WHEREOF, I nfve hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal at 'i -: <br /> __ _ , <br /> " Omaha, in County, on tl�.e date last above wri'�ten. Vera Kouba, '' ' <br />' My Commission expires 5-11-44". ( SE�,L) - Notary Public _ ` 4r <br />� �� ;i <br />' STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this �l" day of �uly A. D. 19�-1, bef_,re me trie undersigned, a �! <br /> CCUiVTY OF HALL ) s� Notary Public within and for said County, personally cam� William P. ' <br /> Mullen and Ann C.Mullen, his wife, to me personally known to be the ident�,eal persons. whose �� <br />'', names are affixed to �ne above instrument as grantors, and they se�ie�allp acknowledge �he i <br /> the same to be thei-r volunta.ry act and deed for the purposes there�in contained. ', <br /> IN ��IITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official aeal at ;I <br /> - , <br />' Grand Island, in saia County, on the date last above written. - - - <br /> (SEAL,) ��rman F.Bu�ko� ; <br /> � . _Notary Public - ' <br /> My commi5sion exuires: April 16, 194�. : - � <br />�._ .�.��_._ . -�.._ <br /> _ _ __.__ . � ,_�.� _ �__ � <br />< <� �i <br />