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_ <br /> ���,::� I <br /> D����� ������� ���� ��J !� <br /> _y�_�._�v� . ___�_.______ _ _ __ ___ __._____��___._-.�___.___�____��______�._ . _ _ <br /> � <br />_ ________.__ _ <br /> —ST TL�T2Sf7RivA-E�'6Td�A�NY.LiN�O"LF1.NEB. _..._ _ . __ <br /> FRO.M � Z'hereby certify tliat this i�zst�•ument was e�itered on Nz�merical Inde� a�nd ;� I <br /> ;i <br /> i� <br /> -----y - -----�---�----�--- ------------�--- led or record this.- -�-- ---6 ;� � <br /> ,Nora__Ma.hone ---et- -al. fi f -- --------------------�-------�a� �f----------Jun�----- ---------------- <br /> �;, <br /> t�arrantp 1. D. 19-----�4. t --_.._o'clock---P---- ;'. <br /> ---------�----------------------------------�------- -� -- ---- ----..- ---- - - -- <br /> t , a ------ ----��-�Q--------- -------,_._ as. , <br /> -� --- <br /> To �ee� . � <br /> , <br /> ����. � <br /> __________ _________ �� <br /> ._____ _..__________________.__..__.__...._-_______.__..___.______.__.___.__.. ; <br /> � Register of Deeds, il <br /> .aua---xoi�i��--�--------- ----------------------------------- ---- ----�-- �, <br /> BJ-------- ---------------------------- ----------------- -----------------� ;', <br /> � � Dep2�ty. '� <br /> ;, <br /> i <br />� <br /> ��Crt�u� ��� ,��ert b�� ��r��� �x��e��ert��: ;, <br /> TgAT__.___._.�to�a__M�YiQn��!,,___a,_.single__woman,, and Hanora Moore Careyt and _Michael �'. Carey, ;� <br /> --- - ---- - -- ---- -�--- - - , <br />� ------- ... --------- i <br /> _�iu.�band__and_wife-�--------------- ------- �------------------------------ - ; <br /> '--------------��-------------------------'--------------------------------------°--°----•--•-----•••...--------•--°----••---•°--------- �� <br /> I I <br /> NebY'&Sk& ___________________.Grantor___�______, in consideration ji <br /> of tltie CountJ �f-- - H�._�.�-- --- ----- -.and State of------- --- --- - -- - ----------------------------- -- ----- --- <br /> i� <br /> of the sum of--�-----�Sxty.-one---Hundred._&�_�6100.�00�--- ------- ------- -- ------ -- --- - ------ --- --- ------- -------...............-.DOLLARS, �; <br /> in l�and paid, do___.__.______her•eb� CPANT, Ij�1RGAIN, SELL, �,ND CONVEY 2cnto ___.�'u8__HO�.11rig � <br />� --------------------------- - ---- ------- -�--- - f <br /> --------------- �. <br /> i � � ��� <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----�--------�------------------- -------------------------�--------�---------------------------------......------,--------------------------- �I <br />' of tlLe CountJ �.f------- ---�-Ha.7,1 --- ----- -- -..__a�2d State of-------NebY`&._Sk&.--- -�----------------- -- - -- --- ------------- --- ------� G�•antee-----------, tlic followinq �' <br /> � << <br />� described premises, situated in the Coicnty of____.....______.___._______.H&11_._._.__________________._,._._____.__.____._and State of Nebraslca, to-wit: !� <br /> II <br /> �,- ----- -------- ------------------ ----------------�----•------ -----------------------------------------------------------�-- ----------�------------------------�---------------�----•--------=-------.. , <br />', --The_-.flo_uth__Half---of---the---NQr�hea.s_'�_..Qua.r._'�er--�-�---N$��-;----�ub�.��t. tQ__Ur�ion P�cific._Railway---C�mpany's ;� <br /> _r.ight-o�'-�ray.__ant�__�h�__N_Q�^t�.__Ha��,_�_,_of_,.the__.Southeast__Quarter_(_N�___SE�.)_. of__seetion Twenty—eia (26) `� <br /> - -- - -- -- --------�-- ' <br /> -- <br /> i ,; <br />, .T_Qw�����___T�n.__(_�0_)__.North_,_Range___Twe1�e..(,12�__West__of._�Ghe _,6th P.M. � Ha.11 County, Nebraska. <br /> 'ii <br /> I ------------------------------------�-�-----------�------------------------------------------------- - ------- - - -- - - <br /> '; <br /> -- - - - - - -- -- - -------�---------------------�------ <br /> - --�------- - �--- ----- <br /> - --------------�-�-----�---- <br /> ----- - � <br /> (�6.5v I.R. s�am s ) ! <br /> ------------- - �' <br /> -- ---------- ---�------- -------------�--- ---- - -------- �----------- <br /> -------------------- ----- ----------- <br /> �---- �------- ----- ---�-- --- <br /> ---------- -------------�-----�- <br /> C"a.ncelled"� - --- - - - <br /> - ---- � -- �- - � . . <br /> ----- ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------�- 'I <br /> ,� <br />� ---------�------------------ ----�----------- -------------------------------�-------------------------------------------�---------��-----------------------------------� � <br /> --------- <br /> �j <br /> -----�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------�-------�--�----....------ <br /> ------------------------------- ----...-----------�-- , <br /> ; <br /> ------------------------- <br /> -----------------�----------------------------;--------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------- ;I <br /> ;' <br /> Together uuith a-ll the tene7nents, hereditaments, and a�pzcrtena?zees, thereunto belonc�ing, and all the �state, Right, Title, Interest, Dower, il <br /> �, <br /> Curtesy, Claim and Demand wliatsoever of the said C�rantor_.______, aa��.a�E.�it]�.v�.tiiewa, of, 4,n or to the same, o�° any part thereof. ;I <br /> � ��t '��UP �lt� tA '�D�� the ai�ove desey°ibed premises, zvitlz the appurtenaaaces, u.nto the said C�ra�ztee___________.and ta_.__.____h�8______.___hei�°s �� <br /> ,! <br /> and assigns forever. And______.__�i@______._Jiereb� covenant.__.._._2vith the said Grantee__.______that_____.__._WQ____.___________,_________y�old.___._.said p�°eanises b� '� <br /> i <br />� gooc� and perfect title; thcct____._________W�__________...____Ica.____v.$_good rig�et a�nd laiv�ul authority to sell ancl eonveJ the same; that they� a�•e free and i� <br /> i�, clear of all liens and i7aczcmbrances whatsoever.__.____.______.____..__.___.__._______._____________________ ;� <br /> - -- - - - --- -- -._._ ----------��---- --- -- ---- -- -- ---- --- <br /> --------------------�-----------------------------�--------�._--------- ------------------- -- -- - - -- -- ------------------------ ---- -- ---�--�-----�- (� <br /> --- - - -------------- ----- -----------------�---------------- '� <br /> ---------- I <br />, _.._--------------------------------------------- , <br /> ----------�----- -- -------------------- ---- -- -- -- - - --- ----------_.-�-- <br /> _ --- -- �---------------- ---- --------- - - - - -------�--------------------- <br /> -------- , <br /> And._._______._W8______________________.___.__....____.__...__.._____. covenant.__._..____to 2var��ant and defend tyce s�id premises against the lawful clainis of all per- �I <br /> sonszvhomsoever ---- -- ----- ------.._..----- --- ----- - ----------------�------ -� -- - - - -------------- --- - --- ---------------- ------- ----- <br /> .�------------- -------- ---------�-- ------- ----------- <br /> I' <br /> Ir <br /> -- - <br /> --- -------�---------------------------------------------�--------� _. ,, <br /> ----------------------- ----------- <br /> --------------�-----------------------------.... - ----- ---.... y! <br /> ---------- --------------�- � <br /> - -�---------------------- --- --,_..----�- -- -- --- -- <br /> - - -------- ------ ------ <br /> Dated the-- -- - ---- -6th--------- ----- ---...-.-------------- -------da� �f---- - -- ---�--..sTl�l'�E- . _--- ------- ----------------- ---- - ------A.. D. 19---40---• <br /> ! <br /> tiVIT1VESS �-----------�------------------Nflr.a._.MahQn�y-�---------------------- --- (i <br /> ---_... �, <br /> -- --------------------------�ianora_.Moore_,Carey---------------------. i <br /> ----�-----------------Ll.o�t1---�t.Kelly.------------------- ----......----------- <br /> ' .----------�---------------------Mi�ha�l_._J._Care�y---------------------------- ! <br /> ---------------------�------.....--------------------------------------------------- ------------- 1 <br /> _.----�-----------------------------�--------�--------------------- - -- - -- <br /> - - - - ------ <br /> STATE OF NEBRASgfi, I <br /> �ss. On this----- -- ���__.._..----day �f--------------- ------ ----- -----------JU11@ ----- --------�. D. 19--�---., before me, i <br /> - --.H.A�.I..-- ----- -------------CountJ, �i <br /> ; the undersigned, a Notary Public_._______.______________________._..______within und for said County, personall� ca�ne.__________NOr'A__.MAhOX1Gy_�._..a._ 81t1g1e II <br /> ____,woman, _Hano�a__Moore_ Carey__and_.Michael__J. Carey,_ husband_ and wiPe, _ �� <br /> , <br /> - -- - - -� ---- -- --------- �i <br /> - i� <br /> � <br /> -- -�-- -- --- --.._- - -- - --- - �-- ---� --- --- - ---------------- - ---�-------------------------- ------- -- ------------ ---------------- - -�------�---- -------------------- �i <br /> to me perso�ially kno�z�n to be the ident�ical perso,n_S _____zvhose name__8 . ____�2____ _______ .. .__. ____ccffi�ed to tice �'� <br /> '� <br /> above instrunient as grantor_._..___.__, and_____.__.___._____.dld_, _ _ . ___severall� acknou�led�ek tyce sccme to ve_____i-,heir �i <br /> voluntccry act and deed for the purpose therei�z e��ressecl. �j � <br /> (�9EAL) � <br /> � IN WITNESS tiVHEPEOF, I have hereunto subserived my name and affi�ed my� official seal at______._.___. !� I <br /> _Granc�._�.slans�,.�Jw�t�►�,s_�a___�.�._ Asai onCt�he da�e last above written. ;� � <br /> --------------------------------------------Lloys�_.�...Kelly.-----�-------------� � � <br /> � � �� Notc�ry Publio. i� ' <br /> i �y commission e�pires,---- ---- -- --------------------------------- -----------------------------QGt-•---�2T----------------------------..194�------ � I <br /> � � �� <br />__.__�----�. -_���.-� _ _._ _ ___�._—__.___._._. �_ ___ _—_____ ._ — — _ �� � <br /> ._�_.._ . ._.__ : . �..:_� .__ _.._ __.____^._._.__ ____ __�.� ____�.._—. � ��.. � <br /> ,, i <br /> , <br /> " al, <br /> , <br /> _ - � _ ___ ll � I <br />