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Julia__.Mary-S_chls�xter,---huahand__an�.--wif_e-,----ea�h---i�.__hia---and--her----o�zn �; <br /> ---_r_igh'�,----an�l--as---ap-au��-- o-f th�---s�th�r-,--- --- ---- -------- ---------------------------- -- �--- -- --- ----- --- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------- '�! <br /> ;�; of the Count9 °f---LiIICO-lri------------------and State of-----------------_NHbY'�.sk8-------------------------------------------------,Grantor-S---------, in consideration �, <br /> of the sum of--------One--Thousand__Nine._Hundred__FiPty__�.�1950.00-�-- --- - ------ --------- ------------------------ ----------------DOLLf1PS, ,` <br /> in leand paid, do------------here�r� CXP�NT,.BAPG�IA7, SELL, AND CONVLY ��nto _Qran__F.ViriZBri-t----------------------------..----------------------------- i; <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------ --...------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------�-------------�----- ;'; <br /> of the Count� �f------ --- H��,�-- - ----- --- --- -- -..._and State of----- ---- -----NebY'a:s_��-------------------- ------------ -�-- -- --------� Grantee_-----------, the follo2ving !' <br /> ; <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of_______________________._. H _._____________._._____._._____.a�td State of �eb��asl�a, to-wit: " <br /> ----all -------------- T. <br /> i <br /> ' -----�he---Nor.th_.I�alf._..of----ths__.�_auth�?e-s-t---Quar._�.�r...(.�J�S�4.j----of---���t.i_on---'�hir.L�y--�ix---�-3-C-)--,- To.wnshi �en__._(_10); <br /> --- �--- <br />�axige---Nine----�-��----'� -Df---zhe---6.�h..Pa_M.---�-n---Hal1---CAUnZ-��----Nehraska.-----------------....--- - - - '' <br /> ._.-- ------ --------------------------------------�-------------- '' <br /> (�2.�0 I.R. Stamps ) <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------�------ --- --- - ------------------------- ------�-----_...--------------- ---------------------�--------------------------------------�- <br /> -------- <br /> Caneel�led- �� <br /> -------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------� ------�------------------ ---------�-----------��------- ------------ �, <br /> ;; <br /> -------------------------�---------------�---------�----------------------------�-------------------_.....----�--------�--------------------- --------- <br /> ; <br /> -----�----------------------------__.--------------------------------------------------- ------_.------------------------------------------------------- ----------_...------------------�-------------------------------...---..__._..._.....--------------- ;, <br /> !i <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --�-------._.---- ------------------------------------------------------------------�------------�----- i <br /> 'i <br /> ----------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> ----------------___----------....-------------------�---------------------------�-----��----------------- �; <br /> il <br /> Togethey uwith all the te�zernents, hereditaments, and app2Lrte7z.ances, thereunto belonging, and all tlae �state, Riglit, Title, I�aterest, Dower, �� <br /> � Curtesy, Cbc�tim and Demand wleatsoever o f the suid Grantor_g___�.e�wd..e��a:t3�e��.#l�� o f, in or to the same, or any part thereo f. ;I <br /> ;� <br />��'', ('�!� �MUP Mlt� �U �A�� the ai�ove described prenaises, witli the appurten,cznces, unto the said a�rantee__..__.___.and to_____�heiP__.___..._heiry•s '� <br /> i! <br /> !, <br />�� ��� and ccssigns forever. And__.__.�^?8__________faereb� covenant__..___.�ivith the said G�rantee___.__._that_________._._____�±re..._____________7zold____._.said pre�nises by =' <br /> ,, <br /> I �� <br />�' �� good a�zd perfect title; tfaat___.____�,Ig_______._______________7ca_.___u.e-�ood riyht and lawful authorit� to sell aryad con-ve� the same; tlaat the� a�•e free and li <br /> ; clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever_.___.________._.._....___._______._._...________. '�! <br /> -- ---- -- --- --- - ------ - -- --- ---------------�- ------ - ---- -- - ----- ---- --- �I <br /> i <br /> ,, <br /> -------------------------------- ------------------------------------ - ------------- ------- --- -- --- - -- --------------- --- -- --------- -------- --------- --- ---- --- - --- ---------------�- I <br /> -------------- ------------ ' <br /> f � <br /> il <br /> --------- ------------------ .._----------------------------- .._.._----------------.._.....- - -- --- --- --- --_.....-------------------- -- --- - ---------- ---- -- -- ------------ ---- ---- ---------------_..------- ---------- �� <br /> And......................w@_,_..___.____.___._____,_.____._,_____________ 2v�zrrant and deferzcl the said �reniises against the lawful claims of all per- !i <br /> �: <br /> sonswhomsoever - -----------_____---- ------- - -- - _ _---------------- --------- -- -- - ------ ---- ----- ----- - <br /> -- ...------------------------- <br /> I <br /> ---------------- -- ------- --- --- ---- -----�--------- �� <br /> ii <br /> ---------------------------------------------------- - - -- --------- -- <br /> �I <br /> '____'_'__._"_'_______________________________'._."____.___.____"._____________'_"_.______'."____._____._.._.__._"_..___.____'__.______._______.._.'__..____'__.__'_.__'_._.________'._...._ f. <br /> ' �i <br /> � <br /> ______ ________ _ _ i . <br /> . . ' _______________________'______'.___'__ � <br /> IIDated the---- ----2�--- ------------- -..__... - --- ------- --- ------da� �f------ - -- ---------------------- - �?'�r'1��----- ----- ------------- ..._---�1.. I�. 19---�"0---• I <br /> WITNESS �' <br /> ---...----��ter------------ ----- ._ ;� <br /> -------------------G-._W�►.�a.�rlar-------------------------�- ---�._-------------� .. ---------------�-----------Julia..__Mar.y.--.��er-------------� �� <br /> - ----- .� � <br /> -_ �-----------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------------- � <br /> ---------------------M_._F.Ra]..stDn----------------------------------- - ------------- ;' <br /> �---- --------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------�---------------- �� <br /> STATE OF NEBRASF�A, ) � <br /> }ss. On tf�is----- ------�-�--- �f---------------- --- ApY-'11------------------- - --------A. D. 19--�0-----, before me, i <br /> --- -- --- -Ia1x1_�_Q1ri-- ----- ------..CountJ, � I <br /> �� <br /> , the undersigned, a Notar� Public---_--_-_-_______---_ -_--___----within ancl f�r said CountJ, personall� canzc._------_---------------------------_------------------__---_------- i <br /> � <br /> ;, <br />�', Herman---�chl-euter.--and--Ju�-ia---Ma�y---S.�}�leu�er--,--�iu�ha�nd---�nd-w�:-fe;---eae�--ih--��:-s--- ;� <br />� �; <br />� and__her---o�rn._right,.__and---as---apnuse---o-�- --the -o� - ---------- -------------------- ------------------------------- ,; <br />� ;I ; ,, <br />'�� to me pe�°sonally knoz�n to be tlze identical pe�•son__�_____a�;y�ose name__8. _._RY!E___ ___ ..... __.._. ..._.___affi�ed to the ;� � <br /> I � �' <br /> above instrunae�2t as grantor__8______, and_..__.___.x11e�.-_-.__ ___ ,/ q � I <br />'� ___._severall� acicno�,led e tlze same to be.____�,gj,r ,� <br /> � volunta7�y act and deed for the purpose ticerei�a e�pressed. ,� <br />� ��� �sEAL� IlY tiVITNESS tiVHEREOP+, I y�ave he�•eunto subseribed m� na�me and affi�ed my offieial seal at_____._..__.., ;� <br /> NQr`t�_Pl�t�_�_r__�.X.3_._�3151_..��L1rit.at_.___,on the date last above 2vritten. iij <br /> � �i � <br />'' i <br /> ------------------------------------------------�_..�'._�,�.19.t.0I1------------------�--- i <br /> ' � lYotary Public. �� <br /> I�'� DT� commission e� ires---------- ---------- -------..- --------------- ----....-----------------------� _s�_._2�_ �; <br /> � 1� �u r------ ----------------I9_.�2---- <br /> _,�,_., _ _ _..-__._.. ,— �:.._---:.�,_:.__ ;-_ .�.___v_.�.�_..---�---=��._��_ <br /> � il � <br /> -�.�.�.n_ _ _,.� _: __._ �� <br /> _ _ --._--��.�_�__--;�—__�._�.—�----� <br /> .; � il <br />