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" <br /> 8�------- ------------------------- --- -----------�------------...-------- ,' <br /> ------�--------------------------------------------------------- --------- --- - ---�---� Deputy. ;I <br /> ; <br /> ��C�t��r �t�� ���t b�� ���e�� �x��e��e�t��: , <br /> ;. <br /> THA�_______________Lou_i.�__w.B�.xx�y..and__Mildred,_C._�arry,___husbanc�.__and_wife.,__..each__in__his. or__her. _own__right,;i <br /> -----and---a-�----s�o��-�----Q�---the__other------------- --- ---- --------- -------- -------------------------�- -- ------------ �- - ----------- - -- ------...------ i <br /> -------------------------------------...---- - <br /> � :� <br /> of the County °f--P_O.�_'�a.��i3t_t�.lil��_._and Statc of-------------------I_qW8&-------------------------------------------,----------------------Grantor----S.-----� 2n consideration ;'; <br /> of the sum ot--------..E.igh-�--Hu.ndred._�nd__no�100---- - ----- ------ -- --- - - - -- -� - - --- -- - ---------- ---- --------�-----------------------DOLLARS, ,I <br /> �n hand paid, do_______._ ___hereb� GR�iNT, BARGAIN, S�LL, AND CONVEY unto Ra3�mand__Eer-n__-and_P.earl_�'er.n,_-_husband.__and '� <br /> ,, <br /> ._�if�,---�-�---�.s�in.t_---��n�nt_s,____�.�,d:.._�1t��---��---tenant-s---�n---�-ommon,---- -----�-----------------------� - ;! <br /> -- -------------------------------...---------------------------�--.._..----- , <br /> of the County °f----------- ---H�,II- ---- -- -- ---_.__and State of----- ----------------NebY'a.3ka,------------- - - ---- -- - ------- ----- ------� Grantee--�--------� the foblowing !; <br /> � i! <br /> described premises, situated in tlae County of____.___._.H�,11________________ ..___._._____...._________.________..._____..____and State of �17eba•aska, to-wit: `:� <br /> ;; <br /> � ---------------------�-----------------------...--------�-------------------------------------�-----------------------�-------�--------------------------- - ----------------------------�------------------------------------•-------------�------------._�_.---- i�i <br /> ------.----L�o-t---Nz�mbe�---Nin�---t3-�----�z�._B_1.Q_��._Number_.Two....�.��_,--..Evans'---±d�ddition---'Go.--the---�ity--°f---Grand_Island--- �' <br /> -----------------------------._..-----�----------...---------------------------------------------------------------------------...---------....----------------------__....----------------- ---------------�--------- -------------�----------------------------- ;' <br />' .__.______I_�___be�n�._.th_�__.3nt_ention__�f__.all__�artie_s._hereto,____th�t__in__tne___event___of_ the__death of either of �; <br /> -- -- -- - ---------�-------------�---- ---------- N <br />' _.._____._said,__grantees_,_.__the_.ent_ire._fee__simple title to the real estate deacribed herein shall vest i <br /> ----- ---------- ---- ---------�- ---------------------------------- <br /> --- - - -- --� --- - -----------------------------�--- - <br />, - ------- <br /> �, <br /> -----------�-�--t�ie__.surviving--gran�---------�----------�---------------- <br /> , � <br /> --------------�-------------------------------------------------------- --------------�----- ------------------�-------�--------- '� <br />� ---------- � <br /> St��ps--------------�--------------------------------- �+ . <br />��, -----�-------------------�------�------------------_..----------------------------------------------�.�1,�.�Q---I_tR,_ <br /> -----------�-------------�----�-------------�--�------------------ <br /> ( Cancelled ) �j <br /> ------------------------------�--------------...---------------�-------�-------------------------------------------------------------------------�----------- -----------�- � <br /> ----------------------------------------�-----�- <br /> �-----------------------�--------�------------ ;; <br /> .: <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------�------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- --------------------- `! <br /> ---------------�----------------------------�-----------�----- --- --- � <br /> �� <br /> Together with all the tene�nents, hereditaments, and r�pp��rtena.nees, tli ereunto belon�inr�, and all the Estate, Right, Title, I�zte��est, Dower, �i <br /> �� Curtes Claim and Denaand wlea�tsoever o the sc�icl ra ��tor_ ___ _ <br /> y, f G n _ S, a�-s��-e4#�1ae�=e�-�ieem, of, i�2 or to tjae same, or anz art thereo . ; <br /> J ?� <br /> f �i <br /> - . . . � <br /> (Z2� �MttP Mlt�t #A 'I�II�� tlze above desc7•ZUed prenaises, w2th the appu��tena�zces, unto the said Grantee___g___._.and to.__.__th�ir.__..__.__.lieirs ! <br /> iand assigns forever. �lnd___.._.�t8-._______hereb� covenant_.____._2UZth tl2e sa�d C�rantee_8.__:__._that____.__.we_____._________________________laold______.sccid pr�emises b� fJ <br /> ? <br /> �� qood and perfect ttitle; that_...__.___________W�.__._,__.___ha��.___good r•ight and la,wful authorit� to sell and coa�,roe,y the same; that they aa•e fre,e and � <br /> clear of all liens and incumbl-ances wliatsoeve�•----.-----.------------------,---------.---,------------------------------------.---._.----.- '� <br /> ---------- ----.. - -- ---- ----- --- �- - <br /> - -- ----- <br /> II ' ------�---------------------------------------------------------------__.--------------- -- --- - ----- -- - � - _.. ----- ( <br /> ---------- - ------ - ---- -._...------- ----- I <br /> --- -�-------- <br /> �i----- -------.------ ------ - - --,------,----------.---- --- --.- - ---------------- - - ------ -- - - -_ -----_.----------------,- --- - ------�.----- --- --------------- ----------�-----_-----_..------- --- __----- ' <br /> ,� <br /> ' And..................___.___.._We_______.._____.____._______._.____.____ covenant____._..._._to warrant and defend the said premises cegainst the la2vful claims of a-ll per- il <br /> ; sons 2uhonzsoever ..._..--- ----- --�- -------- -- - -- -- -- ---------- ----- �� <br /> --------- - - - -�--- ----- ------ --- --- --- ---- --- ----- ---- - -------------------- �- <br /> - --------------- , <br /> , <br />,I <br /> -------------�-----------------------�- -----�-------- --- - i <br /> - --- -- - - ----..__----------------------------------- --- --- ------ -- ----- - <br /> - <br /> ---------------- ---------------------------------------------._..._. I <br /> i <br />' -----•--------------------------------•---- I <br /> - ----- ------- ----- --- -------------------------------- -- -- - -- - <br /> --- - ----- --- , . <br />' -- -------------------------�-------- <br /> I --------------�------- -----�------------- <br /> i <br /> Dated the---- - ---------IOth..--�---- ---...------ ---�---------- ------day �f-- --- ----------JUri6 � I <br /> ------------- -------�----------------- ------- --�----A.. D. 19--�-�1-----• ! <br /> WITIVESS ------�------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------------------�- � <br /> I <br /> .-------...._..-------.._. <br /> � <br /> ----- ---------------�,OLi�_.�.._B�Y''Y'y.-------------�------------------�----------� �� <br /> I ` ---------------------------------1�ar�.l�.__A_._P.r9..n.c-e----- -----------------� ,� <br /> - -------------------Mild,r..ed---C�_�arxy-----..._..--------------------------- ;i <br />�� �------------------�---�---��--------......---------------------------�-------�----------- ------------� � � <br /> -----------------------------�-----�------------------------------------......--------------------------� '� <br /> I STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br /> ;� <br /> ;; <br /> ss. On this--------_lU��l- -----�ay �f--------- ----� -Jtiri�--------------- - -- --------A. D. 19---- - ----, be ore me, � <br /> _ Hall---� ------- ----..._Gount�, <br /> -�----- - �- 33 f , <br /> • i� <br /> ' the undersigned, a Notary Public.______.._.__._.________._.._____._____.within and for said County, personalty came_.._Z.►QU18.__.�..$.ar.ry_.�nd__�Iia,.dx�_ed �I <br /> � � il <br /> --C-._Bar.r-y--hu-sband__and-_�zif-e.,---each--�n---his...or.__h�r_.--awn---ri t---and--�.s___s s�us.e----of---- '� <br /> __�he- -Qther..,---- - - _--- - - --- --- --- � -- ---- ----- --- -----� - ----- - ------- ---- --- -- -- --- -- - -------- �`� <br /> - --------- ----- - ! <br /> to me ersonall2 lcnown to be the identieal �erso�z_ g__._. _ .___g�rg_____ ___.___ .. ______ __affixed to the ` ' �� <br /> p ,/ y �____..�evhose name_ <br /> c�bove inst��unie�it as grantor_8.__.___., and_____.eaCh___._________._____severcebl� aelcnowleclge ' the same to be_hS S____ � p <br /> ----- <br /> � volunta��y act and deet� fory• tltie purpose therei�i e�pressed. � � <br /> (�EAL� I1T tiVITNESS ti��IEPEOF, I have hereunto szabscrived n2y name and affi�ed my o�icial seal at__GY!�.rid. �� <br /> � <br /> Islans�,____in.___saisl._Caunty.,.....................__.__...on tlie date last above writtert. i� <br /> ;� <br /> -----------------------------�-----------------.Harolcl_.Q�.Pr--ln�e---...------ ; <br /> � �� ll�otary Public. <br /> ; <br /> �� commission expires----- ------- ----�--------------- -------------- ------�----_..---------------------------�'���:-----i-6---------------����---- � <br />__.___� __� ____ __ <br />�._.__..__.�. :-,�_. __ <br /> _. _._ _ _ _ _.__, - - <br /> ---- .--_��— ---- <br /> _ __.... __.____ <br /> �.�_.__.�. <br /> �; <br /> i <br />