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- <br /> �!`1 <br />� � � � <br /> � ����� ���� �� � � � � 0 0 <br /> � —,.� ✓J� � �� ��J <br /> .._._ �.. ._ _� _.v._... LiliIIaL'!�"RE�" . �.,_ . _ __= . � . . . , .._ . . ...._ _ _._... _... ... .. .. .. <br /> _ <br /> _��:.:W'...._....,;:_...._-. �..,. ..... ._ ..,:... _�A'._.�=.�"�..=___�. �.. <br /> . ��. �._,._.-�r a..� _._._�� ...__..�. " <br /> �._.._..__..._._.._ ,. _. _. . _, . ,{ <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument uas entered on N2cnzerical Inde� and � <br /> �� <br /> ia <br /> ...Lena Yankten, Trustee �: ___ -.-----.--- led or ��eco7•ct tf�2s------- 2 _... � ' <br /> f f 9 ----------------_day of_:.February .. ----- <br /> ,; <br /> �1. D. 1,9._�._.., at------- - -_ 11:_00 ---- ----- A, , " <br /> ----- ---------�- - - -----. .. .--- ------ <br /> - - - - --- - - --- ----- <br /> �larrantp ____._o��ao�k..._.____ � ! <br /> To -- �eea � _ ': <br /> ---- -- ---.- -. .------..._��� �; , <br /> . .. �___ _ _ ________ _ ___�_____..____ <br /> , <br /> Rec�ister of Deeds, �; <br /> ----�-----�il'iae _Yankten _Fly_nn----------------------------- ; <br /> ,; <br /> B?�----------------------------------------------------------------------� '; <br /> ._._..----------------------------------- ----- ---...._..- .. -- <br /> - ----------� Deputy. i <br /> , <br /> ;j <br /> �!C�t�r� �tX� ��� br� �k��e�� �x��e���t��: �'. <br /> ;� <br /> TgAT......_____�,ena 3�ankten, Trustee, ' <br /> __- -- --------- ------ --•----- ------- -------------- ----------- ;; <br /> ,� <br /> i <br /> ---- ------------------------ --- ---�------------�------------- ------------------------ - --- ------ -- ---- -- ----------------------_...----......--------..._ r. <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------�--------�----- <br /> � � � il � <br /> 1 �� <br /> of the CountJ of---------Hal.l- -------------and State of---------------- Nehr''8.Sa3----___...__--------------------------------__Granto�'------------� in consideration <br /> of the sum of___._One _Dollar, Love -and Affection� � <br /> - ---- - -- - ----- -- -- ----- -- -- - ----------- ------ -----------------���t1�� i <br /> ;; <br /> in hand paid, do______________.he�°sb� GRANT Bf1 PGAIN SELL AND COiVVEY unto Alice--Y�nk�_en__Fl nn <br /> J , , � - - - <br /> Y :------- -- ------------- ------------- �-------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---...---...------�---------------------- '' <br /> of the CountJ �f-----._._.H�,_11---- - ------- - - -----and State of----------NBbTaskt�---------------------- --------- ------ -- -- ---- - -----� Grantee------------, the following i'i <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Count� of.........................__._________Hall.__....______._..._..___._____________and State of Neb��aslca, to-wit: ;! <br /> ! <br /> -------Lo�.s---�ne_.Hundre_cl__Thirt_y---thr�e-r---Qn�---Hundr.�c�._Tk�,�.r.ty-_f.QUr.-,----Qn�---Hzzr�c�.a�_�d---Tk�i�r_ty.--#'ive--�nd--------------------- �' <br /> ;, <br /> � <br /> --------Qn.e---�Iunclx_ed---�'h�z�_�y-.s�.�__(�.33t----�--��-,----�-3-5---&--�.36-)---in..West--Lawn,----City_.of---Grand__Island,----Hall--------------- '; <br /> � <br /> -------�-auntyt---N-ebxas_�.a.�------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------�-------------------------�------------------------------------------------ - '� <br /> -------------------------------------------- ;, <br /> �� <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------�----------------------------------------....---------- -------------------- --------------�----------------�-------------�---- <br /> ,, <br /> ,i . <br /> , <br /> ---------------------------------------------------�---------------------------......------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...--------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------- ;i <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------- --�--------------------------------------------------------- ------- ;: <br /> �, <br /> -----�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------- ---------------------�---------------- --------------- <br /> -------------------�-------------------------------------------------------------.__------- <br /> ; <br /> ;I <br /> �I, -------------------------------�--...-�---------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -----------�--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------.__----------- � <br /> � � ;; <br /> ,, <br /> -------------------------------_.__--------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- i� <br /> �'; <br /> `' Together with all the tenenae�zts, hereditaments, and app�c�•tenunees, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Inte�•est, Dower, �; <br /> � Curtesy, Claim a�id Demand wliatsoever of the said C�rantor___.____, a�rLu,fe,i.t]�.a�.tJ4c�, of, in or to the san�ze, or a�iy purt thereof. !f <br /> (�?� �MitP Mri�i #� �A�� the above c�escr•i�ied preniises, u;ith tlae appurtenances, unto the said G7•antee__...____.._a�ZCI to_.____._..hez'-----..--____heirs '; <br /> i, <br />'��, �' and assigns forever. And_____._.___I__._____hereby covenant_______evityc the said Grantee__._.__.___.tliat______�_______.___________________________hold____.__said �°emises bz '� <br /> p J �! <br /> ood and er ect title that_.__ ________ ______�___ �� <br />� g � p f ; ____...____yea_V.�_____�ood riyht and lawf2�l autlzo��it� to sell �nd� tlze same; that they a�•e free a�ad ij <br />, I; clear of all liens a�zd i�iczcmbrances whatsoever-- -- -- --- - -- ---- - -- ------------- -- ---- - ---- ----- - ---- - _--------- -- -- -- ------�----- --------- -------_. �� <br /> .----- •--•------------------------------------------- - -• <br /> , ----------------- ------ - --------- ------ -- - . <br /> --- - -- -- -- ------------------------- - - ----- ------�---- --- -- ------- --------- - <br /> ----------�--------------- - ----------- � <br /> i� <br /> ��- - --------------------------------- ..._.------------- - - ----- -- ------- --- ---------------- --- - -- - ----- ------- -- ----------- -- ---------- ------------------�---------- - - ------ I, <br /> And-----------------------_ - -- --I- - --- - - ' 'i <br /> _____________________._._ covenant..__._.____to warrant a7id defend the said �rem2ses a�ainst the lawful claims of all per- ;I <br /> ;� <br /> sons whomsoever ------------._------------------ 'i <br /> - ----- -- ------------- --------- - - - -- -�-----....------ - - --------------...---- ------- I, <br /> -------------------- -------------------------- ----------------- , <br /> '� <br /> , <br /> ------------------------------------------ - -- --------- -- - - --�-------------- ------------------ - -- ---- - - -- ------- ----- - --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------�-� �i <br /> ; ._-------- ------- -------------------�-------------- - --- ...._--- - ------ ----- - ----- -------------------------------------- --- ---- ----------------------- --------- --- �: <br /> i; <br /> 'I <br /> Dated th.e---�----- -- - �^-- th-- - - ---- -- ----..----------------da� o k'�hr_uar. ------------_A.. D. 1J--�Q„'.--• ; <br /> 9 J f----- -- --- - -------------- �----- ------- -------. <br /> tiVITNESS �--------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -_ ii <br /> i <br /> 'i <br /> ---------------------------�_ena---X�.r�kt'�en.,---Tr_u�t-�-�---------------� ii <br /> "' ----�----L�Qyd___W.K�.].�.y----------------------------- -- -------------------- - ;� <br /> ; <br /> ----------------------------�-----------------�--------------------------------------------------------- 'I <br /> ,, <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- i, <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------- <br /> STATE OF NEBRASI�A, !I <br /> �ss. on th�s----- --2� �f------------------------Febr�ary.- - ----- --------A. D. 19�(?-------� before me, ii <br /> ---------- --------Hal-� ----------------CountJ, :�; <br />, the undersigned, a Notary Public--------------_---_----__----_-__-----_-within and fo�• said County, personally came--------___,___-----.----------_---.---_-----------_-_---------- j <br /> � <br /> Lena--Yank.ten,---�rus�e-e,----------------------------- ----- ------ ----- ------- ------ ---------- ------------------- ------------------------ �� <br /> ; <br /> �� <br /> -- --- -------------- --- -- ------------------ ---------- --- ------- -- --- ------- -- <br /> - ----- --- - -- ------- -------------- ----- - ------ -- -----------.. <br />� �; - -------- :�`I <br />'� ,�� � to me personall� knozvn to be tTze identical pe��s��z-- --_---.wlzose nanze----__-----i-8---___--- -_-_- ------___affi�ecl to the �� � ���� �' <br /> '� above inst�°un�ent as grantor_ , and_.___.______Sn1h0______ ____.__severally acicnowleclged the same to be.__�ex'___:_ ' � � <br /> � volunta7�� act and deed for the purpose the�•eirc e�p�•essed. ' � � � <br /> �� IN T�VITIYESS �HEREOP,I hatie laereunto sacbscribed my name and affi�ed m� official seal at..�:re.riCl». I � <br /> ; <br /> `j (SEAL) I s_land_,_._I�ebr_a�ka,,�u�r,on the date last above written. ; <br /> ------------�--------------------------------------Ia].oyd-..1�f..K.�11y- --------------- � <br /> � � � �otary public, j <br /> ; �y commission e�pires-------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------Q.�t-•---��,---------------------------rs_.45----- �� <br /> I� ;i <br /> �_ � _ .�� :. ___ <br /> _���_�____ � _ _ . _ ._ - --- - _ �-:,. . _�.�_� _ _ _. . v �--�_� .� �--___W .___��.__�_,_ _ ��.__^_ — <br /> ��� _ <br /> �� <br /> � <br /> ; <br />� �� <br />