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D. 19----�Q._, at--�--- -- -----�1-'-�� -------------- --dclock-----P�.M. �j <br /> ------------- ------- ----- ------_... ---- - --...- <br /> - ---=;----- �larrantp :� <br /> � �eea ����� <br /> To -----------�---------- ��-`�'�- -------- <br /> � � � �, Register of Deeds, �� <br /> ------��-�'-�y---F�---&--Roy.---0.Jame s-------------------------- '' <br /> By------- ----------------------------------------------� ------------------� '� <br /> �� Deput�. <br /> ,i <br /> !I <br />� <br /> ��C�t�u� ��� ��e�t �� �����e �x�����t��: '� <br />,, TaAT-----------------E�.ta---E._Jamea--and__�'ra.nk_H._�,,- �if-e---�.nd- husband.._..- -._.------- ----------...,-- ----- ----------------------------- --- ---- '� <br /> i <br /> _-----------------------_----------- ----- - --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- �� <br /> ------- --- - � <br /> ,; <br /> of the CountJ �f-- ------H�.1_].__- ----- ._.and State of----- --- -N_�bY'a,s��-----�-------- -----------�--- ----- ------- --- - -- - ---Grantor--�--------, in consideration �; <br /> of tne sum of----..5?n-e---D�ll.�r.-- �nd__O��e�--C.Q.n.siderat.3.on --------- - -- ------ ----------- -------- ---- --- --- ------- ------- ----------- --------------------DOLLAr�s, i <br /> ; <br /> in Izand paid, do_------__---J�eyevy GPf1N7', 73�PGAIN, SELL, ��T1� CoNVEY unto ---P_�rcy--F_._,7_ame-s---and---Ro_�r-.Q,_Jame-s------------------------_ i <br /> ;i <br />�I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- , <br /> ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- �. <br /> '; <br />� of the CountJ of--.----$a11-------------------------------and State of----------NEhz'88kS--------------------------------------------------__.-----, Grantees----------, tlae following +I <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_________________________._._Hd1.1.-_____.__.....__..._..._...______._________,.__and State of Neb��aslca, to-wit: '�; <br /> �--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ---_.._..---------------��-------- ------------- <br /> -----------------The---N.or_th...Eigh�.�en--�1�_�-._.Fe_e�---o-f--T�a�---Thr-e-�----�-3-��.---a11----af.--Lo�_s_..Faur_---�-�-�---.and..F�.-Y�---�-�-)-,---------- ; <br /> - <br /> ----------------a11---in---Elack..Seue.nt.e_en----(-1�-)----af--Packer.--&---Barr__.3_e.cnnd._Addition---to-._the..._Qity.---o.f.._Gr_and__�_eland� <br /> III --=--------------I�ebr_�._ska---as----shDwn--by---�he...r..e.cor_decl__s�la�---jn---sai.d..__�.d�i.ti_Qn...-----------------------------------.- u <br /> ---------------------�----------------�---------- , <br /> ;� <br /> --------------------------------�-----------------......----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------...-------�------------- ;; <br /> ---------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------�-----------------..-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------ :' <br /> u <br /> � ,i <br /> �---------------------------------------------�-------...-----------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•--------------------------- '� <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------...---------- ---------------------------------------------------�----------------------------...-�--------�------------- �j <br /> !� <br /> Together with all the teneme�zts, hereditaments, and app2crtena-nces, thereunto belonging, and all the Estate, Right, Title, I7aterest, Dower, �;; <br /> �� Ourtesy, Olaim and Demand wha�tsoeroer of the said Grantor_..b___, a�c�'�D��C��¢rn, of, in or to the sa�rae, o�° any part thereof. �� <br /> il <br /> � � �Q ��UP ttlt�1 #II �D►j� the above dese�°ibed premises, witla the appurtenances, u,nto the said Grantee.g.______._and to___'�h��r_.___..___._.heirs i <br /> ,I <br /> � <br />'`. ; and assigns foyever. And____WB____.________hereby eovenant__.___._ivith tlae said C�rantees_____._.__that____________..___w.G'..._____..._______.___holcl_.___..said pr•eznises by f� <br /> , � <br /> good and perfect title; thcct_.__��p,_..________________________lea_V�___good r�ght and la2vful autho�•2t� to sell and� the sarne; that they are fre,e and ;i <br /> �� <br /> clear of all liens and ineu�nbrances whc�tsoever__Gr'a,rit_2-�8---AS.S_LimE--.a1.1.__U.nj��.iL�...�aX88-.._____.________________________ ''� <br /> - --- - -- -- ------- --- -._ <br /> ---- -- <br /> �� <br /> --------------------------__..-- --------------------------------------------------------- -..__ - - -- - --- ------�----------------------- - - ----- --------� ------------ - -------------.....----------------------- '' <br /> i! <br /> •----- ----�------- ------ ----- ----------------� - - <br /> .------- - - -- ------- ------ - -- -------- --- <br /> ----- ------------- __ --- - _- ------------------- - -- - --- �--- ----- --------------------- - ' <br /> ----- --- - ---- �� <br /> i <br />� ___ warrant an�l defend the sc�icl preanises against the lawful clai�ns of a,ll per- � <br /> And_�-----------------�.�-_. ----- --- -------------- - - <br /> , sons 2vhomsoever - ------- --- - _......_..__- - - - -- -------------------- ' <br /> -- - ------ ------ -------- ----- �-- ,. <br /> - ---------�- - --- --------------�--------- ----------------- - --- ----- --------- <br /> i <br /> ------------------------------------------------- ------- -_._..._ __ �-- �-- --- --------------------- ----------- <br /> --- ---- - --- -- ---- <br /> --------------------------------------------- ------- ----------------------- -------------------•� i <br /> � <br /> --------------------------------------- ---- ---- ----- ------- -- - -----------.,_...---------- ---------- ------ -- - - - --- - - - - ------ -------------------------------------- ----- ------------------- - -----.. -- --------- �I <br /> � �, <br /> ' Dated the- -------1D-th ------------- - -- - ---------- ----------- ------daJ �f--- . .. --- ---------Ju11e- ----- -------- ------------ ---- -- ---- -- ---A.. D. rs--3-9-----• �� <br /> WITNESS �------------------------------------------------------------------------ �I <br /> ------------------------ - <br /> i <br /> ..--------------------------------�_t�a__.�..Jame-$-----------------:-----:-----------. ;I <br /> ------------------------------G.:_�._�va.n�------------------------- ------ ------------ , <br /> -----------------------------------Fxanl�._�_._�am�-�-------------------...----------- 'i <br /> ` �------------------------------G,_L.Eyans-------------------�--------------- - <br /> ------------ , <br /> -- -----------------------�.-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'i <br /> STATE OF NEBRASSfi, l ;j <br /> }ss. On this-------1D_th- --------da✓ of---------------------Jun-e------------- ------ --------�. D. 19.�j. Q-----, before me, 'J <br /> ---------------------H�.11---- ----- -----CountJ, � t' I <br /> '; the icndersigned, a Notary Public-- _-_-_-_------_---___----withzn und for said County, personcrlly came----------_---_-_------------------_--------------_-------- -------_ �' <br /> l 'I <br /> --- E�t_a__E._Jam�-S--an�l---Frank- -H._Jam-es----------- -- ---- ------ -------------- ------- ------------------- ------------------------------- �' <br /> ---------------- ------- -- -------�------------- f <br /> (SEAL) i� <br /> - -- - -- -------- ------------- -------------------- ------ ------------------------------ -- - ------------- - <br /> - --------------- � <br /> , <br /> `'- to rne personall� kno�un to be the identical perso?t____5-----_whose nan2e..g.._.._______.__.____.___._._.____..___.__._ � �I <br /> _affi�ed to the i� <br /> ' ;, <br /> � above inst�°unient as grantor__..3____, and_____.___.__I__.________________seve�°ally acl�noulecl�ec�the sa�ne to be.___���iz±_ � �I <br /> � volunta7�y act and deed for the pu�•pose there�i�a e�p�•essed. � � � <br /> I <br /> � IY WITNLSS tiVIZEREOI', I have herei�nto subscribed m� name �nd uffi�ed my officzal seal at�'�a�a,_.. !� <br /> Islan�.,_N_el�rask�._,_in__s_a.i_d.._��v.n��_,_....______on the date last above written. �� <br /> ' ---------------------------------------------------------C�.L.Evans-------....---------- � <br /> � � � Notary Public. '� • <br /> , �y commissio.n e�pires-----�--------------------------------------------------------g-1�----�--------------------------------------------..__.19-�-9------ 1i <br /> �� <br />�-:,-_ . ,�.:::__ �..:. _ _ ,.. � . _ _ �__.:_ ._:_ __r��_::...___�_:_ __<-___ . -----�_����.._��w�.-.�.___ �_�_—_._.�.—`�___.______.�_.:� -__—__ _— _ <br />� .� � <br />