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<br /> ���Z�-� STATE JOURNAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. �Y� �� � � � � � � � � �
<br />�v:_=...__.._:.��.._:.._ .. ��;.. _ :�.�..-._... :-�.� .�. _ ... -.. _:. ._ _..- .... ._ , .
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<br /> FRO.M I lzereby eert�ify that th�is instr2�ment was entered on Numerical Inde� and (�
<br /> li
<br /> ---Guetav_ Lar�brecht and Em1I1e------ -------- f�led for record this----._----��--�-�-----------------------.------day.of-....-----_-July----------...----- ';
<br /> -- - -- - -- - - -- ---- ---------------------- -
<br /> �;
<br /> - - � -- --- p � n. ss--3-9-----� at._.......... .... 11.�.5�----___._ . ----o'ctocic a�---M. �; 3
<br /> - • - -
<br /> ...�,amb�e�_�t_;.._.husband and_.wif e �larrant � ;�,
<br /> To �eea � :
<br /> ------ --- -- - --------- --- -----G��,� � ; �
<br /> - --------- - --- -=�------.....
<br />� Register of Deeds, ;;
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------�----------------------- ------------- ,;
<br /> BJ------- -----------------------------------------�-------------------------� '
<br />� ;�
<br /> � Deputy. �;
<br /> -------------------------------------------- --------�--------- -- ---- --- -- -- --�
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<br /> ���t�a� ��� ���t b�� ��r�e��e �x��e��rt��: '�
<br /> �
<br /> T�tAT..._.._....__Gustav _Lambrecht and Emilie Lambrecht, husband and wife, 'I
<br /> -- - - ------ ----- ---- ---- - -------- ------ ------- - ----- -------- .. ------- '
<br /> ';
<br /> --------------------------------------�----------------------- ------�------------------------------ - ------------------ -----------------------------------------------------=--------------------------------------...------------�----------------------- ;,
<br /> of the Count� �f---- --- ---- -H��.1. --------.and State of- ------ - - - -------Neb�'8.$k�4-------------------- -- ---------------------
<br /> _..Grantor__S_____., in consideration '
<br /> ��
<br /> of the s2cm of-------one._dollar--and_other valuable -considerat_ion._ --- ---- - ------ --- - ------- --- -----------------------------------------voLLARS, '�
<br /> i�z hand paid, do__e$._ ____liereb� GR11NT, B�LRGfIIY, SELL, �1ND CONVEY unto _____�aldemar__H.L81CtbI`6Cht ,i
<br /> --------------------- - -- -- - ---- ---�------------- --
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------.__...---�------------------------------------ ,
<br /> Ha1.1 IJebraska ;
<br /> of the Count�J �f-------------------- ---- - -- - - --- ---and State of----- ------------------------ ------------------------------- ---------------- ------ ----� G7•antce------------, the following ,
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of.__-----------------------------_----HaIZ------ -_--_-------_--__--_,-_--_-and State of Neb�•aslca, to-wit: ''
<br /> i
<br /> ___VPe.et___on�-h�lf.___(_�!�).__o�'_.the__South.__Ree_t____quarter___(_Sl���.__�,nd__the__South__East.__quarter___(�E�_�__.oP_:.the__.. ��
<br /> ' _...South__Weet.__quarter._.�_S�V�)___oP___Seetion_ twenty-seven.__(27.�_: To�nship__Nine__(,�) ,Range__eleven (_11), +i
<br /> -----�
<br /> ---of---�artin. _To�vnship-i---Ha13 County, Nebraska.------ ----------------- ----------- -- - ---- ;I
<br /> ------------------- - -------- ----- ---- - ------- ------ il
<br /> --------- -----�------ ---
<br /> ,- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�----- ----------------------...--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- �
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<br /> ------------------------------------------��---�---�-------------------------------_._.....----
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<br /> - '�
<br /> �,
<br /> ------------�--------------------------
<br /> '�� Together with all the tenemeyzts, heredita�rients, and appz�rtena.nces, thereunto belonging, and all the �state, Right, Tit1e, I�iter•est, Dower, I
<br /> �� Curtes Claim and pemand wlca�tsoever of the said Grantor_._.___ a�zd-�-eti��eef�af-t,ken� of ia2 or to the sanie or a�z "
<br /> J� , , , , y part the�°eo f. �
<br /> ' ("T?U �MttP �tt� �ri �D�� the ai�ove described premises, witla tke appurtena7ices, unto tfte said Grantee_____.___..and to_._..___._.__h�$_____.._heirs ;j
<br /> � a�nd assigns foreve�°. And__...._i!�e_____...he�•eb� eovena7zt___._.ivith tlie said Grantee.________tliat_____. _._�!e____.______Jzold._..____said preniises b� Ij
<br /> . i
<br />��, �� good and perfect title; that_.___-___.._____�e___________ha_Ve_.__good �°ight and lawful autho�-zt� to sell a�zcl con,ve� tjie same; that tlaey a�•e fre,e a�zd �'
<br /> �
<br />' clear of all liens and i�icumbrances u�lccatsoever---.-------------------------------.-----------------------------------------..--------.------------ ;
<br /> ----- ----- ------ ---- . --- u
<br /> �------- j
<br /> ,
<br /> --�---�---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----------_�.. --- --- ------------------------- -- -------- - - -- -- -------------- ---�- 'I
<br /> ------------ - -----------------
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<br /> �---------------------- --- ---_.._------------- -- - -- -- ---- - -- -- - -------------- -- ---- ------- ------ --- ---------- -- �--- - -----..----------• °
<br /> ------------------- �--- - �i
<br /> And____..................._._._..._____.�tE___._.._._....___.._..._ ._____ covenant____..__.._.to warrant and defend the said p�•eniise�s a�ainst the la2vful clainzs of all per- i�
<br /> sonswhonzsoever --------- -_ -- --- -- ---- ---- ------ ---------------------_---- - -- - --�--- ------ - - -- - ---- -- ------ --- ---------------------- -- -------------------- - ----- -- ------ G
<br /> ----------------------------------------� --- -- - - ---- ------ -- --------- - ------------------- --- ------ -------- - - - - -------------- i�
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<br /> ' "_"_________________"___'_"____._______________"_______'_."________"______...'.___._..__.___.______.______ . :I
<br /> . _____"____'..__._"'...____'_ _
<br /> . ____."'____
<br /> 1�:
<br /> Dated the --....---- ---- -----�5 - --- - - -- ----------- - ------da� of..----- -- ------July-- ----- ------ - ------------- ---- - - ---..-----A.. v. 1J--�9----• ��
<br /> �+tiVITNESS �-------------------------Qusta�r---Lambreeht-------- --------------
<br /> Emilie Lambrecht �}
<br /> _. �,
<br /> LouisA.Holmes � -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> !i
<br /> ----------------------------�-----------------------------------------�-----------------------------�-- ;�
<br /> ��
<br /> -------------�--------..._......---....----------------------------------------_..------- --------..... I�
<br /> STf1TE OF NEBRASg�i ;I
<br /> H811I � �ss. On this----------25-- --- --------day �f-------------------------------------�TLtIy--- ---------------A. n. ls---39---, before me, ��
<br /> ---------------------�------------�-------:-----Count�> > ,
<br /> ' the undersigned, a Notar� Public------------------------------------.__a,vitlain and for said CountJ, personally caane------------------------.-------------.---------------- ---------- �;
<br /> ` - - -------Gustav- Lambrecht--and---Emil_ie.--�ambrech-t-,----hu�_'t�and...and__�'ifs_,---------------------------------- j
<br /> ;�-- - -- -------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------- -----�----- ------------------------ ;
<br /> ; �
<br /> to me personall� knoz�n to be the identicc�l pe�•so7i_�___.___�chose nccnie_.�_____�'�______________________.____.__...____._affi�ed to the ;, ; �
<br /> � : ��
<br /> above inst�•unaent as grantor_g_______, and_. ____�h0__ha.Y�___ ________severally acicnowlec��ey�the same to be.__ t�leiY' �i
<br /> � voluntar� act and deed for the purpose tlze�°eilz expressed. ��
<br /> � �E�', LV ZVITNESS tiV�7EREOF, I have hereunto subscribed m� name and affixed m� official seal at_.______._____. '
<br /> Grand Island, in Sa,id CoLU1ty oyi the date last above written. '
<br /> -- --- ---------- ----- ----------------------------------------------- �
<br /> i
<br /> Louie A.Holmes-------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------�-� -
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> , IlTOtary Public. �:,
<br /> ! aly commissio.n e�pires-------------eT.L121e___22. � `I
<br /> 194 �
<br /> - - � ----- --- -- ---- ----r9------------ +)
<br /> ;
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