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� °`�➢ <br /> � �7�.1 <br /> �L�1J�j� ������� �`.���J� u� �✓J� <br /> �' FRO.M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Nunaerical Index a�nd <br /> -----.....Arthur---C..$dayer.--------�---------------------------------- filed for record this.---------------�-- -�� of-----------July....----------------- <br /> - Vf <br />.��.t.t�._.��y�.�..._--------------�------�-�---------�--- �larrantp �. v. 19-'}�------� at---...--�-------------------------'�----------------.._..o'clock-------�-�• <br /> ; , <br /> , <br /> TD �2ea - <br /> ------------------------------------ --�-=�=z�����----------------------- --------------- ' <br /> Register o Deeds, <br /> --------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . <br /> � Bv---------------------------------------------------------------------------� <br /> ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• � Depzcty. <br /> �K�t�� �t�� ��rt b�� ����� �x��e��e�t��: <br /> TgAT. ... Arthur___C.l�ayer _and Elizabeth Adayer, huaband and wife, <br /> ----------- --------- ------ ----------------------------------------- ---- ------ --------------------------------- <br /> -----...----�--------------------------------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------.....---------------------------------------------�----------�-------------------------------�----•--------------------------- <br /> ' f y f f Nebrask� _(�rantor_a__.__.___, in consideration <br /> o the Count o ------------------�all----------�----and State o --------- --�----------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------- - <br /> , of the sum of------------Q�1�---1�0�._�._ar---�nd__other__valuabl-e---coneiderat_ions-------------------------------------------------------------------------....---DOLLARS <br /> , <br /> , in hand paid, do..__._._______hereby C�RANT,.BARC�AIN, SELL, AND CONVEY unto ._The___Eguitable___Huilding___&_.Loan___ABgocia_- ' <br /> tion oP Grand Island, of the County oP Hall, and State ,of Nebraska, Grantee, the following <br /> ----•--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------...-------------------------�------------ <br /> ds:e��ibe�c�, premises,___situated in the County of Hall, and State _of Nebraska, .to .-wit; y <br /> • �All oP Lot._Or�E;,.:jl) in Hl,ack- Sixty-ei ht ( 6�) , of �riginal Town . r�ow City oP Grand Island, <br /> _�. , ., � _ -------- - - - - - - <br /> ----- <br /> Nebraeka, and also all of �,ot- -�'ive �j��, iri-�-Block-�Fif�ty=three 53)`, o'f the Original Town, <br /> ..�p�.__�_��y___o�._.�����__�2.��,�nc�,.�T�braska_,....ex�e�t___a___�_trip.._of___ground__.in_..the__South-easterly_,.corner._of_... <br /> �aid Lot 5, with a Prontage oP Two (2) Peet on Third Street and extending Northerly a distanc�� <br /> ' --o�'---El-�;��-fot�r----�-£��-)----���'G-;---a�d---a�.-s-o-i----tY�e---�1o��l�e-r�:y---�a��y�-eigY��---(-4�)----�'�e-t---o�----�he---W�s-t��l3�----T�a8nt3►:� <br /> two (�P22) Peet of Lot Six ( C) , in Block 53,Original Town, now City of Grand Island,Nebraska, ' <br /> -- - - <br /> ' ---sub;�ec-�---to---ease�erit��bv��---t�ie---E�:��t�erily--'��reTt�e---- -I-2-)_.._fe-�-t---t�te-r���o�';---��-i---ss---��yed;---�l�tt��d-�gnc�- <br /> re co rde d-;--------------- - <br /> --- -- -- - -- - - -- -- ----�-- - ---- -- -- - ------------------�--------------------------..._._._....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------�------ <br /> - -- - - <br /> This instrument evidenceg an��absolute conveyanee oP title to the p•remisea above de�cribed, <br /> ' --a,�c�-�-i�-�-�ot-..a--�►or-t�a,��---or----�.r-��t--.cox�u�yan�€---a�---s�.ny---kind.--ar----nat�ur.�;----Lhe---ac�.ua1.---aox�.e-irler-a�.i.on---------- , <br /> hereoP being the cancellatlon and release Prom S'urther liability of the Grantors herein by <br /> __r�aer�n---cs�'�--thp---c�rtatn.-.D�r�rtgag�s-�nnw---Qf`�r�c�rr�---in---favor---��---the...(�ran��e---herein�---an�.---exe-c�x��c�---by' <br /> .' _ the Grantors___hereof, which are recorded in Book 6�, at pagea 2�+, 25 and 6�+ oP the Mortga�e ;� <br /> �ecords of Hall County, Nebraska; also cance�lation��of notes and assigri�ient� of �feri� �on �above:� <br /> -----de.s.cr_lbed---gr.emi�e_s__.e���.id--liab111t��---------------- - - - ------ ------ �---------...---------------------------- ! <br /> -- -- -- ------- - ---------- ------------- ----------------------- <br /> ( 19. o I .R.stam s ) ,' <br /> ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --------- - <br /> P <br /> {---Ga�ee3led--------------------------}---------------------� � <br /> 'I Together with all the te7zements, hereditaments, and appicrtena.nces, thereunto belonging, and all the Fstate, Right, Title, I�iterest, Dower, ': <br /> ,' Curtesy, Claim and Demand wlcatsoever of the said Grantor_�5..._, aaa�d.g�eithex-0���.of, in or to the sa��ze, or any part thereof. <br /> . . aucces��'s i <br /> ('�1� �MUP �lt� #A �A�� the above described premises, witlz the appurtenances, unto the sa2d Grantee_.______._._and to_.theiL'__.�_____________ ars , <br /> ' and assigns forever. And..______....__..�ehe�•eb� covenant_.......wit)a tlze said (�rantee________.__that.._.._..__.__.!�!e._..._____________________hold..___._.said premises b� 'i <br /> ,; good and perfect title; tfaat_____.___.___�!e________________.__._.jta...Ve__good right and lawful authorit� to sell ancl �onzey tlie sa�ne; tlaat tleey �re fre,e and '; <br /> i i! <br /> ; clear of a�t tiens and incumvrances whatsoever•.___.except___mortg�.ges___no�� of_ reco_rd__in_ Pavor._of'___the___Grante.e__ here_in_. i <br /> ._as above noted, and--unpa�d Real Estate-- taxes for---the year---193�.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ''i <br /> ,� <br /> , <br /> ------------�-------------------�-----�--�-----------------------------------------------------�----------------- ---- --------------------------------- ---------- -------------..--------------�--------�-------------------------------------- ------------ <br /> ._ covenant...._..__.._to warrant and defend the said premises against the tawful claims of all per- '�I <br /> And.-�--------------------v�de---�---�-- --------------------------- � - I <br /> son� whomsoever ---------------------------.._..- ---- ------------------------------------------- - --�------------------------------ <br /> _ -----------------------------�--------------------------�-------------------------------------• � � <br /> I <br /> ...------�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------� �-� -- ' <br /> -- -- -------------------------------�------------------------------• <br /> �,; <br /> � --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i <br /> iDated the---------------�9th-----------------------------------------------.daJ �f---- - ------ ---------------------Ii�a'y---------------------------------------------------...A.. D. 19.19-----• '� <br /> WITNESS ��-�.�'-er-------------------------�------------- i' <br /> '' �------------------------Elizabeth C..Mayer-----------------------------• 'ii <br /> Herbert F.B�ayer <br /> -------------------------------------------------------�-----�----------------------------------------- <br /> � ��� <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.._..------------- <br /> ,; <br /> ' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ': <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I <br /> , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASSA, � <br /> Hall ss. On this--------------2_�th------day �f----------------------�i�.y_.------------------------------------------A. D. 19--��----� before me, I <br /> ----------------------------------------------------County, !i <br /> ; • • • • Arthur C.Ma er and �I <br /> the undersiqned, a Notary Publ2c_____._________....________________________.unthzn and for sazd Count�, personally came____.._____________.______._______.__..____�.___________.._.___.____.__ ;; <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ; ---------Elizabeth_.�ayer-�----h�8b-�a---��a...w��'�.,--------�----------------------------------�-�-----�--------------------------------------------------- � <br /> � <br /> ;, <br /> , � <br /> ----------------------------------------�-------------------------------�----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------- ' <br /> , <br /> ' to nae personally knozon to be the ident2cal person�.,._.______whose name__..11___8T�----------------------------------------affi�ed to the !� <br /> . � , � <br /> ; above instruntient as grantor.._�.._..__, and__.______________t�te.�____.____._._severally acknowledgey�tlie same to be....�_�,r 'I <br /> voluntary aet and deed for the purpose thereira e:�pressed. � <br /> ' ( ��,� IN WITNESS tiVHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�i�ed my o�`icial seal at..._.____.___.__.! <br /> ' Grand Island, in 8aid County _ on the date last above written. II <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> i --------------------------------------------Herbert._F�-N�--_otaerPublic.---- 'I <br /> y ;� <br /> ' �y commission expires-----�-------------------------------------------------------._._.-------------------------------�a�-.17.�__.....---------•---19---�--- '� <br /> —�— — _ — <br /> i <br /> h <br /> i �� <br /> � <br />